Trf- Sad News

All forums are in part cliquey - it's in the nature of the human being. I would probably consider TRF & FF the same for a while if I wanted to post there! It's only if you decide to persist with your own viewpoints and contributions that you find some common ground with a proportion of the other forum members. It's the same for everyone when they start somewhere new!

I think the problem is that many on the internet are now 'regulars' on one particular forum or another and feel somewhat affronted when they decide to post on a new forum and find that the regulars there aren't falling over themselves with gratitude at the new wit and wisdom suddenly gracing 'their' forum..... B)
All forums are in part cliquey
YEP!! AGREED, but some more cliquey! Than others, which brings this site into relevance.........?

But it certainly does not deter me putting what I wish to post on here etc (within the boards parameters, obviously) and I would advise others to continue posting your views on any subject you so wish………… never be put off by a so called few! That belong to the so called clique………..

p.s. I have been on here since its inception…… previously a CH4 contributor just like a few others on here…………

But please keep posting your views others may just like them...............? ;)

I am also a member on T.R.F. F.F. ESCORIAL RACING, .O.H. RACING, too
Originally posted by charlieD@Jul 25 2006, 12:41 PM

from my lurking time here( which has been most days since joining) there does seem a high proportion of nutters :D

As for Ted, i've chatted to him in the FF chatroom a couple of times, another nutter :lol:

CharlieD, please don't lurk so much anymore. Your views are as valuable as the next persons - well, as long as I agree with them of course. :blink: :D
I must be alone in thinking this place isnt cliquey (sp). Im in and out like the proverbial elbow and never feel that I would be ignored or slated, sounds like a cliche (sp again) but I really do like and respect everybody on here, everybody has their own opinion and isnt afraid to type it. I would love to meet each and every one of you (not in a stalking way of course) but being in the back of beyond its a bit difficult. Maurice will tell you. :D
It's only if you decide to persist with your own viewpoints and contributions that you find some common ground with a proportion of the other forum members.

Completely agree Songsheet, well said.

This place cliquey? The longest members on here have had numerous run ins with each other.....and thats without Ardross!!! ;) :lol:
Its not cliquey. When you start on here it is like the first day at school. Everybody says hello and eyes you up a bit. By the second day if a ruck starts behind the bike shed you are invited in and may the divil take the hindmost.

That's not a clique. That is equality.
How can a racing forum ban the words final furlong? I don't believe that is true.

just cause they think you lot are all a bunch of c*$%s don't bring us into it. :D
We are loved by everyone, well by me, Trig, and about 4 others.

Kathy, I don't come over here too often because most people can only handle me in very small doses, and some would just prefer it if I would far cough altogether. :D

Notice I never swear on here, I don't want to risk the wrath of Krizon, one of my all time favourite internet forum posters. :D
I've just noticed that signature line of yours, Ted: what the feck's that about?

"The Wrath of Krizon" sounds like a follow-up to The Wrath of Khan. "Out of the desert she came, with the hounds of Hell driven before her and the screaming Hades above. No man, no force, no city would withstand.... (roll of drums, screech of unstrung violins) ... THE WRATH OF KRRIZZZZONNNN... playing at a cinema near you from August 1st." :( (Presumably the one which wasn't crushed by the Amazonian strides of the giant mutant woman?)
Originally posted by Homer J@Jul 24 2006, 10:23 PM
This forum has been described as a clique on TRF.

I've spent the last four months trying to join TRF - never even got so much as an email in spite of numerous attempts. Did it in one over here, last night (after following a link from over there!) so I have my own ideas as to which is the clique. Tho obviously in the unfortunate circumstances people have had other things on their minds...

A few others have managed to join TRF recently however; so I was pretty mystified. I'm *fairly sure* I don't know any of the principals over there...
Originally posted by Headstrong@Jul 26 2006, 12:37 AM

I've spent the last four months trying to join TRF - never even got so much as an email in spite of numerous attempts. Did it in one over here, last night (after following a link from over there!) so I have my own ideas as to which is the clique. Tho obviously in the unfortunate circumstances people have had other things on their minds...

I too have just joined here following a mention at TRF, where I have been a member for a couple of years. I am finding it hard work to find my way around. I'm afraid my first impressions are there are too many posts with absolutely nothing to say which makes it difficult to find anything interesting.
Welcome to the forum, and thank you for your comments, walsworth :)

Please feel free to post some interesting comments or new subject matter on the forum at any time.