Your 2016

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
How has it been for you?

I'm going to have a wee think about it and pen (ie type) something.

How about sharing yourselves?

Prose, limerick, haiku, parody of hit songs.. everything is fair game.
Professionally very good.

Relationships wise -good, got rid of undesirables.

Punting - turned a profit

Mentality state - weekly volunteering with shelter dogs and horses, Keeps me humbled and happy

Nice to meet some forumites in 2016 and hopefully more in 2017

2016 saw the loss of my favourite horse and the main reason I went from being a token fan to racing as a first love - RIP Moscow

My favourite quote of 2016

Be so good they can't ignore you.
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Has anyone ever kept a New Year’s Resolution all the way through?

One of my goals was to lose weight by being careful about my diet and more active generally. I did manage via both but not without lapsing regularly.

Unfortunately the prelude to the year was a visit from the emergency doctor when I wondered if my number was up. I had visions of being wheelchair-bound prior to wondering how best to end my own misery following a sneeze that left me temporarily paralyzed and struggling for breath. Two wrong diagnoses and a year later I’m still wary about allowing myself to sneeze as I still have episodes that remind me of that frightening night.

I did get to the gym more, and to the golf range. I’d already joined the local gym on my £52pa seniors’ concession but Mrs O twisted my arm into taking out a ‘proper’ gym membership on an introductory special offer as she didn’t want to go there on her Tod. I was running like a Willie Mullins plot job for months, letting her believe she was faster than me. It worked for her while I was struggling to work up a sweat.

I’ve wanted to play golf since I was young. I did play a few rounds per year when I was a teenager but had only played maybe a total of ten rounds since I started uni, mostly fun end-of-term days out with work colleagues, when I was guaranteed the wooden spoon. However, a new range opened locally and I decided to see if it was any good. I had no clubs so had to ask the place to lend me some each time I went.

I’ve read that visualisation is an effective way to improve at sport. I’m brilliant now. At visualising. Still mince at golf. I managed a total of four nine-hole rounds all year, my best score being 55, which I’m actually quite pleased with as I don’t recall ever breaking 120 when I ‘played’. Still, the last time I played I only took 14 putts in the round, including one three-putt. I’m hopeful that there is improvement to come as my record on the Wii for the nine hole game is -11.

I now also have two sets of clubs! The first I got from ebay, including bag, balls and tees etc was £32 delivered. The second set, a much fancier one, was £25 from a local charity shop.

The down side is that I managed to break FOUR carbon-fibre-shaft drivers along the way. I’ve been told it’s because I was hitting the ball too hard, which I didn’t think you could do. I wasn’t grounding the club – ever – but I was obviously doing something wrong.

I got to Italy on a 15-day coach tour. Most of it was very enjoyable but Naples is an absolute pit. It’s a bit like 1950s Gorbals allowed to go to pot. Still, one of the other folk on the tour was a charming Belfast woman who agreed that I looked like Robert Redford. I’m still not sure how they allowed her on the tour without her guide dog.

The tour was a consolation for not getting to do Route 66 for my landmark birthday the previous year but since the good Lady O reaches the same landmark birthday this spring she’s talking about our going there before the summer.

My young brother revealed that not only had he had a heart attack during the year but that he was told he also had one two or three years earlier that had gone undiagnosed. That was a bit of a shocker as he’s the youngest of the six of us. Another brother had already overcome prostate cancer and a sister-in-law appears to have emerged largely unscathed – physically at least – from breast cancer which, fortunately, appears to have been caught very early.

In August I made the biggest bet of my life. I thought I’d have been paid out by now and am disappointed that the bookie hasn’t done so even though the finishing line technically isn’t until May. For a person whose normal stake is 1pt win, I was surprisingly unflustered by my 30pts bet on Celtic to win the SPFL at 1/3. I’d have thought 1/50 was generous and I understand that the best price going is 1/750. It really was one of the simplest betting decisions I’ve ever made. In the big scheme of things, the 10pt profit is only a heavy Saturday’s betting money but I never felt the stake was ever at risk.

The least said about Brexit and the US election the best, for me, but at least it should hasten up my move towards Irish citizenship despite the reservations the Irish guys on here also have about the EU.

The year comes to a close with my being about 10lbs lighter than in January, probably a stone short of my original target but as Red Pollard quotes the emperor Hadrian in Seabiscuit, “Brick by brick, my friend, brick by brick.”

Punting-wise, an extended winning run from New Year’s Day through to Glorious Goodwood ensured a winning calendar year despite an erractic run since the start of August.

I plan to lose more weight this year, do Route 66, be generally still more active and fit in more visits to the golf range and courses, plus with my beloved bus pass I also hope to see more of Aberdeen, Inverness, Oban and maybe Carlisle. Especially when Megabus – bless ‘em – also provide free refreshments and snacks on their services.

I’ll be content if my reading of the form continues to serve me well and delighted if it improves before my eyesight precludes my continuing with my number one hobby.

I hope 2017 is healthy, happy and profitable to all of you.
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Personally cant wait to see the back of this year - in summary

Started the year at a major retailer happy and secure in my job with a great boss
By April the boss had been put on "gardening leave" and my position was tenuous
Beginning of May had confirmation that boss was being made redundant, my line manager was being moved out of office to a branch and I was going to be working for someone who had no respect for me
Also during May hubby decided to take redundancy from same company (then decided after having me freak out at work about it that we couldnt afford it so decided to stay)
Along roles June and my 96 yr old nan suddenly takes ill, mum rushes over from Cyprus and within 4 weeks Nan passes away (during this time her son and other daughter who live in Wales decided that it too much effort to come to say goodbye and leave mum to take full burden. They manage to make the funeral then leave as soon as she is laid to rest - havent spoken to them since)
July was a write off as new boss insinuates that I am breaching security measures and I end up in tears all day at office with the new team making me show them in finite detail why I havent broken the rules (turns out there are no security rules and its up to each person to make their own as the company's IT dept have utter faith in Google being secure - new boss decides IT dept are talking rubbish)
Same day as I am in tears, get a call from a company I had applied for 2 days previously to ask me to interview.
Last week of July attend interview and am virtually offered job on spot - better money, 10 mins from home and responsibilty for whole office / personnel)
August rolls in and decide to take new job - for as much to get out of previous job as most nights literally cried myself to sleep but really felt that new opportunity was something worth doing
Hand in notice - boss never asks me to reconsider, is impatient to see the back of me and doesnt even give me an exit interview (in contravention of personnel rules but not sure she would have appreciated my honest answers!)
Go on holiday to Cornwall - have a blast and feel relaxed / happy for first time in many months
Then came the BIG day in September - meeting Frankel! OMG was that a highlight of my life - for some its just another horse and why get excited but considering the previous 6 months he represented everything positive that was going to happen to me
Quickly followed by a visit to Darley and got close (but not as close as Frankel) to Golden Horn and Dubawi but hubby was impressed (and even got nibbled by Dubawi!)
Then came the final day at the office - low key send off (my decision) but if it had been any lower then I would have been escorted off the premises by security! As it was, made to feel like a nobody and harrassed all day for my security badge / laptop (as if I wanted a 3yr old Lenovo that had been stripped of anything useful!?)
October started off in sunny Cyprus visiting mum (drank lots / did nothing)
Started new job and thrown into the deep end!
November still thrashing about in deep end but decide to trade in Fiesta for funky new Mini (5dr black clubman - its amazeballs!)
December and wow managed to swim to shallow end and get head above water and job no longer scary but exciting, challenging and about the 2nd best thing I had done all year
(As for Christmas - mum comes to stay for first time and goes down with bronchitis on Christmas eve and spends next 6 days coughing and feeling sorry for herself - but refuses to go to A&E to get sorted! Then goes back to spend rest of break with her partner who takes her to local doctor who gives pills.....)

So thats my 2016 and why I cant wait to see it gone - just need to pass probation on 17th Jan and then 2017 is gonna ROCK!
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But sounds like there is no shortage of possible silver linings in there, B.

Good luck for 2017. Hope your mum's health recovers quickly and that you find a comfort zone in your job.
Def - I dont like to look at glasses as half empty, and I am the annoying one who always tries to seek a positive from any situation! The positive with Mum is that she is now in Norfolk not my living room :) And on strong antibiotics lol

As for Christmas, when hubby asked me what I wanted I jokingly said that I would like the Lego Constructor Tower Bridge kit - priced at a reasonable £210 (or £152 after company discount) and 4295 pieces!! So what did he do...... had a big win on a footie accumulator and blooming well bought it!!! So far on page 30 of 58 of the first instruction book of which there are three!! Oh well, at least its keeping me quiet :)
Def - I dont like to look at glasses as half empty, and I am the annoying one who always tries to seek a positive from any situation! The positive with Mum is that she is now in Norfolk not my living room :) And on strong antibiotics lol

As for Christmas, when hubby asked me what I wanted I jokingly said that I would like the Lego Constructor Tower Bridge kit - priced at a reasonable £210 (or £152 after company discount) and 4295 pieces!! So what did he do...... had a big win on a footie accumulator and blooming well bought it!!! So far on page 30 of 58 of the first instruction book of which there are three!! Oh well, at least its keeping me quiet :)


Plenty of ammo there to put on the stairs in case he sneaks down early next Christmas Day :ninja:
I seem to have muddled through 2016 in a state I can best describe as 'perplexed anxiety.' I have not yet been able to absorb and reconcile the suddenness of the geo-political upheavals and how these have undermined and challenged the certainties I rely on for future and family. Which leads me to my principal objective for 2017 - less social media, less projection and less concern for matters that I don't control or impact.
I have cut back big time to concentrate on other things but I will be back guns blazing 2017........I already have the CH and TH winners the rest is Rock 'n' Roll:cool:
I shan't miss 2016 either. Had a particularly unpleasant time jobwise which was linked to some nasty individuals who were determined to make my life utter hell. As a few of you may recall, I have been running our local point to point having been brought in to save it from going under. The year I took over it was deemed on the critical list and was barely breaking even. This year, my fourth in the job (which I may add is voluntary) I turned an £8k profit - for the second year running. My committee however were in the main the most unpleasant, lazy negative bunch of individuals you could wish to meet and decided to get rid of me (actually it was a combination of the Chairman, his mother, his aunt and his godfather - all who had a stranglehold on the group). They felt they no-one would work with me! In fact what happened was I would suggest something, they'd all say "no it wouldn't work, can't be done" and just sit there doing zilch while I went off and did said suggestion (raising finance through local sponsorship, Cheltenham Preview Evening - which raised £3k alone) and they didn't like me showing them up. So I was out of a job I loved (and was supremely good at!) - there is a silver cloud in this case, as I had already been asked to take over as Wessex Area Secretary which involves looking after 22 point to points across Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire & Avon (including theirs! SO I now call the shots if they want anything - ha!)

The second shitty thing was a follow on. I had been riding out for a point to point trainer (this time paid) and above nasty individuals decided to spread rumours that I was having an affair with him so his wife sacked me - it was an utter lie and an extremely unpleasant one especially when you get friends of hers coming up to you in the street saying "Shame on you!" BTW the guy is old enough to be my father!! I am not that desperate! But the whole thing knocked me for six that people could be so nasty and vindictive. I've always struggled a bit against authority as I tend to stand up for myself and fight my corner but this was just horrible.

The third thing was a health scare which saw me rushed in pretty quickly for scans etc. but fortunately they came back negative. Still a huge gulp of realism though.

Anyway I am still positive and 2017 is going to be a whole heap better - already enjoying the new Wessex job - I get to go to seminars at Cheltenham and Chepstow when the racing just happens to be on!
Funny year for me. It started in January with a punch-up with my brother in his house. I had decided to quit smoking (again) at the turn of the year and was round his gaff shortly after the start of the year. He had United on against Southampton I think. I was basically bored out of my mind and was slagging the club and the whole sort off. Just isn't the same as when I was a lad going on the Stretty most weeks etc etc. This pissed younger brother off mightily and fisticuffs happened. Very silly and my fault for sure. I think he's miffed that I gave up my love for club and game for horses running about a bit.

Punting wise I'm gonna say bang average despite a healthy ish profit. I did fine on the flat but a good year on the Group races was hampered by a bad year on the handicaps. Gonna have to adjust the way I pick my trackers out. The jumps have been hard, a lot of fallers and horses not winning when they should (see what are you backing today thread) I suppose that's better than them finishing nowhere though.

Workwise I was very unhappy until the summer. I work in an office 9-6 Mon-Fri with one Sat in four included. Was overworked I felt but was offered every Sat with Mon off and took it, basically because the Sat is only a half day. Genius move that's made all the difference. It feels like I get a long weekend every week. And of course the lack of customer facing is a massive bonus compared to my Railway days. That said someone did come in for a parcel just before Xmas and wasn't impressed with my CS "skills" and wrote into complain. I left him to it once I'd wheeled his goods into the Warehouse yard rather than help him carry them to his vehicle. Bright side though (apart from not giving a ****) is he described me as bald, late 30s/early 40s! Bonus - I'm 50 in May.

Speaking of that milestone, off to New York with the brother I thumped at Easter to celebrate (with parents and his new wife in tow) cannot wait. Hoping Aqueduct or Belmont have a meeting although I doubt he'd be involved. The Yankees are at home so that's a certainty.
Ha ha, less of a complement considering our interactions are not visual. Never having kids/settling down has certainly kept my outlook young.
Funny year for me. It started in January with a punch-up with my brother in his house. I had decided to quit smoking (again) at the turn of the year and was round his gaff shortly after the start of the year. He had United on against Southampton I think. I was basically bored out of my mind and was slagging the club and the whole sort off. Just isn't the same as when I was a lad going on the Stretty most weeks etc etc. This pissed younger brother off mightily and fisticuffs happened. Very silly and my fault for sure. I think he's miffed that I gave up my love for club and game for horses running about a bit.

