What The Hell Is Going On


At the Start
Feb 18, 2005
Right, I have spent the past three weeks or so traipsing around Europe from one outpost to another. Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Krakow, Budapest and then down into the Balkans - the bombed buildings in Belgrade are picturesque - Im now in a net cafe on my final stop in Ljubjlana before heading off to get my flight home from Venice tomorrow. Met all sorts of people from a variety of different countries which has helped me to copperfasten national stereotypes and learn slang in a number of languages (two, in total). Alas, I did not meet Madeline McCanns parents on my travels which was an unfortunate downside to the journey.

Anyway, its been a while since Ive posted so Im trying to figure out what the hell has happened here. Ardross appears to have gone, so does Krizon and it seems as though the Irish have taken over.

Its a somewhat surprising development. What, with Tony Blair moving on as well, Im not sure how I can cope with a succession of seismic regime changes in such a short space of time.

What the hell happened? Feel free to PM if this topic has been done to death.
Yes I did, 309 euros although there was an option to take 10 journeys in 22 days which worked out cheaper. But that might have restricted me somewhat so I just paid the extra for the global ticket which meant I could take as many journeys I wanted when I wanted.
I have subsequently been informed that Dave G, Songsheet and others have followed Ardross and Krizon to the Final Furlong. What an odd series of events. I can't begin to understand how people can take events on an internet forum so seriously. Absolutely remarkable. It's like the summer transfer window has just opened or something - maybe we should make a move for a few from TRF - or try and bring through some talent of our own. I despair. Are we the Judaen People's Front or the other one ?!?
Its been a massacre wrapped in an atrocity, bathed in a bloodbath BJ. We have been turned upside down and inside out for a very important principal. We have sacrificed almost ten years of interactive contact, crap and collaboration so that Phil can post a topic called "I am Gay" followed soon by another side splitter called "I am not Gay after all"

As Kurt Vonnegut would have said. "So it goes.l"

I am happily boring the pants off the eFFers with very occasional posts there rather than here because it's pleasant to be able to post without some half wit hurling abuse at me.

I haven't 'left' anywhere - I still grace TH with my presence on occasion - but this forum, in my opinion only, had plenty of chances to clean up its act a little and chose not to. As a former Moderator, I would suggest that we were privy to a little more of the action behind the scenes than you would be aware of and the fact that two former mods decided enough was enough and two now post very infrequently should tell you something.

Just to burst your bubble a little, I agree with you entirely that forums are merely a pleasant way to waste some time while at my desk. They are neither of world-shaking importance nor a necessity in my life (or, probably, anyone else's)! Whether I post or not is surely of supreme indifference to everyone on here and I would guess that my view wouldn't be vastly different to that of Krizon and Ardross.
Please can you direct me to the threads "I am Gay" and "I am not Gay after all" .
Quote Songsheet; As a former Moderator, I would suggest that we were privy to a little more of the action behind the scenes than you would be aware of.

Then maybe a little more transparency is called for.
Hardly worth visting this place any more. A pity. As AC says 10 years of contact down the tube.
"Hardly worth visting this place any more. A pity. As AC says 10 years of contact down the tube. "

Gearoid, rather disrepectful to the people who are still posting on here, don't you think?

If you feel Talking Horses isn't worth visiting, it would seem your response is obvious.
Lets call a spade a spade. TH is dying on the vine. Appropriate kudos etc to DVDS et al, but in my opinion as things stand there is little future for TH as a stimulating horse racing/life experience forum.

For my own case, I am happy to look in daily, and post now and again, but the people I really want to reach are in contact with by phone, eMail, txt or Ted's place. Rarely through TH, unhappily. Does this matter a whole lot to the cosmos? Clealy not. But my case is a microcosm and collectively it is regrettable that such a worthwhile social space is decimated.

What can we do? Not sure - but whatever it is - it needs to reboot us to about last Christmas - we need to raise our gaze from our own precious navels and just get on with the cut and thrust of information sharing, horse discussions and the occasional enjoyable row without an UN rsolution being needed to save face. My take on it is that we let the place become a bureaucratic 'county council' when we grew and prospered as an anarchy. More tragically we killed the dog so the tail could smirk and wag.

I even miss Ardross judging me, for chrissake!
I will continue posting on here for a while longer.

I don't give too shiny shites who is on here so long as there is interesting debate on racing. So long as Gal, Gareth, Euro, Col, suny, Venusian, fudge, etc. are here, it'll do me.

Other people will come back, new ones will join, and if they don't, that's just the way it goes.