Where Did Everyone Hear About This Forum?

I can't recall how I stumbled across the old C4 forum but I did and that was it.

Must have been around 1996 and I recall taking refuge in what was then the IT suite in the college where I worked and before sites such as this would have been made inaccessible.

I recall the likes of SteveM, BrianH, Ardross, sunybay, terry, Krizon, Pebbles, Alan Morgan, Bob Rolf, St Pirran etc, etc, from back then and am still in touch with some.

There's one or two I truly regret losing touch with.
I have 0 friends who like racing, other than punting Cheltenham and and the National. Used to get pointers off me grandad who was a bookie, but old age and his health (dementia) meant I literally had no one.

On a couple of other forums, so literally googled ‘racing forum’ and here I am.

Browsed for a bit, my knowledge is nowhere near others, grew some bollocks and put up Vieux Lion Rouge on here in the Bechers. It duly won. Grew more confidence in posting my opinions.

If the forum ever went Id genuinely be sad, straight on here in the winter months. Twitter is not the same
What happened to Ian Davies? Did he get banned and was that his real name? I know an Ian Davies on another forum and could perfectly see why he would get banned although he’s better behaved......:lol:. This one was involved in racing journalism.
If the forum ever went Id genuinely be sad, straight on here in the winter months. Twitter is not the same

Same here, DJ.

I don't find it easy to make friends. It probably goes back to my school days when, due to my strict upbringing, I wasn't 'one of the lads' because I wouldn't swear and didn't chase the girls.

Even playing for the school football team I was never close to any of the guys. I found myself following in the footsteps of my father and older brothers in poring through the Daily Express racing pullout on my way to school to see if I could find winners and started punting when I was about 15.

The forum became a way for me be in touch with like-minded people more regularly than in real life and meeting them at Cheltenham, Newbury and Ascot - and away from the track - has enriched my existence.

The forum does have its negatives, the notable drop in interest during the Flat season in particular, but it fair comes alive in November and positively sizzles at this time of year.

As for twitter, I have no idea how it works or how to use it and am happy to be in that position.

I know the time is coming when I am going to have to accept that problems with my eyesight are going to get the better of me and I'm going to have to give up studying the form but until that day comes the forum will continue to enrich my life.
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I’m new kid on the block compared to most of you and I just came across the forum by happy accident whilst browsing racing sites. It was during the flat so a bit quiet, but really livened up when the jumpers took the stage which suited me down to the ground. With only a few gaps I’ve been consumed by horse racing for over sixty years so thought I didn’t have much left to learn. The expertise and depth of knowledge on here, though, just shows me what a mistaken thought that was. A top bunch of people, too. What more can you want.
Like DO I stumbled on it in it`s C4 days and from then on it`s been one of my first ports of call each day. As far as the racing is concerned, despite my age, I`m still just an enthusiastic novice. I`m forever amazed at the depth of knowledge, and the willingness to share it, of so many on here. So many good people on here and so sad and such a loss when you here the passing of such as Colin and Lord H, not forgetting such stalwarts as Alan Morgan and good old Merlin.
I have just spoken to Ian Davies and it is the very same. Banned on here and TRF, he has been allowed back on the latter and I have to say is definitely a reformed character from the forum (Jumping For Fun) that I know him from. He does freely admit he was a complete d*ck when he was on here. I actually like the guy now and meet him at most point to points I go to. People change I guess and at least he knows he was in the wrong in the past.
I've absolutely no idea where I heard about this forum however I'm pleased I stumbled upon it because if I was a racehorse I'd be likened to a poor selling plater so I'm truly grateful for the knowledge I can take from what many of the members on here post (occasionally reading between the lines rather than what has been stated).
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I found Neigh online in about 2005 and posted on there for a year or two.

Then emigrated to The Racing Forum for several years, then came over to this forum.

I have had good banter with so many people. Names that spring to mind for either their banter on postings (or both) would be Ugly Mare, Maxillon 5, (both The Racing Forum forumites), and Drone who sometimes used to come on here.

How everyone has put up with me over the years I don't know.

Sadly I had a falling out with Maxillon about something non horse related but thats life.

I just take this opportunity to say hello to all forumites I have met over the years and wishing everyone well.
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I used to be on gg.com and when it closed down a new one was formed everyinghorseracing.freeforums.net (yes mispelt)
But over the years it's gone downhill and although I'm one of the main posters it's really a waste of time.
I decided to find a forum and googled racing forums and looked at a couple and thankfully i chose this one.
I'm glad i did.so much discussion and not too much argueing and in DO I've found someone who thinks like me(trying to find longshots)
Lots of good things on here .
Drone who sometimes used to come on here.

How nice to be remembered Marb(le):) and hope you are well and content with your lot

Think I first came across this site when it was mentioned over at TRF, 10 or more years ago
How nice to be remembered Marb(le):) and hope you are well and content with your lot

Think I first came across this site when it was mentioned over at TRF, 10 or more years ago

Hello Drone I have been helping with a relatively new local radio station in my area which is now on digital radio and seems to be doing very well. I do newsreading and anything newsy or journalism related. So I have been enjoying that.

I do miss people now and then. My best friend from childhood in London who died in 2012, he was like a colourful rainbow of memories but is no longer here in person. He died too young aged 26.

Another schoolfriend and childhood friend died too young recently who actually became a professional footballer - Sam O.G was his name.

I have made new friends aswell, so thats positive.

You will be remembered fondly by many people Drone and not just me.

Good to hear from you.