Where to stay near The Curragh?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
It's still early days, but on the off-chance that TRY THE CHANCE does actually take up his early entry for the Irish 2000 Guineas, the friend and I who bred him want to come over to see him run.

However, I don't want to spend the fortune I no longer have on swanky digs, so would anyone please be able to direct me to nearish-by or taxi-able B&Bs, or even someone who wants to rent out a room for a couple of nights (cup of morning tea much appreciated)? I'm quite happy to just bunk in someone's spare room (sober habits, good with pets and even children) if they want to make a bit o'cash. My chumette may have other ideas, but her pockets are a lot longer!

All advice appreciated, thanks.
Joan, who we used to stay with when we went to Punchestown, may have a pal in the area who does B&B [in fact, she will have]....will try to contact her [haven't been for a few years]. You'll have a wonderful time with wonderful people. It was amazing going to The Curragh in the morning on our way west and seeing all the horseboxes turning up and horses being exercised [seem to remember lots of sheep around as well]. So, so relaxed. And don't get me started on the soda bread....
Grand stuff, folks, thank you very much. Moehat, if you'd be so kind? Would much appreciate that. I'm hoping the little lad stays in - Michael Channon grinned that he was "still an entire!" so he's not dismaying them to the point of getting snipped. The MAJESTIC MISSILES seem to be promising and his Mum and Dad are both in Ireland, so it'd be a super day if he does take part. More than that I couldn't possibly hope for!

I love soda bread - we have a couple of outlets in Brighton to buy it, and it's delicious. However, in an attempt not to be fired on by cannon as looking like a battleship under full sail, I'm on the dreaded Atkins Diet and no carbs are allowed. Once I've lost the equivalent in weight of an apprentice jockey, I will allow myself the indulgence, with lots of lovely butter and a wedge of cheese... ;)
On the rare occasion that I stay B&B I have to eat everything that's put in front of me as I've paid for it. In general I can't face food until midday at the earliest, but I manage to force it down somehow.
The email address of the lady we used to stay with is setantafarmhouse@eircom.net...it's just outside Naas so not really close to The Curragh, but I'd be amazed if she didn't recommend someone to you. I've never known anyone so kind and friendly and just thinking about her makes me want to jump on a plane and go there now. I do hope you go. We spent a whole afternoon trying to find the place where Mill House was born last time we were there..got sent up all sort of lanes in middles of nowhere; never did find it and the S.O. didn't understand why it was so important for me to find it.
Thanks a mill Moehat - I'll see what shakes out and let you know. 'Setanta' as in Setanta Sports? Interesting.

I walked through Naas when over buying TRY THE CHANCE's Mummy (Danetime Out/Danetime) from Goff's - nice wee place, and some very amusing ladies in the chemist's shop where I bought some insoles for some shoes that were killing me. Stayed at a big hotel there (Osprey??) - weirdly decorated inside with black walls, etc. Unnecessarily gloomy, although it was modern. Horrid corporate feel to it - don't want to do that again! I ate a hamburger at the sales - a beauty, a true half-pounder of "real Irish beef", I was assured, and was as sick as a parrot all night and half the next day, so go acquainted with the dismal bathroom decor rather too well.

Be smashing to meet up with any august forumites attending, especially if we have any horses we're connected to running. Fingers x'd the lad stays entered up. My friend and I sold him to the Murphys of Redpender Stud - I'll have to see if either Ciara or Jim will be attending to see how their pinhook goes.
i know a quite nice farmhouse B&B near kildare, if still interested, kri ?! we are contemplating of coming over as well, and would stay with mate, but flight situation not rosy ... :/
Thanks, Crazy. Yes, it would be nice if you could PM me the details of that, too, since who knows who will be booked up by now! Be lovely to see you and Jimmy again if you can manage it.

Moehat, sorry, got 'no matches found' when I tried to send off my email to Setanta farmhouse. Perhaps they've changed their email address since you were there.
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Duh! I copied Moehat's link and, of course, forgot about the .... after 'net', which is why the email came back! Thanks very much, Del, that looks lovely, doesn't it? Simple and clean - like me. I've bunged off a successful email and we'll see if there's any room down on the farm.
Looks beautiful - very smart website, too. Will see if they can do if other can't. Thanks, Crazy - brilliant to have recommendations.
Good news from Setanta - two single rooms available at just 30Euros a night, if we've still got the Euro by then! :whistle:

Just need to see if my chum's up for it and then we should be sorted - but a very big thank you to all for the advice.

Of course, as soon as it's booked, you just know the horse won't run!! :(
Just checking how far it is from The Curragh; Mike says it's about 10 miles'ish, so there may be other places a lot closer. Having said that Joan is so lovely [she knows Ted Walsh, but I guess everone knows Ted Walsh]. If you do stay there give her a hug from me [or, even better, stick me in your suitcase!]. I'm so jealous.
It may all come to nowt, though, Moehat! I won't go if TTC doesn't run as I'm using borrowed money right now and probably will be even then, the way things are going at present. 10 miles is fine for me - not sure if my pal wants a more urban environment, but I'd like to be in the out-of-town peace. Joan apologised for not getting back immediately - she'd been at a wedding, which is a lovely reason to be otherwise engaged. I will definitely give her a hug from you and, if we can put you through the Mini-Me machine, you'll come, too!
Vanguard Dream who beat him at Leicester aims to keep up his unbeaten record in a listed race at Lingers tomorrow
Not if I see him first... oops! Did I just accidentally feed him a Mars Bar? I'm surprised Mick Channon hasn't had the lad out for a third gallump yet, though.

Bar - that's a very kind offer indeed, sir, although there might be two of us. Little and Large in the Ladies' Stakes. Carol (the co-breeder) is minute - she could be popped in the boot and there'd still be room for a family's luggage. I am dieting faithfully but I'll never, ever be tiny at 5' 10"!
Joans husband is a taxi driver. Oh, and she knows Ronnie Wood..he lived/lived [not sure what he's up to these days] just up the road.