The slaughter and abandoning of horses...

Well, that's what I said about nine pages ago, and Sheikh disagreed then! Said it was the recession which was causing the neglect, not my position that it is overproduction as the root cause of the problem. Make one of your minds up, Sheikh! :blink:
Sheesh !!! Every Tom Dick and Harry in this Country had a horse when times where good . If we had n't produced them here they would have been imported. People wanted them and people still want them but now they can't afford them and like other 'luxury' products that cost money they are neglected because now people are broke.I don't mean haven't got the price of a Summer holiday broke I mean going to lose their house broke.

The 'over production' catch phrase may fit nicely into peoples agendas but it is not the root cause of thousands of horses of all breeds being neglected. The lack of cash is the reason.
The Queen's horse was Cricket Ball - and if I recollect rightly was found in a poor condition in Belgium after having been sold to race there.

The horse was actually called Green Kilt and was bred by the Queen.

Cricket Ball had an altogether more charmed life, retiring to stud in France after a Group two/three winning racing career.
I ask the same question everytime I pay my taxes and hear of some lazy lout whose be on the dole since year dot and couldn't be bothered getting off his backside and get some training etc. But we live in that world and not communism. Similarly with horses, those that can afford (or have farmland, space) pay for those that cannot.

I really can't agree with that last sentence at all - in fact I can't have it at all! Jeez, where to start!!! Firstly, although I know what you're saying about people on the dole (I feel the same way) it cannot at all be compared to owning racehorses. Owning racehorses is a choice and if you cannot afford to look after them or find them a home after they have retired then you've no business owning them in the first place. Of course you can always sell them too if your money dries up rather than leave them rotting away. No excuses, no ifs or buts, that's the beginning and end of it.

Secondly, we don't own a farm or land; yet we will still make sure that every one of our horses finds a good home after they've finished racing if we don't keep them ourselves to ensure the same.

Songsheet is absolutely right about the associated costs of maintaining land - and the animals themselves! Do you know how much it costs to feed horses, especially in winter?? Feed, hay, shavings all cost plenty, not to mention associated costs such as farrier and veterinary bills as well as the rugs you need to put on their backs. They don't live on fresh air and grass alone! [which incidentally needs fertilising, rolling, harrowing etc]
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It's ridiculous - not just the disgusting behaviour of the driver, but because he could've caused a serious road accident by his imbecilic behaviour. Pity the woman was too shocked to get the full reg. no., but with luck the animal might have a microchip and be traceable.
Unfortunately it won't make any difference Kri, nor would it if the woman had the whole registration number. It's a 1.01 shot that the horse was dumped by pikeys, the police fully know it yet will do nothing as they are too frightened of the pikey population to approach them about anything, even when they can see stolen property on full view for everyone to see.
I suspect you're right, Shadz, depressingly on all counts. The pikeys pitch on land the other side of the horseboxes at Brighton, cut the fence and creep in at night to nick water, busting a valve last season which cost literally thousands to replace, and not before it'd flooded all the pull-up area just before raceday. In fact, the Clerk wasn't too sure they hadn't done it for sheer spitefulness. On racedays, their scuzzy brats insist on trying to squirm in anywhere, so our security guys have given up, and notwithstanding a firm stance against letting in any kids under 16 without an 'appropriate adult', they let the pikey piglets in, rather than have them vandalise the place by nightfall. Even then, they try to ensure they're not seen bunking off with the bar chairs, or anything that's not nailed down.

One meeting, up at the Wilson Avenue crossing, the little fuckwits were on quads, hurling bottles and cans at the jockeys. Did the polizei come out? Nah, just asked if we had 'security' and we were supposed to deal with it. On another occasion, the scum fired air pistols near the start - again, did Britain's finest come marching out, stern words to hand? Not a bit of it. Had anyone actually been hit? No. Oh, no real incident, then. No need to attend. You couldn't make it up.
I know, it's ridiculous. The pikeys run riot as the police are too busy shitting themselves to go near them. The biggest joke is that it's mainly the threat of their reputation that precedes them rather than anything they've actually done in retaliation!