White Christmas?

On and off flurries of snow in Leeds area.

Went in with the girlfriend to the Christmas market in York. Well worth checking out if you're in the area - really nice atmosphere (not that any of that soppy shite gets to me...).
Reminds me of that joke

Baby Polar bear to mummy Polar Bear

"mummy, why am i a Polar Bear?"

" why do you want to know?"

" Cos im fcking freezing"
Been fair zipping in tonight, courtesy of some blustery wind. Looks lovely, and brightens up the rooms, even with the lights out. Just as long as it's visiting someone else on Monday, when I drive oop nawth for Crimbo. I don't think my car can take a snow plough attachment!
Metcheck went blank yesterday but was back up again this morning.

They're now forecasting heavy snow (17mm rainfall equivalent) for my town on Christmas morning, with sleet and snow (10.1mm) in Glasgow. I've been unable to resist the 15/8.
In to 13/8. I don't imagine my 2pts caused that!

Quite a difference of opinion between BBC weather site and Metcheck, though. BBC are forecasting heavy snow up our way on Wednesday. Metcheck isn't forecasting snow although it is suggesting a slight precipitation.
We haven't had any new snow, but it's been cold enough - in spite of it being bright - to keep the snow on the rooftops here.
I went to take some photies this afternoon but my mobi was low on power so I've been charging it up. Hope to get a pic or two tomorrow.
Jeezo. You go for a kip and when you get up in the morning metcheck has changed its forecasts completely!

They're now forecasting no precipitation at all in our area on Christmas Day. What a bummer!!
Also just noticed they're forecasting temperatures of -14C for the middle of the week and the freeze to continue into the new year.
Oop North and it's carpeted with snow, with frequent flurries throughout the day. Looks beautiful as long as you can stay in :D
Went out to load up the car boot ready for the off tomorrow, and spent 20 minutes knocking off 4 inches of frozen-on snow, from a few days ago - it's been bright, but not warm, so very little's thawed. The wipers were well stuck down onto the windscreen. There are areas of road and pavement where the snow's compacted and now iced over, making them very treacherous underfoot. It's down for zero tomorrow, and minus one on Tuesday, although by then I should be in Nottingham, so it'll probably be colder. It's fuzzy boots times all right!
The forecasts (BBC and Metcheck) appear to be changing every 12 hours. Metcheck are back to forecasting white stuff on Christmas day.
4 1/2 hours driving M3 between southampton and twickenham tonite

U can stick white xmas up your arse :(
You didn't have it too bad then!! Three hours and 40 minutes to get from Sunbury to Reading services!! Kempton to Wantage in four hours 50 minutes, a 70 mile journey.

This is the Orchid back garden this morning. It stopped snowing at 8 last night. The flower pots in the left foreground give a fair idea of the depth of the snow. We've had it deeper, though. The big tree at the back doesn't normally overhang - that's an indication of the weight of the snow. Not sure how to re-size the photo to eliminate the inconvenience of scrolling.
Treachorous conditions on the roads. Driving up to the girlfriend's parents house last night (a dreaded journey in the best of conditions...) the roads were an ice rink in places (particularly coming through Newry).

Meant to snow again here tonight and tommorrow. Goes without saying really but taking it steady really is the only way...
I cannot remember weather like this before. Not just for it been cold, but for nearly 3 solid weeks now and no let up in sight. We have only had a bit of snow but there is much more forecast during the week....when will it stop!