
PS Among the casualties are Somerset man Andrew Hoare, his Dutch wife Estella and two children, Jasper and Friso. Andrew was among the first of the friendly faces I met in Luxembourg when I moved there in 1989. He had no Irish connections that I know of, but he was a regular in goal for the Gaelic Sports Club of Luxembourg and was on its committee for a time (the club's main activity, by the way, was playing soccer because the pool of potential opponents for Gaelic football and hurling was obviously limited). He was one of those people who made a special effort to welcome newcomers and I was one of many who were grateful for his attention. There is great sadness among my friends in Luxembourg at his passing. RIP.
Very sorry to hear that Grey, the human element of this has been terrible to watch on the news as most of us can relate to the journey the passengers were taking. It's the first time in a long time that a large wide bodied inter-continental flight has been lost in mainland Europe.

Regarding the route, planes cross warzones all the time, it is regular to cross Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan en route to south-east Asia and many airlines have been flying over Eastern Ukraine for months. Whether this needs reviewing or not, is debatable but as Grass says, you can be well over the border and still get shot down if the bad guys have the right equipment. When the Siberia Airlines plane was shot down by Ukranian military in a military exercise gone wrong in 2001, the missile missed it's target (an unmanned drone) and continued for 120 miles before locking onto the passenger jet.
OK..I'll accept that..still seems very risky.

yes ..some of the stuff re the actual victims here have been reporter rifling through possessions was outrageous

those barstewards with machine guns guarding the site just needed blowing away as dare they impede people trying to get to the wreckage site

the whole thing is a media is usually the case these are just cringeworthy generally in any event

Sorry to hear that condolencies