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  1. C

    Balsamic Vinegar

    Tonight I thought I was a culinary God. Salmon, olive oil, salt, pepper, frying pan. Add new potatoes and a tomato and 10 minutes later, voila !!! The best meal I have ever cooked myself, also beating anything I have eaten out this year.
  2. C

    Uk House Prices To Crash

    For those who are that interested, BBC2 has a programme on tonight at 8pm on this subject.
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    Question Of Sport

    Hughes and Carson were at least entertaining. Beaumont was awful but Botham made that partnership, he hated to lose and it really showed. [/b] Spot on with Botham. But I simply cannot have Carson or Hughes as being genuinely amusing. McCoist and Parrott are genuinely funny, but Carson and...
  4. C

    Question Of Sport

    You guys have rose tinted specs on. It was awful with Bill Beaumont, Willie Carson and Emlyn Hughes on there.
  5. C

    Uk House Prices To Crash

    Prices on the Costa Del Sol have increased at the same rate as the UK but will crash far faster.
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    Che Guevera

    Ken Livingstone, anyone ?
  7. C

    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    Mate, that's awful. I've worked 100 odd hours in a week before, but never just for the sheer hell of it. And being made to sign out of legislation designed to protect employees.... lest said the better. Surprised they haven't asked you to climb up a chimney yet.
  8. C

    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    Perhaps you'd be so good as to tell me where you think it's been tried? As with many Soviet myths alot of misinformation gets put around. I certainly don't recognise the pay structures you allude to shrug:: My favourite myth is the one about "equality" :laughing: The number of people who've...
  9. C

    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    In so much as there is far more people that are 1) Qualified to be a fireman or a postie than a teacher and 2) Apply to be a fireman or a postie than do a teacher, I believe that teachers should be paid more. If you think an idealistic communist state where everyone is paid the same per hour...
  10. C

    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    I don't think there is anything wrong with unions per se. Maybe they do get a bad press, but they certainly don't come out smelling of roses when you have Gilchrist and the firemen looking to earn more than teachers and striking for their cause - or is that another case of the press getting the...
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    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    Dom. My mum's best friend was a postie (female before you ask) about 10 years ago for about 3 or 4 years. She was on nothing like £20k pa, with or without OT. She left not because of the unsociable hours, the pension etc, but because the union element made her feel sick to the core. If she...
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    What Will Become Of The Tories?

    Is it not in everyones interest to see an able and effective opposition ?
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    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    :shy: Can't beat a little bit of sarcasm after a few jars. :)
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    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    The cheque's in the post is the poorest thing in the world. Hello world, welcome to online banking.
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    6 Day Postal Strike Starts Thursday

    Along with firemen, postmen are one of the last bastions of old Labour.
  16. C

    Death Bingo

    Exactly 20000.
  17. C

    Ian Huntley

    After what I heard today, I've no doubt that you are unquestionably right. Huntley maybe hasn't the means though.
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    Ian Huntley

    Would save the taxpayer £40k a year or so. But at the same time, I am really glad the ###### is suffering.
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    At the moment, Birmania is probably more apt.
  20. C

    Bill Gates Is Sharing His Fortune

    Today I received the following e-mail........ Anyone fancy phoning Daniel up and telling him to feck off ?