Youmzain and the Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud

He doesn't have a turn of foot.

I disagree - he showed plenty of toe to win the GP de St Cloud last year and to mow down all but DT and Zarkava in 2 Arcs. He was hardly plugging on in those events.

He didn't pick up at all today off a perfectly good gallop . It wouldn't be the first time he has run a flat race like that , last year's KG as an example.
In the KG he got stopped in his run, so you just aren't comparing like with anything close to like.

He basically has a topspeed, but needs to hit it early and then just go through the fractions and turn it into a test of stamina. That's fine for a front running sort or one who likes to race prominently, but in a horse that comes from off the pace it makes him a nightmare
In the KG he got stopped in his run, so you just aren't comparing like with anything close to like.

He basically has a topspeed, but needs to hit it early and then just go through the fractions and turn it into a test of stamina. That's fine for a front running sort or one who likes to race prominently, but in a horse that comes from off the pace it makes him a nightmare

He was never going in that KG hence one is comparing like with like - he has got stopped in his runs and picked up rapidly before as in Dubai this year and perhaps most notably of all in last year's Arc.

IMO , he did not have a going day today .
Youmzain sweated up appallingly between his hind legs prior to the race. That might be enough to suggest that he would run below par in itself.
I'm still trying to work out if that was a tongue in the cheek posting or not, Rory!

This sweating up between the hind legs stuff is something and nothing. When it gets hot, horses sweat. Humans sweat. Everyone sweats. This does not in itself indicate that the horse is going to run badly; some horses have even been known to win having sweated up behind the hind legs! The thing is that it is often used as an indicator too rarely to be of any use; can you tell me that you have inspected Youmzain between the legs on every run on a hot day, for example?!

I think it was Johnny Francome who decided to expand on this gem of a theory on Channel 4 one day and ever since people have latched onto it. In itself it means little I'm afraid. Horses still sweat and win, especially on hot days. Horses still sweat and don't run below par. Horses still don't sweat and do run below par. It goes on.

Oh, and what were you saying about excuses EC1??! Of course, as he didn't win, Youmzain must have been below par, no other reason for it....

(and no, Youmzain does not possess a turn of foot)
don't think I mentioned excuses..twas someone else..coz I know there int none SL:D

think thats first time I've backed it..will also be the last as they had a perfect scenario today...and blew it..imo
What did we think of Alpine Rose today?

Looks to be on a progressive curve, connections were apparently bullish before today, comparing her to Pride.

The winner is 36s on Betfair for the Arc, the runner-up 200s.

i didnt mean there was excuses (there wasnt) I meant there is like in past defeats plenty who will make excuses and im sure before this thread is finished someone will come up with one allthough i think every excuse possible has been tried and failed

as EC1 states the horse is a plodder his allleged fast finish is a mirage created by horses in front tiring his 2nds in the arc flatter him
as EC1 states the horse is a plodder his allleged fast finish is a mirage created by horses in front tiring his 2nds in the arc flatter him

You simply cannot finish second in two Arcs and be flattered. Youmzain is a very high class horse who is not easy to win with, for reasons which are open to debate.
Maybe, but Channon's not stupid. He knows the race today was all wrong for him and he would have been using it as a tune up.