Well done, Prince Charles !

This started off so nice. I was impressed and taken with your words of rapprochement, and was much inclined in the spirit of reconciliation to respond in kind.
But then ..................... by the third paragraph you go and spoil it all. "But I do have to say, the above is a complete and utter nonsense". I stopped reading at that point.
Rather than offering an olive branch, you give me poison ivy.

I bless your karma, and make it my wish that it remains positive.

It would be a pretty pointless and empty peace, if we couldn't reasonably disagree with each other, no?

No malice was intended or inferred. It's perhaps a case of my parochialisms being absorbed in a particular way - I tend to think that my posts must be straight-forward to interpret, but it's probably not the case.


Simmo, your pal Hamilton will be World Champ soon. Hope you have the Handie-Andies on standby. :D
What's all this karma bollocks? As far as I'm concerned you can come back as a disentry riddled raspberry begging on the street of fcking Bangladesh for all I care
Yes, this is so very true.
When Israel defends itself against 13,000 rockets launched by ISIS's evil twin brother -- Hamas --there are threads started in condemnation of their reasonable response. A couple of young Palestinian boys on a beach die in an off-target bomb. Unintended and unintentional.
On the other hand, how many threads have been started to comment on the slaughter of thousands of Yazidi's, Christians, and other religious/ethnic minorities in the region?
Without doubt, there is an anti-Israel agenda at play on here amongst some members. It's the only logical conclusion to draw.

How long are you and clivex going to continue with this intellectually dishonest line, which is a sly combination of ad hominem argument and whataboutery?

As EC1 points out, there are so many things going on that we can't respond to everything. Why would I bother coming on here to say how awful ISIS are when everyone already knows it? What would be the point of threads consisting of a unanimous series of tut tuts with nothing else to discuss?

Grow up, the pair of you, your persistence with this crap shows you can sense the weakness of your own position.
Waste of space post. If you have a problem with a point raised then answer it. You don't.

and for someone who made a crap allegation about "stirring uo hatred" after a pretty straightforward observation that absolluteky no one would deny and which even made it clear that I was nit referring to whole grouping or even a majority of it.

You have a fcking nerve talking about a "weakness of position" when that is the level you descended to and all you have had to offer
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As EC1 points out, there are so many things going on that we can't respond to everything.
But some people are selective about what they respond to. Or about the threads they start -- like criticising Israel.

I don't know the meaning of ad hominem, but if I was given towards "whataboutery", I would have publicly noted on here the very recent fatal stabbings in Jerusalem of a woman and Israeli soldier by Palestinian terrorists.
That's completely nailed on fact. One poster started a thread saying he would like to see Israel dismantled with all the sinister connotations that brings to mind.

people disagree about many conflicts, Ukraine being a recent one here, but as we have seen just recently , any defence in any form of the Jewish state really gets some going.

the pint has been made that Israel should be closer to western standards and so on. I can sort of see that but isn't that just a bit...well. ..towards other groupings?
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Waste of space post. If you have a problem with a point raised then answer it. You don't.

and for someone who made a crap allegation about "stirring uo hatred" after a pretty straightforward observation that absolluteky no one would deny and which even made it clear that I was nit referring to whole grouping or even a majority of it.

You have a fcking nerve talking about a "weakness of position" when that is the level you descended to and all you have had to offer

You're happy to toss shite at people but the one time it comes back at you you squeal.
I can remember an incident when you did (in fairness you were left with little choice and you were half apologetic for doing so) I think it also fair to say that most would have complained a lot earlier
Did I? Jesus I didnt recall that. Was that the one when a poster repeatedly called me a cnt online? Doesn't matter. Not into this allabouttheforum stuff and I wasn't suggesting that grey is a complainer. Doubt it in truth and I won't mention that post again
It was actually memorable for its singularity and did actually cause a moderator to remark it was the first time we'd ever received a complaint from you (which also weighed in the adjudication, albeit this one was pretty black and white). I think it's fair to say you can handle a fair amount of abuse, you moron, but this one did cross the boundary and simply had to be challenged (we were in the process of dealing with it when you picked it up as it happened). I should say as well that I seem to recall you'd allowed people to accuse you of tax evasion (or avoidance or similar) to go unchallenged which would also have been damaging
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Nice one. There are some very sly people here (as we are seeing on another thread) . Cheers but enough now.