Union Jack Competition Fri Dec 1st-Sun Dec 3rd

A. 12.45 - Newbury- Black Cotton
B. 1.20 - Newbury- Gold Present
C. 1.50 - Newbury- Air Horse One
D. 3.35 - Newbury- Baby King
E. 2.25 - Newbury- High Bridge
F. 3.20 - Newcastle - Sam Red
G. 1.15 - Doncaster- Irish Roe
H. 12.05 - Doncaster- Kalashnikov
I. 2.20 - Doncaster - Sumkindofking
A - Newbury 3:00 - Total Recall
B - Newcastle 3:20 - Bishop’s Road
C - Newbury 12:45 - Black Corton
D - Newbury 3:35 - Theinval
E - Newbury 2:25 - High Bridge
F - Newbury 1:50 - Air Horse One
G - Fairyhouse 12:50 - Magic Of Light
H - Fairyhouse 1:25 - Gwencily Berbas
I - Newbury 1:20 - Gold Present
A) 3.20 Newcastle Bishops Road
B) 1.05 Newcastle Coole Hall
C) 1.15 Doncaster Irish Roe
D) 2.20 Doncaster Sumkindofking
E) 12.45 Newbury Black Corton
F) 1.20 Newbury On Tour
G) 2.25 Newbury High Bridge
H) 3.00 Newbury Singlefarmpayment
I) 1.35 Bangor Court King

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A) Air Horse One 1.50 Newbury
B) Someday 1.55 Fairyhouse
C) Buveur Dair 2.10 Newcastle
D) Mount Mews 2.25 Newbury
E) Cap Soleil 12.10 Newbury
F) Whisper 3.00 Newbury
G) Gold Present 1.20 Newbury
H) Theinval 3.35 Newbury
I) Yala Enki 3.20 Newcastle

A Irish Prophecy Donc 12.05
B Dame Rose Nby 12.10
C Black Corton Nby 12.45
D Didero Vallis Fhse 2.30
E Buveur D'Air Ncs 2.10
F Total Recall Nby 3.00
G The Storyteller FHse 12.15
H Ask The Tycoon Ncs 2.45
I Jet Set Donc 12.40
Three players with nice trebles today, best of which was swedish chef's followed by wilsonl and Double J. Just 4 players go into the last day with funds in hand but it will only take one treble tomorrow for it all to change.

swedish chef £154.69

wilsonl £134.06

Double J £38.30

NewApproach £26.96


A - Leicester 1.10 Octagon
B - Carlisle 12.20 Knockrobin
C - Carlisle 1.20 Lastbutnotleast
D - Leicester 1.45 Astracad
E - Fairyhouse 1.30 Apples Jade
F - Leicester 2.15 Crackdeloust
G - Fairyhouse 2.35 Death Duty
H - Leicester 2.50 Tower Of Allen
I - Fairyhouse 12.30 Mitchouka
A. Apple's Jade - 1.30 Fairyhouse
B. Presented - 2.25 Carlisle
C. Brother Scott- 3.30 - Carlisle
D. Lasbutnotleast - 1.20 - Carlisle
E. Red Jack - 1.00 - Fairyhouse
F. Dinaria Des Obeaux- 2.35 - Fairyhouse
G. Poormans Hill - 3.10 - Fairyhouse
H. Knockrobin - 12.20 - Carlisle
I. Dakota Grey - 1.55 - Carlisle

A) Golden Investment 2.25 Carlisle
B) Bourne 3.00 Carlisle
C) Masters Hill 1.45 Leicester
D) Death Duty 2.35 Fairyhouse
E) Apples Jade 1.30 Fairyhouse
F) Imperial Grey 3.40 Fairyhouse
G) Bless The Wings 3.10 Fairyhouse
H) Bleu Et Rouge 2.05 Fairyhouse
I) Espoir Dallen 12.30 Fairyhouse

A) Death Duty 2.35 Fairyhouse
B) Forest des Aigles 3.30 Carlisle
C) Mengli Khan 1.00 Fairyhouse
D) Chateau Conti 2.05 Fairyhouse
E) Bourne 3.00 Carlisle
F) Kincora Fort 3.20 Leicester
G) Nichols Canyon 1.30 Fairyhouse
H) Forever Gold 3.10 Fairyhouse
I) Heroesandvillains 3.40 Fairyhouse
A) 1.45 Leicester The Romford Pele
B) 12.40 Leicester Coolanly
C) 1.30 Fairyhouse Apples Jade
D) 1.55 Carlisle Meadowcroft Boy
E) 2.35 Fairyhouse Dinaria Des Obeaux
F) 2.25 Carlisle Purcell’s Bridge
G) 3.10 Fairyhouse Presenting Percy
H) 3.00 Carlisle Fly Vinnie
I) 1.00 Fairyhouse Mengli Khan

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A -Carlisle 12.20 Uncle Alistaire
B - Carlisle 12.50 Our Valentina
C - Carlisle Fly 3.ooVinnie
D - Fairyhouse 13.00 Mighli Khan
E - Death Duty (2.35 Fairyhouse)
F - Apples Jade 13.30 Fairyhouse
G - Presenting 3.10 Percy Fairyhouse
H - Dinons (3.40 Fairyhouse)
I - Astracad 13.45 Leicester
A Knockrobin Crl 12.20
B Benie Des Dieux Crl 1.20
C Coolanly Leic 12.40
D Mitchouka Fhse 12.30
E Red Jack Fhse 1.00
F Apples Jade Fhse 1.30
G Top Oth Ra Fhse 2.05
H Rathvindon Fhse 2.35
I Heroes And Villains Fhse 3.40
Last edited:
A - Fairyhouse 12:30 - Espoir Dallen
B - Carlisle 2:10 - Benie Des Dieux
C - Carlisle 1:55 - Meadowcroft Boy
D - Fairyhouse 3:40 - Dinons
E - Fairyhouse 1:30 - Apples Jade
F - Fairyhouse 2:35 - Death Duty
G - Fairyhouse 1:00 - Mengli Khan
H - Fairyhouse 2:05 - Ben Dundee
I - Fairyhouse 3:10 - Poormans Hill
Two players with limited success today, Tanlic with a couple of trebles and DG with one, leaving swedish chef our overall winner with wilsonl being an unlucky runner up with five winners today but no treble.

Overall scores

swedish chef £154.69

wilsonl £134.06

Double J £38.30

Tanlic £36.61

NewApproach £26.96

Diamond Geezer £7.77

All others £0.00

Todays bets

Must admit I am impressed by you Chef....some punters are luck others are just good and you are def the latter. Well done

Thanks Tanlic but with a bet like The Union Jack I am pretty certain you need more luck than judgement and I got lucky with the best treble over the 3 days. They just fell into the right place together.