Well done, Prince Charles !

What are you on about Clivex?
I am making a general comment that people have asked me personally whether I am a catholic. This has happened in day to day life not necessarily a work environment. I am obviously not speaking for you am I?
Nor am I suggesting that this is some sort of discrimination, probably just curiosity.
The rest of my post was more on a tangent, and not so much about religion, but how we as society are often discriminating, (based on factors other than race, gender or religious orientation), without being able to recognise this and then correct some of our thinking.

Really? No one has ever asked me that ever. And why should they?
To Warbler,
I think Prince Charles' message was clear and concise. He avoided fogging or clouding the message ...................... which introducing extraneous issues of politics or "clashes of civilisation" would have done.
His message was direct -- and it was also a heartfelt plea for common humanity and decency -- to lessen the burden of maltreatment and oppression suffered by Christians in Muslim lands.
In its simplicity and singularity of purpose, the statement was compelling.
The other aspect to this is that he's saying something which others will not because the left wing thought police will scream islamophobia. As we have seen here, any criticism of the religion and an element of its followers is dismissed as stirring up hatred. Complete contempt for that view of course.

Chronic is right but it's far from just isis. That has to be understood.
I've no idea why, Clivex. It bothers me less than it seems to bother you?
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The other aspect to this is that he's saying something which others will not because the left wing thought police will scream islamophobia. As we have seen here, any criticism of the religion and an element of its followers is dismissed as stirring up hatred. Complete contempt for that view of course.

Chronic is right but it's far from just isis. That has to be understood.

Just to play devil's advocate - would you admit that it's fair to draw a comparison to the "Islamaphobia" you mention on here to your reaction when any criticism was leveled at Israel? Not sure I need to remind you or anyone else, but a significant number of responses you gave could be summed up as entirely dismissing their argument and simply accusing the person of Jew-baiting and being anti-Semitic.

Having your cake and eating it?
Just to play devil's advocate - would you admit that it's fair to draw a comparison to the "Islamaphobia" you mention on here to your reaction when any criticism was leveled at Israel? Not sure I need to remind you or anyone else, but a significant number of responses you gave could be summed up as entirely dismissing their argument and simply accusing the person of Jew-baiting and being anti-Semitic.

Having your cake and eating it?

What I will point out is that certain posters (you?) will always be found squealing about israels self defence but are no where to be seen when isis or aq are the subject. Or any other international issue

I am happy to draw my own conclusions from that.
Are there really contributors to (what we'll loosely define as) anti-Israeli threads, who don't call-out ISIS too?

There's a reasonably small constituency gets involved in these types of threads, and I can't believe that anyone on here has displayed 'anti-Semitic statements' on the one hand, and yet refused to admonish ISIS on the other.....mainly because Iike to think I would have noticed myself, if that was the case.

Good post, flagship.
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The suggestion that there is institutionalised anti-Catholic bias in the UK is utter drivel.

The position of the Monarchy is an anachronistic curiosity that no-one can be bothered to address, because no-one in the 21st Century actually think it matters a toss. Regardless, it's hardly an act of oppression anyway. As for politics, Catholics are free to join political parties of any persuasion, and permitted to run for public office. Indeed, Catholics cannot be discriminated against in any way, in the UK.

Just because some narrow-minded bigots hold such a worldview - and some of those people are going to be in positions of influence - doesn't mean there is an institutional bias........it just means some people are horrible ar*seholes.

I find the fact that you actually believe any of this nonsense faintly bizarre, I have to say.

Spot on. This is up their with the anti-irish thing from the other week.
You'd only ever get asked it in a Glasgow boozer. But that would be a brain dead knuckle dragger doing the asking.
One person to ask me was/is now a close friend, and someone who I consider to be a top man.
He's quite a womaniser mind, and I've always thought he asked me as tongue-and-cheek in his typical non monogamous style because he had three on the go whereas I was single at the time, hence 'are you a catholic'. :)
Apart from his inability to keep his dick in his pants and take his thirst out on every woman in London he is certainly not a knuckle dragger and doesn't frequent Glasgow boozers.
Your other point is wrong. 'Anti Irish' are words you've chosen, not mine.
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i really don't understand all this anto this anti sh1t tbh...and like Grassy i haven't seen it tbh..i think you need to be looking for some hint then blow it up to see it.

i know i certainly have no bias against any religions..most of the extreme elements are all barmy from what i've seen. I'm just glad Jehovah's witness's aren't like Isis as there would be a blood bath on most streets most days.

