After a protracted guess-who-I-am game with a man who called me Krizon at Brighton yesterday, I can now add Tetley to the list of have-mets. He did make a fairly punning reference to 'T' ('tea') being his initial, however, by then I was so exasperated that I was quietly adjusting the thumb screw. Fortunately, he then revealed his identity and has both thumbs intact. I was sworn to secrecy as to his physical description, I'm afraid, as he prefers to remain as incognito as possible.
So: he's 6' 5" tall, has a long, blonde ponytail, piercing green eyes, and a permatan. He looked rather colourful in a bright red Stetson, and yellow crocodile cowboy boots, wears a heavy gold Rolex with the 'rolling diamonds' face, and a gold diamond in his left ear.