1000 Guineas (and beyond)

Regardless, surely you would say the price discrepancy between LL and Special Duty is very strange?

Not really - Special Duty has looked laboured all season with 3 runs (two of which were hard races back to back) close together - Lillie Langtry comes into this on an upward curve and given her problems earlier in the season there is every reason to think there is more to come.

Either way we will soon find out.
Annoyed with myself - my whole angle on the race was the price of LL, and instead of laying her win and place, ended up backing 2 others each way - no loss, but a bad choice all the same.
I was thinking of the bank manager whe Lille Langtry trailed in behind....
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It's up to Workforce and Harbinger to give this Flat season the kick up the arse it needs. It's been incredibly mundane thus far.
Canford vs RVW would help.

I'm boycotting the rest of this meeting in protest. You can stick the July Cup where the sun don't shine.
The Marois could help. Not a vintage season though. I'm probably one of few who thinks the 3yo milers not all that either.
I am at a loss to see what is wrong with this season. Maybe the older horses arent all that, but surely it has to be looked at in November not july?

Canford Cliffs, Workforce, Turpin all very admirable and exciting horses in their own ways. we could have seen the best derby winner for many many years and we have an exciting looking KGV in prospect for once

As for Music Show, we know that Channons can be in and out. Was certainly worth a bet at 8s
The racecourse, hate it. Very rarely get involved but thought SD was reasonable value at 4/1. Beauchamp Hero in the Princess of Wales was my last decent winner there and that must have been a dozen years ago at least. Oh, and on top of that I had Enrique in the 2000 Guineas and a short-headed Dolphin Street one year in the July Cup at 25/1.