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  1. M

    More tech stuff…

    It was like an updated version of turn it off and turn it back on again! My main problem was working out how to get the phone out of it’s new case and then finding where the SIM card was. So much for all this modern technology stuff when the way to fix it is to take the card out, blow on it (...
  2. M

    More tech stuff…

    Another problem: bought a new phone yesterday. Not an upgrade or anything. Phone says not registered on network. Car phone warehouse set it up for me. New phone number etc. Is there something I’m supposed to do? Don’t really want to go to the shop as we’re still recovering from Storm Arwen...
  3. M

    More tech stuff…

    Recently let my iPad do an upgrade. Big mistake. Has taken me all day to reinstall emails etc but it now keeps switching itself off after a few minutes. How can I stop this happening? It says there’s a security problem. Will ask for a new hub ( haven’t had a new one for years). Totally dependent...
  4. M

    Cheltenham 2021/22

    I just hope the mare is ok. Not sure what I think about this.
  5. M

    Cheltenham 2021/22

    Is the ground a bit slippy? A horse slipped on the bend in one of the earlier races.
  6. M

    What are you watching

    Binge watching Outlaws….
  7. M

    Kauto Star

    I waxed so lyrical about Sea the Stars that he actually sent me a copy of his book about him, the inscription this time being ‘as promised’. Lovely chap: never dreamt he’d do it! I guess we Arkle lovers share a common bond even if I did come late to the party…..
  8. M

    Kauto Star

    It took me decades to forgive him. As Sean Magee wrote in my Arkle book ‘To Mo, who never stopped loving Mill House but eventually forgave Arkle’. Crikey, digging out the book I’ve just found a Cheltenham racecard signed by Willie Robinson and Peter O’Sullevan, too. Wondered where that had gone!
  9. M

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Fosters Island Kelso. Always make a point of backing Hammond horses when using Emma’s claim. Didn’t notice it. So much racing on today. Damn.
  10. M

    What are you watching

    I’ve just re read my favourite book from childhood Ghost Horse: Stallion of the Cimarron by Joseph E Chipperfield. I’m sure it’s the book that Spirit was based on. I got it years ago via a book search and cried my eyes out when I received it. The book search people said people often tell them.
  11. M


    I’ve just had a horrible week waiting for my passport to be delivered (or not delivered) from the passport office. The tracker said it had been delivered on Saturday but it wasn’t at my house. Spent the rest of the weekend panicking that it had fallen into the wrong hands. Spent hours on the...
  12. M

    Kauto Star

    I was actually thinking of you the other day, Tanlic, so it’s a relief to hear from you. With the pandemic and stuff it’s a worry when people don’t post for ages. Take care. ( I think it’s because Sprinter Sacre is now available for hiring out for events etc and I thought to myself ‘I know...
  13. M

    What are you watching

    I never got to see the new Spirit stuff albeit having the video of the Walt Disney film from a few years ago. However I keep watching all of the posts on Facebook of the wild mustang rescues in America given that they’re still being rounded up. I haven’t seen my granddaughter for agesbecause...
  14. M

    Kauto Star

    Good to know you’re still with us! How are you?
  15. M

    Equine Retirements, Long Term Injuries and Departures

    Wonderful that such a small stable could have had two such amazing horses. She must have had a very long and happy retirement. (just read that she will be buried next to Limestone Lad so he can watch over her. I seem to have something in my eye again…..)
  16. M

    Equine Retirements, Long Term Injuries and Departures

    Just heard. I really loved him when he was racing in the U.K. He had a quirkiness about him that I liked. Awful.
  17. M

    Equine Retirements, Long Term Injuries and Departures

    Am I right in thinking that we’ve lost several Ebor winners over the past few years?
  18. M

    In Memoriam (Racing People)

    Oh how sad. RIP
  19. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Good to hear that part of his prize money goes to the Royal Marsden Hospital though.