Welcome! First Impressions?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Welcome to the new Talkinghorses! Well done and thanks very much to Col & Gareth for all the hard work. No doubt there will be a few glitches but it should be a different league in everyway compared to the last forum.

First impressions?
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Aaaah vBulletin :)

I've been running my forum off this software for around 2 years now, so if you guys need any help with this then feel free to PM me. ;)

Also, I could update the banner at the top of the forum to something better?
Did you do that one originally for us Jamie? Yeah if you hand something else for the place that would be really appreciated.
I did indeed Gal, I have something in mind. Do you have any specific sizes you'd want before I get cracking on some ideas?
Sure see what you come up with. Something similar (to fill the screen) maybe more recent stars.
Hi Jamie,

Excellent quality image, but I don't think that style of header can work with the design of this forum. As the width of the forum is not fixed the image needs to appear fluid, whilst remaining a fixed width (so as not to distort it).

Looking at the design, I think that the background of any logo has to be predominately grey (#E1E1E2) and certainly the right hand end of it must be that colour (so that there is no noticeable end to the image and start of the page background).

Also note that the leftmost 25px should be white (#FFFFFF) so as to work with the border around the forum content. Actually it would be better if just the bottom of it was, see the vbulletin standard image:


Finally the image should be no wider than 700px (ideally a few less) so as to work with most common browser resolutions and up over.

No expectations for you to go away and produce another image, but if you fancy it...

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A bit sombre colour wise, but otherwise looks remarkably similar to Jamies forum. A few more emoticons to add, but if it improves connectivity, it's got to be worth it:)
A bit sombre colour wise, but otherwise looks remarkably similar to Jamies forum.

That is because its the same forum software

I did think about changing the colour scheme but this is ok for most people I think, plus it being a familiar colour scheme will make things easier for some people.
I expect we'll get used to it soon enough. Thanks to all.

By the way, one of the current users is listed as Shadow Leader+. Have you souped her up as well as the forum?
That would mean she's on "Appear Offline" although only the Admins & Mods should be able to see those, not the regular user.
Not that there is an "appear offline" option on logging on so I have no idea either, Grey!!

It's different and will take some getting used to but it loks good. Thanks for the hard work!
It would appear that my last posting was incorrect.

A plus sign next to a members name means they're on your buddy list. Shadow Leader hasn't got a plus sign on my account, which means she's not my buddy. :(