Punting wise I'm gonna say bang average despite a healthy ish profit. I did fine on the flat but a good year on the Group races was hampered by a bad year on the handicaps. Gonna have to adjust the way I pick my trackers out. The jumps have been hard, a lot of fallers and horses not winning when they should (see what are you backing today thread) I suppose that's better than them finishing nowhere though.

Workwise I was very unhappy until the summer. I work in an office 9-6 Mon-Fri with one Sat in four included. Was overworked I felt but was offered every Sat with Mon off and took it, basically because the Sat is only a half day. Genius move that's made all the difference. It feels like I get a long weekend every week. And of course the lack of customer facing is a massive bonus compared to my Railway days. That said someone did come in for a parcel just before Xmas and wasn't impressed with my CS "skills" and wrote into complain. I left him to it once I'd wheeled his goods into the Warehouse yard rather than help him carry them to his vehicle. Bright side though (apart from not giving a ****) is he described me as bald, late 30s/early 40s! Bonus - I'm 50 in May.

Speaking of that milestone, off to New York with the brother I thumped at Easter to celebrate (with parents and his new wife in tow) cannot wait. Hoping Aqueduct or Belmont have a meeting although I doubt he'd be involved. The Yankees are at home so that's a certainty.

Who do you work for Euro, if you don't mind me asking?
I only ask because I work in distribution/parcel delivery myself, just as a lowly driver mind :D
If you're in Carlisle perhaps you work for Stobart, Fonz?

Do drivers wear the company name on their asses same as jockeys?



  • stobart.jpg
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If you're in Carlisle perhaps you work for Stobart, Fonz?

Do drivers wear the company name on their asses same as jockeys?


Not that I'm aware of Grey, I think those green uniforms they make them wear are bad enough :)
I've decided to put some of this in limerick form:

Unfortunately the prelude to the year was a visit from the emergency doctor when I wondered if my number was up. I had visions of being wheelchair-bound prior to wondering how best to end my own misery following a sneeze that left me temporarily paralyzed and struggling for breath. Two wrong diagnoses and a year later I’m still wary about allowing myself to sneeze as I still have episodes that remind me of that frightening night.

I once had to phone up the doc
As I thought I was going to croak
He said it was tenseness
And doped me up senseless
And I’ve only just re-learned to walk
  • I did get to the gym more, and to the golf range. I’d already joined the local gym on my £52pa seniors’ concession but Mrs O twisted my arm into taking out a ‘proper’ gym membership on an introductory special offer as she didn’t want to go there on her Tod. I was running like a Willie Mullins plot job for months, letting her believe she was faster than me. It worked for her while I was struggling to work up a sweat.​

I got talked into joining a gym
Cos my wife had a New Year’s Day whim
But while she was all huffin and puffin
I was just dreamin of muffin
The doll on the next treadmill’s quim.
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I’ve wanted to play golf since I was young. I did play a few rounds per year when I was a teenager but had only played maybe a total of ten rounds since I started uni, mostly fun end-of-term days out with work colleagues, when I was guaranteed the wooden spoon. However, a new range opened locally and I decided to see if it was any good. I had no clubs so had to ask the place to lend me some each time I went.

I’ve read that visualisation is an effective way to improve at sport. I’m brilliant now. At visualising. Still mince at golf. I managed a total of four nine-hole rounds all year, my best score being 55, which I’m actually quite pleased with as I don’t recall ever breaking 120 when I ‘played’. Still, the last time I played I only took 14 putts in the round, including one three-putt. I’m hopeful that there is improvement to come as my record on the Wii for the nine hole game is -11.

I now also have two sets of clubs! The first I got from ebay, including bag, balls and tees etc was £32 delivered. The second set, a much fancier one, was £25 from a local charity shop.

The down side is that I managed to break FOUR carbon-fibre-shaft drivers along the way. I’ve been told it’s because I was hitting the ball too hard, which I didn’t think you could do. I wasn’t grounding the club – ever – but I was obviously doing something wrong.

At golf I am one total duffer
But in my head I could make Tiger suffer
I’ve gone through more drivers
Than George Best did livers
So why don’t they make those clubs tougher?
It's one of the oldest scams on the net (but I assume you know that)

She's a 16st bloke Marb. Real Russian women would be too embarrased to ask for money
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