Woman problems.


At the Start
Apr 10, 2004
Maybe it's just me but can any of you explain at what point does splitting up with someone 6 months previously but still seeing them socially and building up a friendship of sorts mean 'put your life on hold waiting for me to go out with you again' ?
Maybe it's just me but can any of you explain at what point does splitting up with someone 6 months previously but still seeing them socially and building up a friendship of sorts mean 'put your life on hold waiting for me to go out with you again' ?

Sounds like a classic case of her lady friends convincing her that you should get back together because you can be civil to each other.
The "stay friends" bit doesn't work and stops you moving on. Make it a total break and cut all communication, while finding a new scene for yourself.
I'm still good friends with several of my exes.

Jeesus! The first time I read that I thought she said axes. Which brings on a poem.

Shadow Leader took an axe
And gave Delargy forty whacks
When he saw what she had done
She gave Sam Thomas forty-one.
Not at all - it's worse than living in a small village!

Gearoid - behave, wouldya?! Can I not have male friends without everyone assuming I'm sleeping with them?!
I am not sleeping with Rory nor have I been in the past.

Not that it's any of your fucking business anyway and why you feel the need to air who I may or may not be sleeping with on a public forum just about highlights the lack of anything interesting in your own lives.
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I am not sleeping with Rory nor have I been in the past.

Not that it's any of your fucking business anyway and why you feel the need to air who I may or may not be sleeping with on a public forum just about highlights the lack of anything interesting in your own lives.

It was childish but I could not help myself. Apologies for any offence caused.
I'm currently dealing with yet another clinger.

Can someone please explain to me what is about one night stand that females find so hard to comprehend?
Thanks all. And I do like the 'Clinger' tag. Reminds me of an army drag queen. Drawing comparisons between the two would, of course, be grossly unfair.....
It was childish but I could not help myself. Apologies for any offence caused.

She's not really offended (at least not by you). Various people (and plenty of them) have wrongly concluded that we're an item and that's occasionally amusing to play up to. Sadly it's not really true. It should be blatantly obvious by the fact that we're still on speaking terms that we aren't also lovers. I mean, seriously! :D