There's two ways to approach posting on a forum.
1. You lurk for a while, and try to get to know the forum's characters/styles before wading in.
2. You wade in immediately.
Both approaches are perfectly legit.
What's not on (imho) is to lurk, and surface occassionally, only to post that the atmosphere is too poisonous to post regularly i.e. as archielab appears to have done.
This is not having a pop at archielabs, rather it is a defence of individual member's posting styles. Using Slim as an example, he isn't spiteful - he is bolshie......and there is a world of difference between the two. The last thing we should want to happen is for members to nueter their method, just in case it upsets someone - and that goes for long-term and new members alike.
If you want to be a member of a happy-clappy, nice-as-pie forum, where everyone is consistently courteous to each other, then join Mumsnet.
This is a house of strong opinions, because it goes hand-in-hand with the subject-matter that's discussed. Fall-outs are a natural by-product of the exchanges here, and everyone needs to learn to live with that fact. That should not preclude anyone from giving as good as they get, or refrain from posting.
Apart from Slim's hair-trigger responses to guessers on his WW thread, I don't recall anyone on here ever being put-down after their opening gambit.
One final point.
EC1, you were bulleted. The fact you asked for your account to be deleted is neither here nor there, and for a guy who is presumably looking to display some contrition, you're already dishing it out, within a page of first outing yourself. Got to love your style!