True tales from the betting ring.

Hi sorry I missed this, I don't work in the office so I can only report what they tell me. If you check out Ben's #BettingPeople interview he says that he knows when to wave the white flag to people too clever for him to beat. Maybe your pal falls into that category. They have an offer to lay any owner to win £20,000 on the show and to win £100,000 to any punter on course at big meetings.
Simon I admire you're on course action, but was pointed out to you that your office refuse bets, a pal of mine was refused a relatively small bet to the ones you quote, could you please quote the bets you refuse as well as the mugs you accommadate.

Hi sorry I missed this, I don't work in the office so I can only report what they tell me. If you check out Ben's #BettingPeople interview he says that he knows when to wave the white flag to people too clever for him to beat. Maybe your pal falls into that category. They have an offer to lay any owner to win £20,000 on the show and to win £100,000 to any punter on course at big meetings.
Hi sorry I missed this, I don't work in the office so I can only report what they tell me. If you check out Ben's #BettingPeople interview he says that he knows when to wave the white flag to people too clever for him to beat. Maybe your pal falls into that category. They have an offer to lay any owner to win £20,000 on the show and to win £100,000 to any punter on course at big meetings.

So what happens if this guy rocks up to you on course and wants to have 5k on something. Bookmakers should lose their licence if they don't take a bets on or off course especially amounts way under THEIR ADVERTISED SUPPOSED AMOUNTS.

So can we take it all these BIG bets are from habitual losers.
And jockey Sean Houlihan who I am a big fan of. Rode a nice winner for us Pointing and saw him often running past my house during lockdown as his girlfriend lives up the road. Really lovely lad so thrilled for him.