Tschiffely, Crollo or Morgan?


Jul 19, 2006
North Herts
I remember reading Tschiffely's Ride while at Junior School, and all these years I thought his horses were Morgans, but according to Wikepedia, they were Criollo's. Anyone got a copy of the book to verify this?
I had a copy for years, and Gato and Mancha were both Creoles, or Criollos. Morgans are very different in shape and action, bred initially as showy ranch horses for 'best' riding and still the stars of many American shows in both harness and riding. They are always a solid colour, whereas Creoles can be red or blue roan, or palomino, although their stock colour is dun. Criollos predate Morgans by nearly 200 years.

For anyone who hasn't read 'Tschiffely's Ride', it's a heroic account of Professor A.S. Tschiffely's ride (one horse ridden, the other carrying pack) from Buenos Aires to New York: 13,350 miles or 21,485 km. The horses were aged 15 and 16 and the journey was made in the 1930s, if memory serves me correctly. It's got a number of b&w photos showing the terrain, the ponies, and some of the people met along the way. Sure puts the 'endure' into endurance riding!
Thanks Kri,
I wonder why I got the idea they were Morgans, perhaps crossed books somewhere, can't think where though?
For anyone who hasn't read the book, it's well worth reading.

PS sorry about the apostrophe, too much beer after work!
That 1952 paperback Pan edition is similar to the one that I had, bought from the Scouts Jumble Sale when I was about 9 years old. I loved reading then, other books read at about the same time would The Kon Tiki Expedition and The Search For A Dragon.
Sad really that I rarely find time to read now, everyday activities take me longer and tire me out more I suppose.
I remember getting told off at infants school for reading too much :confused:

Apparently it was normal for a book that was borrowed from the school library to last 3 or 4 weekends, but I would read mine the same weekend!

Mum thought it was stupid to tell someone off for reading & promptly joined me up at the local library where I ran amoke with just about every pony themed book available :lol:

I don't read much now either, when I do I tend to read the whole book over a short period of time, not much change there then!

Does anyone remember a book where a girl bought a pony that had "belle" on the browband but turned out to be "Rebel" can't remember what it was about :rolleyes:
Thanks Walsworth
No it was the horses name & only a book I think, it was a typical 1970's book for pony mad kids!

Anyone remember mallory Towers?
Flippin heck where did you dig that one up from?

Can't believe you found it, Thanks

I don't remember the christian theme though!
Wasn't me that found it, Google did all the work, and I suppose the Christian theme wouldn't be allowed today in case it offended the Moonies!
Ah, the Moonies... they're that weird sect which cut the backsides of their pants out, aren't they?

I can remember having "Jump for Joy" by the late and wonderful Pat Smythe, too... ah, wonderful days... (wanders off into a late afternoon summer haze of nostalgia).
I've waxed lyrical about Jump for Joy with Kri elsewhere- I had that book out of the library goodness knows how many times.
I hadn't realised that there were Christian books with a pony theme- I would have loved one of those as a Sunday School prize. Looking on my bookshelves, I still have a few of those book prizes now- books are just about all that I do have from my childhood.