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  1. M

    Irish Govt. vs Internet

    Seems the Irish government is on the way to implementing internet blocking: At least it's being (almost*) up front about it. *: citizens can't have the details, oh no.
  2. M

    1000 Guineas (and beyond)

    Guessing the Fallon reference is to do with a general <aah> 'smudge' on his character. What's the Channon part? Just don't like his training methods ... football skills ... something else?
  3. M

    Tweeted yet?

    Well, do you know how to tweet? As far as I can tell, journalists & celebs know how to; we're often hearing or reading about messages on twitter as though it's a given that we'll be interested. I confess I've never tweeted and the only twitter I really know about comes from birds ....
  4. M

    Arse Cup

    Don't think The Telegraph likes Liverpool Lasses!
  5. M

    The slaughter and abandoning of horses...

    Firstly, I find your remarks about offensiveness & making a point to be patronising - your value judgements belong just to you: I don't accept them. Secondly, I think there is no such thing as a 'humane' horsemeat industry: it's a contradiction in terms. It's not offensive to me that you...
  6. M

    The slaughter and abandoning of horses...

    Your post left me wondering what I could say without writing something offensive. There's no 'debate'.
  7. M

    Date With Destiny

    Reluctant Hero
  8. M


    Mostly because it's just generalised waffle.
  9. M

    Dettori riding for Mark Johnson

    Apparently, he wants to get off the mark with rides earlier than if he waited for Godolphin, whose horese are due here the week after next -- according to an interview in today's RP.
  10. M


    You eventually got something almost* right. Well done. Now, just try for a second success, why not? * 'Israel' - not "the jewish nation" -- don't change things when you clearly don't know what you're saying. Or do you have to be jewish to be an Israeli national?
  11. M

    Road to the Lincoln

    The cash machine ... :(
  12. M

    Road to the Lincoln

    Yes to Prime Exhibit: add in Viva Vettori & Extraterrestrial ... just a v. little research, tho.
  13. M


    Oh? Selective as usual. How about Palestinians getting to & from work or their old home - you know, where they and theirs used to live before 'Israel'. Israel has demonstrated ongoing bitterness to non-Israel ... except to the USA, of course -- do we know why? Not too hard, is it?
  14. M


    Israelis? Lemmings. They're wilfully heading for that cliff .... which no doubt was cleverly positioned in front of them by some enemy ...
  15. M

    Eddie Freemantle

    ... suggests his racing bets are insufficiently profitable?
  16. M


    Selective rubbish. They've been funded by USA for years: how else could they afford the hardware. Do try to keep up with a few facts. A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion - see links...
  17. M


    The Israelis: no-one likes them & they return the favour ... poor neighbours who've had the world's police force in their pockets, by proxy. They'd do themselves a good deed if they acted kindly, just for once.
  18. M

    Road to the Lincoln

    That's 21 races ... about 450 runners? So, that would be about 220 4yos? Just seeing if my brain's working .... :)
  19. M

    Arse Cup

    Nice pics, tho.