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James Thurber had a bloodhound once and he said whenever he called it to "come", it would wander all round the garden until it eventually reached him.
Apparently it wasn't interested in where he was, only in how he had got there!
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James Thurber had a bloodhound once and he said whenever he called it to "come", it would wander all round the garden until it eventually reached him.
Apparently it wasn't interested in where he was, only in how he had got there!

Love it!
We saw that at the cinema and were transfixed. How you can maintain that sort of tension in a film where you know the ending is beyond me. There was a programme last night on BBC 4 about the dawn chorus. Made by sound engineer Chris Watson who gave a talk at our birdwatching club once. If it’s on iplayer I may watch it to relax. It might have been part of their mindfulness series. However Chris Watson was in electric (electronic?) music band from the 70’s Cabaret Voltaire who were groundbreaking at the time and BBC were having an electric music on the BBC night as well so it could have been because if that. Covered both actually. Interesting man: worked a lot with David Attenborough. Told us that Ravens communicate with each other at night, telling each other what they’ve been up to and where the best food is a large Huginn and Muginn (sp).
Love ZDT - very close to the truth of the character of Maya. Amazing woman to keep up that single minded intensity to get to the truth. I read somewhere that when the attack was agreed, Obama was told only 50% sure Bin Laden was there but the 50% was consistent and nothing else was telling them anything different, although Maya was 100% sure he was there.
Probably the only good thing that’s happened in recent times....(Trump going, that is....)
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Sky Arts channel - The Eagles in concert at the LA Forum.

Featuring several of my karaoke standards.

Unfortunately I'm being treated for throat problems just now so Benidorm's karaoke bars will have to wait until normal service is resumed :cool::lol:
Watched some of it and recorded the rest. I saw them at Wembley Arena on the Hotel California tour in 1977 and then Don Henley in Manchester 5 years ago. Both excellent gigs.

I'm guessing that the 'thank you' is for the final sentence. :cool:
I half watched Tea with Mussolini the other night. Don’t understand why I’ve never seen it before. Absolutely charming film. Must watch it properly.
Watched The Woman in the Window on Netflix. It's feckin brutal. Avoid at all costs.

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If only a fraction of it is true it should be the end of one or two....at least! I suspect most of it is accurate but, if I were a betting man, I would bet the consequences will be negligible.
Sony Movies Channel (41 up here) - Shepherd of the Hills - a 1941 western-ish story with a young John Wayne. Thoroughly watchable and stolen by co-star Betty Field. I've seen it before a few times but it will allow me to pass the time while I wait for the football to start.
Fascinating stuff, watched it throughout the day. When he said about working that he had worked 24/7 for about a year apart from some of Dec 25th off, you could see that it was the case. Imagine sitting in front of a committee like that and answering with minimal pause every single question thrown at him for 7 hours (and there were some beaut's - from the sublime to the ridiculous)!
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The most damning stuff was about Carrie Symonds' influence. After the redecoration fiasco, this could be interesting.

He spit out the word 'girl friend' like he had just licked p!ss off a nettle. In other news Hat Mancock said he didn't watch or hear Cummings because he was too buy 'saving lives.' How did it all come to this?
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He spit out the word 'girl friend' like he had just licked p!ss off a nettle. In other news Hat Mancock said he didn't watch or hear Cummings because he was too buy 'saving lives.' How did it all come to this?

You may well ask. BoJo was just the same and had his officials tearing their hair out when he was Mayor of London. No reason he was ever going to change as PM. Compared to Governments of the past, both right and left, this lot are so lightweight they would float away at a breath of wind. Only Sunak and Raab have anything about them at all. God help us all.
Before We Die: first episode last night. Lesley Sharpe and Vincent Regan, who will be forever known to me as the ex of 'Godzilla' in Scott and Bailey. Based on Swedish series of the same name, which I admit I don't remember and I generally try to give them all a view hoping they're on a par with The Killing/The Bridge/Borgen. Hasn't got great reviews but she's a fabulous actor, and might be worth sticking with it.