
Yeah, I know, terrible shape in the air, poor eye for a take-off, disunited on landing... did I miss anything, Domski?
But how much must it cost to ship out there etc etc? Why should h&s be less of an issue elsewhere than here?

I don't get it.

I can understand the idea of feature films going elsewhere as a 2hr film probably generates 200hrs of filming and is a big deal. But a TV ad??
Ship out what? They have horses, actors, racecourses out there, camera men etc. I was trying to be funny about the H&S issues considering everything else seems to fall under H&S, apart from packing people onto trains and tubes.
If it's the Czech Rep, looking at my photos from the visit there, the course is at Pardubice. (It's the lovely trees and the shape of the stands' roof which are the clues.)
Socks - are you certain? Ive just suggested that on another forum, and been hammered by the forum know it all who said "its mainly a flat track and the jumps are on the inside of the course" - Id LOVE to prove her wrong,so PLEASE can you tell me where you got that info??

(just like to add, I dont care if its wrong - as long as she isnt right!!!!!)