Townend and Ruby

I think the percentage of Ruby is good but nothing special considering he has all the first mounts on Mullins and Nicholls and also good rides for Martin and many small ones with horse with strong favorite chance.
I think it's an achievement considering how often both Nicholls and Mullins horses are overbet when Ruby's up.

Anyone who thinks Townend is as good as Ruby yet needs their head examined. He's a very good jockey and probably one of the best around but he is not better than Ruby. Townend may end up becoming the top man in 5 years but he should wait and stay where he is for the time being because he will only improve.
Paul Townend is facing a spell on the sidelines after fracturing his left collarbone in a fall at Navan.
The rider, who is currently leading the race for Ireland's jockeys' title, sustained the injury when his mount Indian Buck fell fatally in the concluding Headfort Handicap Chase.
Townend is nine wins ahead of Davy Russell in the championship battle but his rival is also out of action at the moment after suffering a wrist injury.