2008 Departures

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Rathgar Beau retired again

Delighted, whatever about bringing him back to go pot hunting in Ireland, it was sickening to see him sent over to the UK last weekend to contest a veterans race...he owes connections nothing and deserved better than that.
remember Jodami alot, saw him run a fair few times in about 94 and 95, when I would skive off school and go racing with my Uncle, he would pick me up from the corner by the sweet shop when my parents thought I had gone to school, he even forged me a note every time to pass in the next day. It all went swimmingly until one day mum was cleaning up my room and found a colelction of racecards on school days. Remember him at Cheltenham and Newbury a couple of times, was a lovely horse.
Not sure if this has been reported earlier/elsewhere but apparently Wingwalker has died of a heart attack
so sad to report that both In Accord and Toulouse Lautrec died yesterday

So sad about Toulouse, was a great favourite at Tom George's who never got much of a break from handicapper yet managed to still love the game. The saddest thing was that he would have been retired at end of this season.
It wasn't a nice sight to see In Accord getting up with his hind leg swinging then attempt to trot around in circles. He couldn't seem to work out what was happening, poor love.
I was watching live and he just raced wide and fell back on both his hind legs whilst running, the commentator indicated that it was a broken leg.
Nasty looking topple for Merchant Paddy today...brought down and didn't look to be in good nick after
I believe we lost Forest Perk at Ludlow today.

Especially sad as she was the new recruit for Executive Racing so commiserations for those from within who are involved.
I'm gutted to say that we did lose Forest Perk. This has been a hard game for me to bear recently and that is the final straw. I am getting out of ownership for a while.
I hope you'll feel better about racing and ownership soon, Ian. Horses can break your heart sometimes.
Ian R,

sorry to see you lose Forest Perk and hope you return to ownership soon.

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