UK election


At the Start
Jan 31, 2009
Election to be held on June 8.

I wouldn't normally be mad about tying up money on long odds on shots..... but 1/10 about the conservatives to win the most seats seems generous to me no????? Would have thought it would be 1/50. Any thoughts??

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If she was going to do this, she should have done so as soon as she stepped in office, in 2016, (which I argued at the time).

That would have been a good time to get her own mandate.

I spent most of 97-2010 arguing New Labour got a lot wrong, but I'd actually prefer a bunch of clowns running the country, with good intentions, than the smiley-faced assassins, we'll be seeing a lot more of in the next 20+ years or so.
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If the last 3 years has taught us anything, it's that backing 1/10 shots in elections is a distinctly ropey proposition.
If the last 3 years has taught us anything, it's that backing 1/10 shots in elections is a distinctly ropey proposition.

I heard of someone that lost their redundancy on Remain and were trying to get a loan to back Hilary Clinton to get it back.
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At the start of last year I was considering a treble on three things I regarded as certainties.

Lewis Hamilton F1 title
Imo a good bet

UKIP to get less than 5% at 5/2 with skybet.

12% in 2015, 3% 2010, polls have at 7% although polls as we know are no longer a cross section of the public and dependent on what the MSM wants you to hear.

But without Farage leading and already voted out the EU, the only two main attractions to some.

Nuttal is not popular either.
Need to remember that vote share is a function of turnout though, and it could be pretty low

In 2014 UKIP got 26% of the popular vote in the European election because only 35% of the population bothered participating. UKIP do have a fairly firm core. I'd be more interested in low balling them in a spread on the total number of votes, but doubt a market exists

Would think there might be some value to the Greens somewhere. They have a fairly loyal core following too, and on a low turnout they could see some percentage inflation, mind you, the vote does come in the middle of the university exam season so that might prevent a few students casting a ballot, but one might expect them to pick up some 'remain' voters and disenchanted Labour protest support
Until today, Chloe Smith's interview with Jeremy Paxman was my favourite all time political car crash and object lesson in how not to conduct an interview. No surprise that someone who has to qualify as just about the most useless and incompetant politician (I use the word loosely) has managed to lower the bar even further on the first time she's been allowed out to play. I had of course heard about this, but finally dared to listen to it. God its worse than I imagined. Nick Ferrari is some rabid Tory and one time Sun joruno, but in fairness to him, he's been perfectly fair here, and if anything has gone light her. He's certainly been much fairer than Paxman was to Smith
How anyone could even think about voting for Labour's current incarnation I have no idea. No wonder the Tories are 1/20
Mrs May bangs on about how this election is all about Brexit. Does that mean that 'ordinary, hard-working families' (and how condescending is that oft-used phrase, by the way) who are remainers should vote LibDem?
Giving the Tories a mandate to prosecute a hard-Brexit, will be an act of unparalleled national disaster that will hurt everyone, but most especially those in the poorest communities in the UK, who voted for it in their droves.

I will be voting LibDem, as they are the only party that will provide a check-and-balance on whatever deal (assuming we get one) is offered-up by the EU. Anyone who voted Remain has to vote LibDem, imo. That also goes for anyone who bought the horse-sh*it lies trotted-out by Leave during the referendum, and who now sees those lies for what they are.
Whether you agree or not with Brexit, I fail to see how anybody can have the slightest bit of confidence in the current lot of politician`s abilities to secure any sort of deal that will benefit the country as a whole. The current crop, left, right and centre, are, IMHO, the poorest and most incompetent lot in my lifetime. In times gone by, Mrs May would have been lucky to have a junior post at Ag & Fisheries. We`re doomed I tell ya!!
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No surprise that someone who has to qualify as just about the most useless and incompetant politician (I use the word loosely) has managed to lower the bar even further on the first time she's been allowed out to play.

It was with some surprise to hear that Abbott was going to be wheeled out to make an 'important policy statement' as I believed her notable absence from the front line thus far was a plan, and a sensible one at that

There seems to be a belief amongst some that she's a savvy media performer: well you could have fooled me, as she's always struck me as an excrutiatingly poor, stilted communicator and rather dim

To momentarily mistake 300 million for 300 thousand could be excused as a slip of the tongue, but then to compound that error with arrant nonsense was gruesomely amazing

I've long voted Green, not as a zealot but rather in preference to 'any of the above'; but am actually considering switching to Labour this time as our new MP (since 2015) is Rachael Maskell who's a good sort and diligent constitiuency MP. She was also one of the few to vote against Article 50, and whether you're fervently pro-Remain as she is or not, will be getting my vote for being brave enough to ignore the undemocratic nonsense of 'three line whips'. Defending a 7000+ majority ??

I've had a tickle at 12/1 Labour getting less than 100 seats
Tisn't the same without Clivexxxxx. He'd have had a field day with 'Flabbott' and who can blame him :)
It isn't, is it?

Much quieter here in Chit-Chat without him making a foaming-mouthed, cu*nt of himself every day of the week. :lol:

If he posts over at the other place these days, please tell him Grass sends his fond regards, and that he can go fornicate himself with a porcupine as soon as it pleases him. :cool:
I also think the Lib Dems will over achieve and am confident they will get more votes but not necessarily more seats

Any ideas how I can back that opinion with cash?
I've agreed to do some leafleting for them so that may be the kiss of death. Have voted Labour in the council elections today but will be supporting the LibDems in the GE as they have been the only part wholeheartedly fighting my corner for the past 9 months.
If he posts over at the other place these days, please tell him Grass sends his fond regards, and that he can go fornicate himself with a porcupine as soon as it pleases him. :cool:

He posts in the other place - which is more JCR than Lords these days - occasionally; his last missive about a month ago on the innovative 'Your Fav Cake...' thread being:

"A well made carrot cake. Hard to beat. Like anything with ginger in too. Also at south Kensington is a patisserie making very expensive eclairs in a whole range of flavours. Believe me they are good"

Frequenting a South Ken Patisserie is a leg up the metrosexual ladder I'm sure he's busy climbing, but carrot cake is dangerously 'smelly student' artisan cafe. So Clive, like us all, is just another crazy mixed up kid