HAH! I was told to 'dress for the office' today as last time, having clad myself in Michelin Man layers for the great outdoors, I was re-located to phone and photocopier duties at rollcall! Nice... so today I thought I looked a bit better scrubbed-up, and was promptly put OUTSIDE the bloody Os&Ts entrance (where the lovely Kim had a raging heater) to dish out the pre-paid badges! Amused - not!
I have to laugh. (In a cynical, snarling sorta way, though.) There we are, loads of brilliant new signage, facilities, a gleaming stable canteen - and I'm doling out the pre-paids from a cut-down race cards box with PRE-PAID BADGES scrawled in magic marker on it, balanced on a bar stool (the box, not me) - now, how professional is that?
I still got to say howdy to a number of the nice trainers, and even a few good old owners, through slightly chattering teeth. (I got to the office eventually, after the 2nd race, so it wasn't all bum-freezing.)