In 57 years no one has ever asked my religion..if they did i'd think there was something wrong with them tbh.

Its like going around a pub asking women if they like it up arris...not something a normal person would do..obviously i'm sure some blokes do like
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Are there really contributors to (what we'll loosely define as) anti-Israeli threads, who don't call-out ISIS too?

There's a reasonably small constituency gets involved in these types of threads, and I can't believe that anyone on here has displayed 'anti-Semitic statements' on the one hand, and yet refused to admonish ISIS on the other.....mainly because Iike to think I would have noticed myself, if that was the case.

Good post, flagship.

Total bollocks

Nothing to the fact that a good number of posters and left wing morons only ever get agitated about events in Israel but absolutely no where else? And in the wider sphere, do we see the same guardian reading blockheads protesting against isis outside the Qatar embassy ?

The arguments about Israel were given here by myself (and others) without "shouting down" . I will tackle every twat head on and I did

And i will throw the rest in quite happily.
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i really don't understand all this anto this anti sh1t tbh...and like Grassy i haven't seen it tbh..i think you need to be looking for some hint then blow it up to see it.

i know i certainly have no bias against any religions..most of the extreme elements are all barmy from what i've seen. I'm just glad Jehovah's witness's aren't like Isis as there would be a blood bath on most streets most days.

In 57 years no one has ever asked my religion..if they did i'd think there was something wrong with them tbh.

Its like going around a pub asking women if they like it up arris...not something a normal person would do..obviously i'm sure some blokes do like

Aside from the fact that the story seems to be tenuous at best, it's the stupid claim that "right across the uk" there's an anti catholic bias.

Its embarrassing rubbish.

i thought you were older
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Clive..re the post above the above one other thats appeared whilst i wrote this:)

you know if I don't like what group of people A does against group of people B..does that in your mind make me anti Group A?

it seems you make that decision about people very quickly...and a bit unfairly imo.

maybe people just don't like something that is just plain wrong..and don't give a toss about either side in particular

if i come on here and a thread is started about a group of people that are being tw@ts...,,i'll probably join in... if its Israel being arses i'll say it..if its muslims thats being dicks i'll say it...because a tw@t is a tw@t never mind what religion they are or how many arseholes they've got...or whatever

but that doesn't mean i automatically support the opposition

your mistake is..you decide that people are automatically pro one way or another
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What I will point out is that certain posters (you?) will always be found squealing about israels self defence but are no where to be seen when isis or aq are the subject. Or any other international issue
Yes, this is so very true.
When Israel defends itself against 13,000 rockets launched by ISIS's evil twin brother -- Hamas --there are threads started in condemnation of their reasonable response. A couple of young Palestinian boys on a beach die in an off-target bomb. Unintended and unintentional.
On the other hand, how many threads have been started to comment on the slaughter of thousands of Yazidi's, Christians, and other religious/ethnic minorities in the region?
Without doubt, there is an anti-Israel agenda at play on here amongst some members. It's the only logical conclusion to draw.
to be quite honest..the claim is one of the biggest load of bollox i've read,,there is no interest in what religion anyone is here..its about who has got best ipod or phone these days

the only people who whip up race talk is the media..most people are breaking their balls just surviving..i would imagine most people are more interested in what will happen in eastenders than bothering about religion..in fact Eastenders is a religion..as is Facebook..they modern religions.
Clive..re the post above the above one other thats appeared whilst i wrote this:)

you know if I don't like what group of people A does against group of people B..does that in your mind make me anti Group A?

it seems you make that decision about people very quickly...and a bit unfairly imo.

