

Senior Jockey
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
Diagnosed 17 days ago weak had to be taken by a wheelchair on an emergency visit to hospital.

you lose tons of weight I went from 84kg to 46kg and you lose your appetite and feel sick..........12 tabs a day for 6 moths and u can hardly look at them...........walk round you bed you can hardly breath but I am a tough sod and wont be beat
That's some weght loss, Fist. Had a similar situation myself a few years back (not TB) and life's been a constant diet of protein supplements and such, since. Gradually fought my way back to a near normal BMI now, though.
May you find that light at the end of your tunnel, too.
Remain positive,
i was overweight before this......I started working again and thought that was what caused......even a month ago at 50kg my BMI was still ok..then boom..god knows how long I had this but must have been 5-9 month before realizing
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All the best for a quick recovery as possible, but listen to your body and don't push it too much. In some instances, time can really be a healer. :)
In the year of Covid you've gone against the tide and caught a disease from a different era. That sounds like your style right enough :).

Wishing you all the best in the coming months.
TB is, unfortunately, still endemic in Thailand. I think they have a test and trace system for it and it crossed my mind that it was why Thailand seemed to be controlling covid quite well. But I need to check that out.
How did you catch it do you know and how are things now?

Only seeing the thread now

According to what I read you get it from someone you have spent hours and end with kike a spouse. None of my family here have been sick. I have an idea but would rather not say. The first weeks were a living hell..which wasn't helped by mad bastids from the hospital. I was asked to go see the eye doctor as I was seeing people with orange skin and blue hair etc.(a side effect) when I arrived at the hospital we went into the main block and I was checking my blood pressure from a wheelchair..the machine wasn't working right and this guy get me onto a bed with wheels and takes me to a room closeby and leaves me ther for 2 pops 23 staff and tell me I have low blood pressure and the guy sticked a needle into the back of me hand and the pain is unbearable...he then asks me can I go to the toilet by myself and I say I don't know where it is. Without warning a nurse whips my dick out and attempts to stick a tube inside it saying I have an infection in my urine.....almost cried with the pain..I told her I know I have hepatitis which you get from taking strong medicines but water off a ducks back ignores me......then they want me to sign paper to commit myself in for 3 days...I ask about food as I have ust got my appetite back ...looks at me cant answer if they have things like cheese.....I have been on a drip for 2 hours and then the final straw another drip with antibiotics..the very same as my first doctor took me off....I told them to release me right now and tell my friend to come get me........we go home and to the local doctor where I go everyday for hepatitis injection and check my blood pressure and it is perfect....and has been every day since and before...only in Thailnd eh..before I left the hospital I asked to see the Doctor he never came just relayed messages to the 3 clowns.

as for the Tuberculosis after loss of appetite and feeling ill my only real problem is shortage of far I am not vomiting but many do and have put on a couple of kg..I need to put on another 4 or kg to get withing my BMI now I am underweight.........having ridden out for years and practiced karate for 2 years I was quit well built now I ;oo like a ew in a pow camp......but they say you get it back within overall I spend all day in bed while my staff are working on a house I am building and feel ok but by day mate I will get there....thanks for asking
TB is, unfortunately, still endemic in Thailand. I think they have a test and trace system for it and it crossed my mind that it was why Thailand seemed to be controlling covid quite well. But I need to check that out.

Funny I put it down to spoon sharing.......they sit in groups all dipping there soon into the same with their fingers a lot etc......could be their immune system is stronger and hats why we have very few cases in comparison.......I was living in Phitsanulok with a population of 66,000 people we had 6 cases ????
I did read that you have to continue taking the medication for 6 months and that if you stop before that time they might stop working. I hope you’re being a good patient Tanlic. I wonder if some areas have a higher incidence of it than others. As with covid it’s beyond me why some people can catch something but people they’re in close contact with are fine. Anyways, sending healing thoughts to you.
I've had this ache in my lungs for about three weeks. I've recently seen a doctor, they've listened to my chest, no infection apparently.

They've listened to my heart: I remember they said I've got an athletes heart once and my ticker is still beating well.

I nearly had trials for West Ham as a kid so that doesn't surprise me, (oh... what skill I had aswell, if only i'd speed like a gazelle and could run faster, I'd probably be a pro footballer now).

Anyway, this lung ache is not going away, so am going for an X Ray on Friday. I'm fearing the worst but hoping for the best.

Get well soon, Tanlic.
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Sounds like something I had some time back, Marb.

Sharp pains in the back of my lungs but nothing out of order being heard via the stethoscope or via x-ray. (I also have bradycardia - a slow heartbeat, usually around 54-56 resting, which I assume is a positive.) The doctor suspected inflammation of the external lining of the lungs but said he could only prescribe painkillers.

It comes and goes, usually during extended damp spells of weather.

Once I move to Spain I'm sure I'll be fine.

Let us know how you get on.