What are you watching

Greetings, Col bach.

Eh, it's the summer, pal.......and I'm usually posted-missing from here for long periods as a result of the shabby and inferior racing that prevails. :)

Have losy my Twitter mojo for the moment.
Watched the final episode last night. Superb performance by both lead characters but in particular Sean Bean. His understated angst on how to get through his “time” with as little aggro as possible and his understanding that he had to be punished was I think one of his best ever performances.

I think although a difficult subject it was portrayed beautifully and the full impact of life inside conveyed so well.
Looking forward to watching it. There was a very good Mark Lawson interview with Jimmy McGovern on BBC 4 the other night: must be the best interviewer around and a fascinating insight into what makes McGovern such a good writer.
I started to watch it, it's a repeat as didn't include Time obviously , but found it one of Lawson's worst actually. McGovern seemed to spend a lot of time repeating himself.
Time was superb. Bean very restrained and pulled it off. Stephen Graham always good value, and his wife in it is his wife! She had to audition, bless her!
If you like baseball, you might like the documentary ‘The Battered Bastards of Baseball”, which tells the story of the minor league Portland Mavericks; a team owned and built by Bing Russell (father of Kurt), and how they went about upsetting the MLB establishment in the early 70’s.

In fact, you should watch it even if you’re not a fan of baseball.

Also, correction to my earlier post. The Hank Azaria vehicle is called ‘Brockmire’ and not ‘Broderick’ as previously advised.
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If you like baseball, you might like the documentary ‘The Battered Bastards of Baseball”, which tells the story of the minor league Portland Mavericks; a team owned and built by Bing Russell (father of Kurt), and how they went about upsetting the MLB establishment in the early 70’s.

Do you know if it was ever released under a different name, GH.

The 'plot' you outline sounds very familiar.
It doesn’t go by any other name that I’m aware of, DO, but the title is taken from a book called ‘Ball Four’ which pre-dates the Maverick’s story by a couple of years.
Watched the final episode last night. Superb performance by both lead characters but in particular Sean Bean. His understated angst on how to get through his “time” with as little aggro as possible and his understanding that he had to be punished was I think one of his best ever performances.

I think although a difficult subject it was portrayed beautifully and the full impact of life inside conveyed so well.
Just binge watched it. Sean Bean must surely win awards for this. My ex FIL was a prison warden (and this was when there was still hanging) so it makes me realise why he was so hard. We’d sometimes walk into a pub and people would get up and walk out.
Really wasn't bothered about watching it as not a great fan of the Beatles if truth be told, but watched Yesterday yesterday. What a super little film. Made me appreciate the fab Four a bit more I think as wonderfully told. One fantastic bit in there which won't spoil if haven't seen, had a tear in eye and a ' oh if only' thought in head. Dreadful under use of Sarah Lancashire but never mind.
As you say great little film and quite unexpected. Who’d thought that Tamwar from EastEnders could sing so well! Some lovely touches with Ed Sheeran too.
Watching Baptiste, in lack of anything else on a Sunday: how mis cast is Fiona Shaw? Did fall asleep during last week's so think I have lost some of the plot but not sure that really matters to be honest!.
Write Around the World with Richard E Grant. What a gem of a series. I’m rewatching it because, as usual I tend to fall asleep as I watch it late at night. But there’s so much to take in and there are authors I’ve never heard of ( including a drummer* from Genesis who isn’t Phil Collins: phew, and Carol Drinkwater. I had no idea that she was a world famous author these days.).It was interesting watching the episode about Spain as I’ve just watched the documentary about Hemingway. *although he does mention ticks which I found a bit unnerving as both me and the dog have been bitten recently. The dog is oblivious to it but I’m convinced I’m going to come down with Lyme disease…..