The Sarah Palin Appreciation Thread

All of whom successfully ran states. Big states in two instances

Other than that, the Russell Brand level of "humour" is not really worth responding to is it?
Other than that, the Russell Brand level of "humour" is not really worth responding to is it?

You're right - only a proper muppet would have given such vulgar frippery the time of day. :)

On a more serious note, the job of Prez - as I see it at least - is entirely different to that of State Governor.

The Prez is more of a figurehead - a statesman if you will - and utilises the talents of an expansive cabinet to actually develop and implement policy. The real experience required, is in the area of putting the right team together, and displaying authority to both the American public and the world in general.

I don't see that the skills required of a State Governor translate at all directly with those required of the Prez. Have I got this wrong?
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But many fine presidents were not state govenors...

Maybe its a personal bias, but i liken Obama to a rather precious management consultant, who has all the right words and cultivates a slick image...

But as we see so often in 'real life' the professional/consultant/auditor/lawyer type frequently are worse than hopeless (and freeze big time) when given something real to manage

Its not just putting the team togther, but actually managing it

Like him or not, Blair was a very good manager. Brown?

As for Russell Brand.... thing about his Bush joke was that it was 10 years too late and deeply conventional. Boring. You also know that with his zero comic timing, even if half clever it would fall flat. hes about as funny as cancer which inj itself is about as hilarious as Vic reeves. And hes a west ham pikey to boot
Chris Rock is a fan:

"There she is shooting mooses, she's got the moose, holding a dead bloody moose... Michael Vick's like 'Why am I in jail??""
She's just announced her resignation as Governor of Alaska. Her stream-of-consciousness resignation speech is pretty extraordinary to watch.
She's just announced her resignation as Governor of Alaska. Her stream-of-consciousness resignation speech is pretty extraordinary to watch.

I am glad I am not the only one that saw it...just unbelieveable. But the scarey thing is she still has her eyes on the White House and this is definitely the first step to her next bid.
Is using up natural resources that take millions of years to form in just a few centuries a good idea? No.

But equally, is cap-and-trade on on an exchange owned by the main protagonists in the debate a good idea? No.

People should be able to see through the agenda that the climate change big-wigs are pushing (and the methods through which they have gathered their evidence) and challenge it without being shouted down as "deniers".

"Denier" is a very powerful word for the climate change lobby to adopt and use given it's sinister connotations.

The idea of a sustainable planet is noble. I don't believe that the same can be said for the people currently pushing that agenda or their motives.
But the idea that its nothing more than a ruse to "raise taxes" is bizarre in the extreme

She really thinks that Obama wants to raise taxes for the sake of it?

Obama's postcard to her. She'll not think of presidency for a while...
This whacko is a big danger to the planet than Osama Bin Laden, Ahmedinijad, and the Korean Elvis combined.

I'm being serious.