Colin, his being a decent bloke (and he seems to be very friendly, too) has nowt to do with the fact that I can't begin to concentrate on the horses - the reason I watch racing - when he and Nonstop are rabbitting as if their lives depended on it!
They go through the entire card in painful detail. Come on! You have a race with, say, nine nags and only four have the slightest chance. Rather than give the viewer a nice look at them in the ring, we see the odd one in the background while ole Stevie Wonder goes off on an endless list of reasons why the 66-1 shot probably won't win, with Lydia prompting him with more pointless questions. "He is quite nicely bred, though, and he hasn't had the best of draws recently," she'll prattle, trying to instil some interest in a bored old codger who's current form is a row of coconuts. "Yesyesgrantedthat'struebutIdon'tthinkhe'sgoingtodoanybettertodayandI'llbeamazedifhe'sinthefirstsixorseven," rattles Steve "Dylan Thomas" Mellish. Yeah, I'd be amazed if he was in the first six or seven, which means he's going to be second last or last, Steve, something I might've figured for myself based on his bleedin' SP alone...
If you like talk so nonstop that you can't hear the pearls for the swine, Colin, then yes, they make a great team. Personally, while he sounds as if he's bored out of his skull the whole time, Jon Neesom at least draws breath and dismisses crapola horses, leaving Lydia, unfortunately, to continue relentless quizzing as to whether the dropped noseband or the tongue-tie will make a huge difference, or whether the fact that the jockey's a Capricornian, while the Moon is in the Seventh House, will influence the outcome. :blink: SHUTUPFORCHRIST'SSAKEWOMANANDLETMETHINK! :teeth: