What are you watching

Started to watch American Primeval on Netflix. A bit like The Revenant, but without the joy and happiness.
Checked out the trailer for it and it looks good. I loved The Revenant and am glad I saw it at the cinema. Although I have the dvd I’ve never rewatched it; for some reason it’s the films I like the most that I tend not to rewatch. Unfortunately I don’t have Netflix and have to wait till things are released on dvd. I’m still ploughing my way through the last two series of Vikings although they don’t really grip me. I’ve then got 1883 to watch. On Amazon there’s a Chinese film called Black Dog which stars a whippet that looks just like my Winnie. It’s won several awards and I’m looking forward to watching it when I dog sit for my daughter. I thought it was going to be released on DVD today but it hasn’t happened unfortunately.
Started to watch the first episode of The Following last night.

I gave up within about half a hour. Too disturbing for me at my age. I want to be entertained, not harrowed.

Back in the day I could just about cope with Prime Suspect when some of the cases were of sadistic and brutal murders but I know I couldn't watch them now.
Finally finished watching Vikings. I only started watching it years ago between series of Game of Thrones, which was far more fun. Always found Vikings took itself too seriously and was a bit up itself. And as the series went on, with more and more funding, was more style over substance. And I never really cared about any of the characters, many of which I just got mixed up because they all looked the same.But it was unfinished business not seeing it out to the end and I must say it was a much better ending than GOT’s and remained true to itself. Just going to watch the last episode again with the commentary; I always like watching things with the commentary. Being a glutton for punishment I might buy the dvd of Vikings Valhalla, which could be a bit more lively. Given that I divide my time between Bamburgh and live near to Repton I’m rather surrounded by Viking stuff: there are Viking graves in the dunes which makes walking there a bit spooky. I often look out to sea and imagine Viking ships on the horizon. Also a bit annoyed that I didn’t back Lagertha who won at 6/1 the other day; a topical bet if ever there was one.
Just binge watched Industry on BBC catchup. Not my sort of programme at all. All about young people in banking who do nothing but snort coke, have lots of sex ( it isn’t something you’d watch with your mum or your kids.more bonking than banking…)and double cross each other. None of them are remotely nice, apart from one young lad who’s very sweet. But the acting, locations, soundtrack etc are superb. I haven’t got the faintest idea what they’re talking about most of the time or why I’ve been so gripped by it. Hayley Campbell on Must Watch said that the ending to series three was one of the best endings to a tv series that she’d ever seen and she was right. I think it must be similar to Succession, which I’ve never seen. It was a bit of a culture shock after binge watching Middlemarch and I think I need to find another historical costume drama to watch now.