Undercover Boss Paul Fisher

It was more like an episode of the secret millionaire programme than anything else. Going under cover and coming up with a bag of goodies at the end to the grateful surprise of all.

Harmless enough, I suppose, although I hope that by offering the guy at Huntingdon a full--time job he didn't unfairly ruin by accident or design the hopes of someone else with an eye on the same post.
Bad sign when the Missus has the phone turned off after he's missed another one of his sons birthdays. Missus Sheikh was giving out yards, can only imagine what Missus Fisher had to say when she did eventually answer the phone :whistle:
Seemed that most of the raceday staff at Brighton had watched the programme, and all enjoyed it. We liked the outcomes, too - nobody thought Fisher should not have come up with the results he did. I think we all agreed, though, that no-one does the work primarily out of loyalty to the organisations involved - it's for the great people we work with and mutually support, a desire to keep working and feeling involved in a process, for some to be out of the house more than in it, to meet people, and because some of us also love racing and horses. It sure ain't for the money or the uniforms!
I purposely didnt read this thread until I watched the recording last night and overall I was very impressed by him. He didnt have to do it and admitted often that his background was in Accounting not racing although he obviously loves the game.

He was generous to the people who helped him without being over patronising and I think he was taken aback by the lack of knowledge by people working on the course about the company who owns it and basically pays them.

His face was a picture when he realised that Sandown's restaurant didnt have an automatic dishwasher and immediately ordered a full refit of the kitchen.

Why should anyone know the MD of their company (ok I know mine but at JL we get it rammed down our throats on a daily basis!) and I bet if you asked 90% of people working for national stores if they could pick it out their MD from a line up would be hard pressed to do so - same for the Government!

Yes some of it was probably staged but if whats to stop him doing it again without the cameras or just turning up unannounced at a track to see how it works behind the scenes?

Overall 8/10 for enjoyment and information.
A lot of restaurants don't have dishwashers as a human being is quicker, cheaper & more effective at washing up than an automatic one will ever be, glass washers yes but not dishwashers
Just heard today that Fontwell Park is to be issuing new uniforms now that it's got its glamorous new stand/restaurant/hospitality boxes, and that raceday workers will be paid hourly @ £7.30 an hour. That's instead of £50 a meeting, with the welcome cup of tea on arrival having long been withdrawn. As it'll take me over an hour to drive there, I think I'll be saying 'no, thanks' as I pay the cleaning lady a tenner an hour. Council street sweepers get that, and more than £12 an hour on weekends. The cheapest hand carwash, which lasts around 45 minutes, is £10 round here. I'm not proud - a cute little wheelie, a set o'brushes, and that's me sorted! And on home ground, too.
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