2018 Gold Cuppin'

Road to Respect seems very much under the radar over past 24 hours when listening to views on the race.
I'll be backing him, 12's currently seems too big irrespective of him not getting the better ground he would have wanted.
Am rooting for Total Recall to help Lar Byrne achieve what heavy hitters Ricci, Giggi, etc have yet to namely a Champion Hurdle/Gold Cup double.
It would be one for the smaller guy.
Wide open race whatever way you look at it.
Was slightly concerned about the weather but not been as bad as forecast and in the main class has risen up suggesting that whilst its riding slower, its not extreme ground thats changing the face of races. Soft ground will be fine for the biter. I stand to win a lot of money if he does it so I hope I am right!!!
Good luck with Might Bite I stand to win more if Native River wins than I do him unless Nicky would be kind enough to train a treble with Apples Shakira, Santini and Might Bite .....now that would be something!!!!!
I've finally come down on Our Duke. Not the most straightforward campaign but the stars appear to be aligning for him. I've also had a small e/w on American who will save a lot of energy with his flawless jumping.
Our Duke has my early money but one way or another I have been taken by Killugtagh Vic and am certain that at some stage during the race he will go very short in running.

Whether he is good enough, know in an hour or so.
I expect Might Bite to blow the field apart at some stage and trade odds on in running.Native River will surely pay the price if he tries to lead MB.I think American and Total Recall will be ridden cautiously and could get placed.
I don't think even Might Bite's biggest fans could begrudge Native River that win.

Two races for the price of one. Those two in a match and the rest in a race for third.

Well done all NR's backers and supporters.

Might Bite did a fair old impersonation of Wayward Lad there.

It will be interesting to see what NdB and NH say about the Biter.

Assuming MB gets over this, it will be great to see him destroy everything around him on better ground.
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Can't believe I deserted him. What a horse.

Altior & Native River can't win following one run after a long lay off? Looks a little silly now.