This and That...

This protest which I supported in principle especially at the beginning (if not managed correctly) is going to turn out to be an electorial gift to Boris Johnson and Donald Trump in November.

It will overshadow the disgraceful management of the Corona Virus by the current U.K and U.S administrations which is a real shame.

Come on people lets not knock down Churchills statue...this is a step too far.

Whatever you think of the words and actions of Churchill he fought to save democracy and only after a real democratic debate should the government or anybody else constitute or sanction the removal of his statue.

Otherwise it will turn off so much of the public you are trying to explain and work with to tackle racism, not to mention the Labour vote, especially in the North of England. The Labour party badly need their voters back while they trying to win the next election.
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Would they have pulled it if Minneapolis hadn't happened? I very much doubt it, so how can it be deemed racist now when it hasn't been previously since 1975? ( Obviously allowing for probably someone who did complain at the time about comments made concerning the World War conflicts, which I am sure there were)
Bit worried about Moe, she's not posted for a while. Let's know that you're ok Moe and that you haven't drowned in disinfectant x

Can't see any recent posts by you at the other place either- mind you, that place is down more times than a manic depressive. So not many posts on there by anyone.
Their server has been down most of the week but was back up yesterday evening.
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There may have been a reason this time - but it crashes all the time. and you can't even do basic things like post a photo these days.

Craig must be spinning in his grave :( :(
Just seen that Betfair chit chat is no more!

Made my day that has :lol: I'm sooo easily pleased
Greta Thunberg calls Black Lives Matter protests a ‘Social Tipping Point'

Poor lamb is feeling left out, so has decided to latch onto the BLM zealots.


Moehat has messaged me. She is absolutely fine. She said she is having trouble posting or using the site on her new Ipad. She backed a few winners at Royal Ascot and sounds in good form.
I found an interesting article in the Irish Daily Mirror. Someone out there thought they should vandalise a statue of Sean Russell recently.

In the article a cleaner said this in relation to Sinn Fein leader Sean Russell's statue being defaced by LGBT activists. I think she's probably right.

"Now, obviously the statues that are in question in America and in England are slaveholders, slave traders, Confederate generals, this type of thing and Sean Russell was in the total opposite camp of that spirit.

"Sean Russell was an anti-imperialist fighter, he was a fighter for freedom, not against freedom as these statues in America have been, so I would just encourage people to read up on his history and Irish history in general."

Whoever doesn't get her point really should do some political soul searching.

Were Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington, Clinton, Bush, Nixon, Reagan ever real Irish names in the first place?

There have definately been Irish Senators etc with authority in America, Senator McCormack etc.

The question is whether they were the perpetrators or the authors of the confederate states inception, or did they arrive to America from Irish immigrant families in the late 19th century as part of a different generation to the one which enslaved Black Americans/Africans.

Of course there are Irish people who may be racist or have racist attitudes due to a lack of knowledge or not having many black people within their culture. Of course the celts did slavery in Europe to come extent.

However, they (the Irish State) aren't and weren't the primary causal factor in the Black African Slave trade.

Also, there has only really ever been one American president with a proper Irish name. He was called John F Kennedy.

He saved the world from a nuclear conflict for which many of us might not even be here today. Maybe his statue will be next but I certainly hope not.
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Good luck with getting any replies to that, mate. Well, apart from this one :D
Hi Wolfie; thanks for being concerned about me; it's much appreciated. I can read threads on my ipad but can't reply and am scared of messing with the settings as I depend so much on the internet these days. Pity my long intended visit to my friend in Dartmouth has to be put on hold yet again due to the virus but, when it does we'll have to meet up with you. She often takes herself of't'themoors. I'll be offline [with my computer] for a few more weeks but normal service will resume in August. I worry if someone disappears off the internet these days. Frightening, isn't it.
It is, Moe, and some never return :(

I can understand what you're saying about your ipad. I put off having a smartphone for years and was happy with my Doro mobile dumbphone and desktop for internet use. Bit I have given in and now have a shiny new Huawei P smart - can't get used to it though, but learning all the time :)
Still use desktop 95% of the time, so much easier with a proper size keyboard. Even a short text on the mobile takes me forever with the phone keyboard. I sent one yesterday and tried to use a bracket- easy on desktop :)) but I gave up with the phone. Could see it but no matter what key I used it didn't work for me. it was there above a letter laughing at me- when I pressed the upper key thingy, the letter just changed to high case. Tried loads of times but only got option of lower or higher case of said letter. Grrr

Had no probs with such things on my trusty Doro 'dumbphone'
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I know exactly what you mean, my thumbs are too big for the keys on my phone. I’m forever sending garbled messages, although the predictive text can help, it learns to predict words that you use often.
I'm noticing that, walsworth, even though I've not sent many texts on it, the words are popping up underneath and make things much easier. There's hope for me yet.