maybe people just don't like something that is just plain wrong..and don't give a toss about either side in particular

if i come on here and a thread is started about a group of people that are being tw@ts...,,i'll probably join in... if its Israel being arses i'll say it..if its muslims thats being dicks i'll say it...because a tw@t is a tw@t never mind what religion they are or how many arseholes they've got...or whatever

but that doesn't mean i automatically support the opposition

your mistake is..you decide that people are automatically pro one way or another

ec. I know you do. We comment on every bloody thing. I'll give you an opinion on Congo pygmys chopping heads off Zulus if you want. But it's as ice says...
Yes, this is so very true.
When Israel defends itself against 13,000 rockets launched by ISIS's evil twin brother -- Hamas --there are threads started in condemnation of their reasonable response. A couple of young Palestinian boys on a beach die in an off-target bomb. Unintended and unintentional.
On the other hand, how many threads have been started to comment on the slaughter of thousands of Yazidi's, Christians, and other religious/ethnic minorities in the region?
Without doubt, there is an anti-Israel agenda at play on here amongst some members. It's the only logical conclusion to draw.

sorry its not true..its bollixy

lets see what you want here.....everyone to scan the news each day and start a thread on here about every time some tw@t or group of tw@ts kills someone in the name of something?

its not going to happen is it?...who starts these threads anyway?..are they started due to a bias by the person starting them?..i don't know..but what i do know is i'm a bit tired of reading that someone automatically hates the other party if they take a line on an issue..its childish nonsense to take that attitude..are you in our gang or are you against us attitude.

lets gets one thing clear though...supporting anyone that murders people indiscriminately is seriously sad either way
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You are missing the point badly ec. Re read the posts.

Put it very simply this way and leave it at this. Israel went in because it was under constant attack (disgustingly dismissed by some here). They would not have gone in if they were not being attacked. Ok?

isis and others (theme of this thread) attack and kill those who are NOT in any way attacking them. Isis, hamas , al queda and affiliates believe that their mere EXISTENCE is a reason to kill
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Total bollocks

Nothing to the fact that a good number of posters and left wing morons only ever get agitated about events in Israel but absolutely no where else? And in the wider sphere, do we see the same guardian reading blockheads protesting against isis outside the Qatar embassy ?

The arguments about Israel were given here by myself (and others) without "shouting down" . I will tackle every twat head on and I did

And i will throw the rest in quite happily.

You're fortunate it's me who asks you these searching questions that you refuse to answer, clive, because you know I'm too bone-idle to research the stats myself.

i just want you to know that I know you know. ;)

Without doubt, there is an anti-Israel agenda at play on here amongst some members. It's the only logical conclusion to draw.

Ice, it's been on my mind to extend you an olive branch, following our spat from a few months back. Ordinarily, I do this as an act of Xmas contrition; the process generally helping with my overall karma, regardless of whether it's accepted or not.

Instead, let me do this now, and apologise for previous indiscretions on my part.

But I do have to say, the above is a complete and utter nonsense. You are guilt of the same sweeping generalisation that Clive is guilty of i.e. that criticism of Israel is "anti".

where are the threads complaining about Israel now that they aren't bombing Gaza? If there was an anti-Israel bias by any on here, surely it would be manifest in endless threads about pass-laws, defence-walls, water-custody and Palestinian oppression generally. But where are these threads?

The simple fact is that it's a hugely contentious subject, and once you've adopted a position on the matter, you're unlikely ever to reconcile yourself with the opposite viewpoint. It's no more than this, IMO, and it is wholly unfair (and no little rude) to suggest it's down to an anti-Israeli bias......though it is a very useful tactic for strangling a debate.

I wish you well. :cool:
Ice, it's been on my mind to extend you an olive branch, following our spat from a few months back. Ordinarily, I do this as an act of Xmas contrition; the process generally helping with my overall karma, regardless of whether it's accepted or not.

Instead, let me do this now, and apologise for previous indiscretions on my part.

But I do have to say, the above is a complete and utter nonsense.
This started off so nice. I was impressed and taken with your words of rapprochement, and was much inclined in the spirit of reconciliation to respond in kind.
But then ..................... by the third paragraph you go and spoil it all. "But I do have to say, the above is a complete and utter nonsense". I stopped reading at that point.
Rather than offering an olive branch, you give me poison ivy.

I bless your karma, and make it my wish that it remains positive.