When Is A Horse Too Old To Race.

Well I've had a look around and not unexpectedly I can't come up with any studies on heart attacks by age group in Horses. However I did get some info that may be of interest.
Horses don't have heart attacks like people do. They don't get aerthrosclerosis ( Clogging, narrowing, and hardening of the body's large arteries ), which makes sense seeing as they're vegeterians,they tend to have ruptures of large vessels, aneurysms and (probably more often) arrhythmias(Abnormal heart rhythms)
Abnormal heart rhythms can lead to collapse or death but usually causes exercise intolerance. If ruptured aorta is the cause of death mucous membranes become pale from internal bleeding. Age also can weaken the contractions of the heart muscles. Some horses obviously have good strong hearts just like some people. Congestive heart failure which causes enlarged hearts is usually fatal. Signs include enlargement and rapid pulsing of the jugular veins,coughing,rapid breathing,swelling of legs,exercise intolerance and increased heart rate
It would appear to me that where a horse appears to be healthy and than dies suddenly the horse had an aneurysm that popped.
I thought I would say my twopence worth. When it comes to how horses are campaigned (whether it be how often they are run, or when they are retired), I always take a view on the people involved. If they are good decent people, they will do the right thing for the horse. That is their nature. They will retire a horse who is not enjoying it. They will not keep running a horse when they know it has had a very hard time racing recently. they will generally care for their horse unless forced to do something different by the owner in which case it will be a judgement call for the trainer to decide whether they keep training the horse or ask the horse to be taken away. I suppose what I am trying to say is that you have to trust the people who care for the horse, they know the horse best and if they are decent people with a good track record of caring for their horses, then there is no need to debate their decisions whatever the unfortunate outcome that started the debate. I think Sheikh has every right to ask the question of whether heart related disease increases with age and if young horses are afflicted more or less by the strain of racing. A genuine question and the results would be interesting. Dwelling on the HH case doesn't help anyone really. But only my twopence worth.
It can be an emotive subject, can't it? It's best kept to dealing with generally. rather highlight specific instances and, as you point out Cantoris, it's always going to be down to those connected with the horse and basically how honourable they are.