What The Hell Is Going On

I have always wondered why someone who is so put out by what goes on here, cannot set up their own forum so all the chums can talk amongst themselves.
It hardly costs the earth and if each contributed, it would cost peanuts, the only drawback is time to administer the site which shouldn't be a problem as there are enough who seem to spend much of their lives on here.
If everyone who complains about the place would just post or respond to a post things would get going again.

I would add the forum even at its height often went through quiet spells esp during the flat season.
People would quite willingly do so, Lee, but the inevitable would follow. The saboteurs and the trolls would find their way there and set about their daily business of upsetting people for no good reason.

This is my first post since the day Ardross left, although I started looking in again at the weekend. I might not always have agreed with his MO as far as moderating goes but I never doubted his motives.

As AC says, this place is dying on its feet and we all know why.

I don't understand this attitude that we shouldn't get upset by what's said on a forum. We're all human and the origins of this forum were mutual respect and consideration. One protagonist and a few bit-part players have, over the years, set out to upset contributors to the point of them giving up and walking away. Why? Because they're human beings. What is it in a person's make up that makes them want to set out to upset someone else?

I just don't get it.
Unfortunately, DO there are as you say some people who set out to ruin things. These people clearly derive pleasure from the act of deliberately winding people up with either provocative or downright abusive posts and then being allowed to get away with it. Until this cancer can be weeded out permanently, nothing will change.

Check your PMs too.
If I can just put in my twopenneth worth please.

As many of you know and probably bored rigid hearing about, I spent about 18 months on here being upset and hounded by a certain moderator and his "friends". He is now posting elsewhere and I for one don't miss him because of what he did. The moderators at the time didn't want to know and although I did get support from a few individuals (who know who they are) and persuaded me to stick it out as leaving was just what many wanted me to do. It was a really horrible time but I stuck with it because as DO rightly said, we are all human but I couldn't understand why I was being victimised and how people appeared to allow it to happen with rarely even a response to any of my PM's asking for help . OK, you can put those violins down now.

That said, I am saddened that many others, apparently leaving due to the falling out with Phil Waters have jumped ship in some form of protest and show of solidarity and I hope they are happy now with Father Ted whose forum, and rightly so has benefited by having these new members on board. I hope those that have left here will return one day - but continue to post on Ted's forum too.

I agree 100% with Gallileo that if people spent less time saying how quiet this forum now is and basically it's so miserable without certain people on here, and instead spent the energy putting up discussions about horse racing, we can go back to doing just that and hopefully attract new blood and some of the old blood will return too.

The new moderators have done an excellent job and I will continue to support them 150% as it is a thankless task but they have already changed this place for the better. They are allowing people to voice their opinions without people having to walking on egg shells and fearing that someone was just about to edit their post, delete it, or report it plus I have had all my warnings deleted too. :clap:

Well done them, and well done to everyone who continues to post on here.
Originally posted by Galileo@Jul 11 2007, 10:12 AM
If everyone who complains about the place would just post or respond to a post things would get going again.

I would add the forum even at its height often went through quiet spells esp during the flat season.
Well said.
Well, I have no idea which of the categories above I fall into as an ex-moderator and, quite frankly, I couldn't give a 4 x !

If it is perceived on here that I've thrown my toys out of my pram and flounced off to Ted's Shed, if that satisfies those with that view, I am happy for you.

I am sure at times we all got it wrong and I am also equally sure your current team will get it wrong on occasion - none of us are perfect although one or two on here obviously believe they are.....

Just remember........

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
I don't think there is anything "evil" on this forum, Songsheet. It's just a few unfortunate personality clashes where some people have decided to make a stand. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. A few people have voted about decisions made on this forum with their feet.

Personally, I am a great believer in "what goes around comes around", and it has proved to be right (for me) on many occassions.
don't think there is anything "evil" on this forum

Apart from *them*
No, not even *them*, Gareth. They serve a "purpose" evidently and are currently working on issues of national security :ph34r: rather than issues surrounding horseracing forums, hence why *they* have probably gone quiet of late.
Originally posted by Gearoid@Jul 11 2007, 05:06 AM
Hardly worth visting this place any more. A pity. As AC says 10 years of contact down the tube.
I am planning to run another Ten-tips-to-follow Sports comp soon and I want you around to defend your crown (or rather relinquish it).
Originally posted by Kathy@Jul 11 2007, 01:21 PM
I don't think there is anything "evil" on this forum, Songsheet.

It's a well-known quote that isn't meant to be taken entirely literally, Kathy!!

But I don't think Honest Tom will be too pleased with your assessment - that E.Dead lot aren't doing their job too well otherwise...
I have always wondered why someone who is so put out by what goes on here, cannot set up their own forum so all the chums can talk amongst themselves.
It hardly costs the earth and if each contributed, it would cost peanuts, the only drawback is time to administer the site which shouldn't be a problem as there are enough who seem to spend much of their lives on here.

Because they know full well that the problems this, and every other moderately busy, forum has, would happen to them, and therefore they would be in for the same as whats happened here. Either that or they wouldn't get the required amount of people posting to make it worthwhile.

Originally posted by Desert Orchid
This is my first post since the day Ardross left, although I started looking in again at the weekend. I might not always have agreed with his MO as far as moderating goes but I never doubted his motives.

As AC says, this place is dying on its feet and we all know why.

Because some people took a huff and went elsewhere? Same as happened when some people wanted Ardross removed as a moderater?
Just explain to me exactly how I could stop anyone leaving the site? People didn't like Ardross and stopped posting. People have now stopped posting as he isn't here any more. How exactly could I win in this situation? No one is bigger than the forum, and i won't make decisions based on mob rule. It was Jame's decision to delete his membership, not mine.

I don't understand this attitude that we shouldn't get upset by what's said on a forum. We're all human and the origins of this forum were mutual respect and consideration. One protagonist and a few bit-part players have, over the years, set out to upset contributors to the point of them giving up and walking away. Why? Because they're human beings. What is it in a person's make up that makes them want to set out to upset someone else?

I just don't get it.

OK you are obviously meaning Phil by this (well mainly). I gave everyone a clean slate. I said I would not get involved in moderation decisions any more. Phil will get warned then banned if he does not follow the forum rules, as will anyone else.
The problems over the past few months were between Phil and the moderators. Aidan is still here, Phil hasn't caused him any trouble. Songsheet still posts every now and then, he hasn't done anything towards her since then. He hasn't done anything to anyone else since then.

What would have been a better solution? Ban him because people told me to or they would leave? In that case I should have removed James earlier this year, and also banned him, as people told me to do that or they would leave. Ironically these recent problems wouldn't have happened if James was banned earlier in the year. Do I think I was wrong for not banning James, no.

What people don't realise is that I set this forum up for you, not for me. I don't make money from it, it costs me money, even after the small amount I get from the affiliate links are taken into account. I don't even have much tiime for racing now, and being honest the only times I tend to come in now is when someone reports a post. If people stop using it, it's no skin from my nose, I'll close it and use the bandwidth for other things. If people want to use it then it wil stay open. I would like it to stay open but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep if it doesn't.

So the choice is yours.
Well, it appears there is more activity on here today. Let's hope with The July Meeting in progress - there is more things to discuss etc.

Well done to Griffin for organising the competition. If everyone does their bit, this forum will continue to thrive.
I take this thread as being pretty positive...everyone wants the place back up to normal....now everyone just needs to make the effort.
This is the best Horse racing forum I've ever come across (the only one actually!!) and I will not miss any of the departed.
Originally posted by Songsheet+Jul 11 2007, 01:52 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Songsheet @ Jul 11 2007, 01:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Kathy@Jul 11 2007, 01:21 PM
I don't think there is anything "evil" on this forum, Songsheet.

It's a well-known quote that isn't meant to be taken entirely literally, Kathy!!

But I don't think Honest Tom will be too pleased with your assessment - that E.Dead lot aren't doing their job too well otherwise... [/b][/quote]
The E. Dead Group won't be back if people start seeing them as cuddly. I blame this new programme Dexter.
Originally posted by an capall@Jul 11 2007, 09:23 AM
Lets call a spade a spade. TH is dying on the vine. Appropriate kudos etc to DVDS et al, but in my opinion as things stand there is little future for TH as a stimulating horse racing/life experience forum.

For my own case, I am happy to look in daily, and post now and again, but the people I really want to reach are in contact with by phone, eMail, txt or Ted's place. Rarely through TH, unhappily. Does this matter a whole lot to the cosmos? Clealy not. But my case is a microcosm and collectively it is regrettable that such a worthwhile social space is decimated.

What can we do? Not sure - but whatever it is - it needs to reboot us to about last Christmas - we need to raise our gaze from our own precious navels and just get on with the cut and thrust of information sharing, horse discussions and the occasional enjoyable row without an UN rsolution being needed to save face. My take on it is that we let the place become a bureaucratic 'county council' when we grew and prospered as an anarchy. More tragically we killed the dog so the tail could smirk and wag.

I even miss Ardross judging me, for chrissake!
Spot on as per usual.

Col's cyberspace, Col's money, Col's time so Col's choice but I can't recall too many people actually leaving because of Ardross. Ironic that the moderators are now the sole arbiters as, if that had been the case earlier, I don't suppose any of this would have happened.
I won't be running the football comp this season due to lack of interest - mine. If anyone wants to take it on I'd be happy to send them the basic spreadsheet but I don't think that long term competitions are particularly viable at the moment.
Originally posted by archie@Jul 12 2007, 09:42 AM
but I can't recall too many people actually leaving because of Ardross.
Ummm....no, despite his very best efforts (and that of some of his "friends") I decided to stay. But, who cares about the number of people he upset along the way and under the safety of being a "moderator" where he was seen as untouchable.

Ardross is not Talking Horses. As much as it is very touching to see he has so much support on this forum, this forum is surely here for the benefit of the majority not for those that were here at it's creation and inception and appear to think that some of them deserve special treatment and consideration.

Col has wiped the slate clean, has put in place new moderators and a few new rules and surely that means everyone (including Ardross and Phil Waters) start from a level playing field.

What is wrong with that? shrug::
Archie, some people just leave without making a song and dance over it such as myself.
There has never been such a posting of resignation ( stickied for max impact ) as he made and all he wanted was approval from his buddies but, he will return, they always do, but hopefully not as a moderator.

I have never in all the years since the old CH 4 forum have I ever posted abuse nor even posted a swear word even in jest but I have still had postings delete for abuse and was stated as such so others automatically assumed it was abuse NOT SO, just a person who had the power of a delete button to abuse his position.

He could make all the snide remarks he liked knowing he could stop complaints being aired, if he has any principles which I doubt, he should stick to his word and be gone for good.
Memorable quote
KATHY Jul 11 2007, 11:59 AM

If I can just put in my twopenneth worth please.

If anyone has had more than their fair shake of rattling on its you,Kathy.Going over two forums to tell everybody how the wicked Ardross and his cabal picked on you, the me,me person. I have said many times that I hold no particular brief for Ardrossand many of his actions however he repeatedly warned you because you , who apparently can do no wrong, regularly broke the rules. I saw many instances of you so doing, fact. The conspiracy theory is your own ego.

Suggest you stop attacking the man which is the type of action for which you were warned.

I may well be warned for this but it is no worse than the comments you are widely making.