What are you watching

A terrible year for Television

Feminism, reality tv and Black Rights dominate the screen

I look forward to Succession's comeback

Billions has jumped the shark
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I watched Vigil. I'm not that fussed either way in terms of giving it a rating. My much beloved 'The X Files' finished a long time ago!

Fwiw, I found this review of Vigil.

Friedrich Stuart
3 weeks ago

An interesting concept, that could have gone far, if the writers hadn't seen fit to attempt to be all things to all people...The basic concept here is sound and intriguing, murder on a nuclear sub and the involvement of various agencies, police, MI5, Navy, politics and protesting civilians, how they protect their own patch of authority whilst rubbing up against each other...also intermingled with the ordinary secrets, affiliations etc of the human beings involved.
However, the actions of those on the submarine are, one feels, portrayed as a little too human.. in fact the dramas on the sub play out in a days of our lives fashion, that strains credibility, crew members that have been found tentatively guilty of various high level offences are effectively left to wander around freely, sinking of trawlers, covert shadowing by allied submarines, reactor shut downs, are all brushed aside by both those on and off the sub as mere glitches in operations...meanwhile, of course the investigator in charge is suffering from a cliched case of PTSD, combined with a guilt complex following a fatal car accident, whilst also struggling with her feelings regarding her lesbian liason with the detective sergeant she appointed to the case, all of which invades the drama in a series of "quite annoying" flashbacks. Tedious wokeness aside...having so many balls in the air at the same time pushes Vigil from the unlikely toward the Pantomimy, OH no it's not.....OHHHH Yes it is!! 2 points for a concept poorly executed.

:) :) :)

I think typical of the habit of jamming everything into a series in case not re-commissioned, so watch out for extra silliness in series 2. Still quite well done but too many plot twists, but typical of bods who did Line Of Duty who also did this.

I used to have cats called Mulder and Scully :)
Soph and I are off to see The Addams Family 2 tomorrow - not really in the same league
More likely to appeal to me, had a thing for Morticia years ago!
The return of Guilt tonight on BBC2. Really enjoyed the first series.

Mark Bonnar was in the year below me at school (though I don't really remember him) and Jamie Sives grew up about four streets away.

Jamie Sives was a proper radge when he was younger, and was forever getting into bother with Dibble.
Mark Bonnar was in the year below me at school (though I don't really remember him) and Jamie Sives grew up about four streets away.

Jamie Sives was a proper radge when he was younger, and was forever getting into bother with Dibble.

You? But you’re so innocent - I can’t believe that for a minute….

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Vigil - Average

Squid Game - Very good so far 2 episodes in. Very original.

I loved Squid Game. Very brutal, some fantastic episodes.

I've just started Succession. Two episodes in and pretty good. Interesting sort of idea to have a series where not one character is likeable, see how it goes. As per they have a British actor playing an American character. Seems a thing.

Netflix have Seinfeld now so will rewatch that. One of the best shows ever.
I saw bits of squid game on gogglebox - made me laugh quite a lot ( not sure what that says about me [emoji23]) and Soph likes playing the games on Roblox [emoji2356]

Not sure it’s worth me getting my subscription back, but I didn’t hate it.

Last Wentworth on Tuesday night - I’ve really got into it since I started watching ( and watching the older ones in between) can’t see how they can wrap it up without feeling rushed, but we can hope.

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I loved Squid Game. Very brutal, some fantastic episodes.

I've just started Succession. Two episodes in and pretty good. Interesting sort of idea to have a series where not one character is likeable, see how it goes. As per they have a British actor playing an American character. Seems a thing.

Netflix have Seinfeld now so will rewatch that. One of the best shows ever.

Succession is superb - 2nd series is actually far better

I might try Seinfeld, i was 10 or so when it started so one of those shows that passed me bye
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Well soph is off school poorly ( has been most of the week) so we’re going to watch Turbo later

Sad that Wentworth ended last Tuesday - might have to go back and rewatch them all. And the new season of Doctor Who was much better than I expected - already love John Bishop in it!

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I never got to see the new Spirit stuff albeit having the video of the Walt Disney film from a few years ago. However I keep watching all of the posts on Facebook of the wild mustang rescues in America given that they’re still being rounded up. I haven’t seen my granddaughter for agesbecause Mike and I have been very careful throughout the pandemic but she has become horse mad (she’s 6) so I’m hoping now I’ve had my booster that we can get together and watch horsey stuff. I am NOT getting her a pony. I repeat, I am NOT…….
I never got to see the new Spirit stuff albeit having the video of the Walt Disney film from a few years ago. However I keep watching all of the posts on Facebook of the wild mustang rescues in America given that they’re still being rounded up. I haven’t seen my granddaughter for agesbecause Mike and I have been very careful throughout the pandemic but she has become horse mad (she’s 6) so I’m hoping now I’ve had my booster that we can get together and watch horsey stuff. I am NOT getting her a pony. I repeat, I am NOT…….

The Spirit Untamed film is pretty good - it’s very much like the first series ( though I preferred the series) I’m astonished by how much stuff there is - and very disappointed that I couldn’t get soph a pair of spirit cowboy boots last year!

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I’ve just re read my favourite book from childhood Ghost Horse: Stallion of the Cimarron by Joseph E Chipperfield. I’m sure it’s the book that Spirit was based on. I got it years ago via a book search and cried my eyes out when I received it. The book search people said people often tell them.
Impeachment: only remembered to catch it last week. First Clive Owen is unrecognisable but they've made him too old and squidgy compared to what Clinton was at the time, he was at his height of cute/good looking.
Second, if close to the facts, how STUPID was he, Clinton, that is? He was so unbelievably indiscreet and how on earth did he think that he wouldn't get away with it as Lewinsky a naive, I would say 'challenged' although I want to say intellectually stupid individual. Clearly unstable and living on another planet., and how he didn't see that from the get go?? I know some mens' egos get in the way where their libido may be concerned but a man of his intellect... really unbelievable he didn't stop it after day one.
Linda Tripp a thoroughly nasty individual.
Succession is superb - 2nd series is actually far better

I might try Seinfeld, i was 10 or so when it started so one of those shows that passed me bye

Seinfeld so holds up. Yeah the clothing is dated but some of the scenes are genius.

Near the end of the first season of Succession and I'm getting more into it.

I've also just finished the first season of The Witcher and that was very good. At heart I think I'm very much a Fantasy man. Today I finished the last book of The Wheel of Time - 15 books most of them around 1000 pages. And that series, incredibly long, is coming to TV. Jeff Besos wanted his own Game of Thrones.
I just discovered a TV series by the same people who gave us Gotham.

"Pennyworth" for anyone who hasn't seen it, it is based on the early life of Batman's butler Alfred who is ex SAS,

Is well worth watching if you like that sort of thing
I just watched Quarantine 2 : Terminal

Biggest heap of shite I ever did see [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]

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