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  1. C

    Update from Craig B. (Brit Commentator in USA)

    Hi People! I now have a blog for my racecalling, it is: I was at Churchill this weekend and I think my calls have come on a bit since March at Mountaineer and July at Presque Isle, where I hope to be in 2009. If any f you care to give 1 or 2 a listen the...
  2. C

    Favorite Scooby Doo Villiains

    Hi People: As a birthday gift, I got "I, Claudius" and the complete "Scooby-Doo, Where are you?" on DVD. Being an intellectual, I Have spent the last three evenings overawed with the outstanding animation (using theories abandoned by Walt Disney in 1920)and the sheer dramatic and unexpected...
  3. C

    Craig Calling at Mountaineer Park, your comments are welcome.

    Below are the first two commentaries I performed in the USA (in fact my first of any kind for fourteen odd years.) Any comments, critiques and opinions welcomed. I will also add a couple of Trotting Races to it as well. Many Thanks Craig
  4. C

    I have an audition tomorrow!

    Alas, I did not get the job at Presque Isle Downs. I lost out to a far more experienced commentator. He had better races to call as an audition and they probably chose thr right person for the job. However, he certainly will not be able to do all of the 2009 season and I will be going for it...
  5. C

    Arse Cup

    Inquiring minds want to know of Thommo's latest escapade! BTW, does anyone have a link to Thommo's wonderful in the fog call at Folkestone? Craig
  6. C

    Any Doctor Who fans on the forum?

    I agree with the too much emotion bit. I do not like to feel i am being emotionally manipulated when I watch TV. Certainly by 1977, Tom Baker was clearly entering another world, one seemingly filled with lustful and debauched thoughts about his companions and large G and T's. If you see him in...
  7. C

    Choice of Binoculars...

    I use a pair of Swift Audubon 8.5X44 binoculars, just big enough for calling our mile tracks in the USA but am looking for some old Zeiss Jenoptem or Dekarem 10x50's. (If you have a pair you dont want, PM me!) Whats your choice of binoculars? Craig (PS: If anyone is geeky enough I can tell...
  8. C

    How my audition went...

    Hey Kathy: Well, I dont think I sound American, do you? Were you able to pass my info on to Robin Gray? Cheers, Craig
  9. C

    How my audition went...

    Well - I have lived in the USA for over 8 years. I live in West Virginia which is about rural south as you can get. I am originally from Cambridge but spent a lot of time in Enfield and that area. My accent has always been a little hard to place for some people (Dear God, save me, but many...
  10. C

    How my audition went...

    WHen I said: "They're not exactly burning the candle at both ends" I mean they are not going quickly. Yes the other 2 were a little incongrous but, honest to God, they were going slowly enough and then Forest Picnic finally found a bit more. I haven't really listened to J A McGrath for a...
  11. C

    How my audition went...

    Hi People: Sorry for not getting back sooner. No-one knows who got the job as yet. I tried but became nervous and didnt really give 2 good calls. Although there were only 5 horse fields, there were three color changes which were not given to me and I had to relearn them on the way to post...
  12. C

    The mysterious changing accents of commentators...

    Geez, my original post has turned into a thread about the virtues of Mike Cattermole and if GG has a penchant for too many donuts and ladies clothing... Craig
  13. C

    The mysterious changing accents of commentators...

    LOL! I actually have his addy and phone number but as I have not seen him for 14 odd years and he last knew me when I was a child, it would probably not be very appropriate to ask, even though I have wanted to know since I was five! Have no idea if GG considers himself a best dressed lady...
  14. C

    I have an audition tomorrow!

    It has not, yet. Race 4 is at 6.45PM and Race 5 us at 7.10pm EST! The two other announcers going for the job also being auditioned are: Robin Burns: Former TVG host here in the USA. Very well known Harness Announcer - also former Announcer at Laurel and Pimlico. But Keith earlier this week...
  15. C

    Any Doctor Who fans on the forum?

    Colin Baker was very underrated. If you get a chance, listen to some of his Dr Who audios and you will see he is indeed a great Doctor. I guess Peri is one reason I married an American! Craig
  16. C

    I have an audition tomorrow!

    Hi People: Tomorrow evening I am calling Races 4 and 5 at Presque Isle Downs in Erie, PA (A nice 500 mile round trip for me!) as an audition to become their full time commentator. Only six horses in each race, would have preferred a bigger field, but one step away from becoming the first full...
  17. C

    Commentator here...just wanting to introduce myself!

    Kathy: If you have anything to do with him - I am pretty sure he will remember me, would you be kind enough to pass my email address to him as I would love to get in touch with him. Email is Cheers, Craig. (PS, my Missus is called Kathy)
  18. C

    The mysterious changing accents of commentators...

    Hi People: I first began going to racecourses to practice my commentating when I was 12. I mention this because at that age my voice had not fully broke (it probably didnt finally settle until my mid 20's in fact) but I have always been aware of the accents of commentators. One of the reasons I...
  19. C

    Commentator here...just wanting to introduce myself!

    Robin is indeed a fine gentleman. Very good to the young Craig he was. Spent many hours in his company, especially in the ditch commentary position at Newmarket. Top man also, for sneaking me into places I had no place being, weighing rooms, empty commentary boxes, etc. Cheers, Craig