A Racehorse Of My Own

Sorry, was I not meant to accuse you of being wrong, Brian. :blink: I don't know about you, but I find it a bit annoying after a while especially when it is not backed up by facts.

Don't worry about advising me about the handicapping system, Brian. I know enough to get by on, thanks.
Originally posted by Kathy@Dec 1 2006, 06:15 PM
Don't worry about advising me about the handicapping system, Brian. I know enough to get by on, thanks.
That's good - so why do you disagree with the view that it's better for a horse that runs in handicaps to win by a short head than it is for that horse to win by two lengths (or even eleven lengths)?

Or do you want me to post some of the facts about how the horse would be assessed by the handicappoer?
Brian, if the truth be known I would have preferred if you had come on this thread and congratulated me when Bay Hawk won, rather than you deciding to hijack it now to discuss handicapping - after I was clearly having a bit of a joke with Gareth earlier.

I will not enter into any discussion with you about handicapping although I thank you for your offer.
Well, it looks like we are off to Woollybags on Saturday night as one of my friends fondly calls it. There appear to be 10 races on the card, :blink: and thankfully, our race is not the last one!! :)

It looks like it might be their Christmas party night too, so I will be digging out my sequined boob tube, spray on trousers and silver stillies to complete my racing outfit for the evening. They evidently know how to throw a party up there. :nerd:
Originally posted by Diamond Geezer@Dec 4 2006, 05:25 PM
Good luck Kathy and I recommend a visit to Cheltenham Races en route for some real racing. ;) :P


Brendan has threatened to come to Wolverhampton IF he really cannot find another meeting (any other meeting) to go to! <_<
Originally posted by Kathy@Dec 4 2006, 05:38 PM
Are you going to be there, Carl?
He is more likely to run on Thursday, but if he does make the line up on Saturday, I will be there.
Gorgeous George is a great AW rider, Kathy. His parents came into Lingfield last week - very nice, cheerful folks, and he clearly takes after his Mum's looks, but neither parent's height. "You should see the milkman," said his Dad. I said I thought George folded down very well for such a tall guy - which he does! Really concertinas down when he needs to get busy. Best of luck!
Thanks, Krizon. My Dad knows George's Dad really well so he has threatened to come racing with me on Saturday night to cheer him on. Taffy who works for Brendan is also a friend of my Dad's (my Dad always keeps a custard tart in the fridge for Taffy, evidently? :blink: ) so if they all turn up... including Brendan, it should be a great evening.

I am really looking forward to it. B)
Taffy's a great guy - sometimes seems a miserable owd sod, but has his heart in the right place! Tell him Jon off the Lingfield desk sends her salaams. You'll have a smashing night, I've no doubt.
Taffy is wonderful, Krizon. He makes me phone my Dad when we are in the parade ring just so he can ask him how much money he has put on. It was Taffy that told Zoe Hannon my name was Christine. He ran over to apologise as soon as he realised what he had done. Never a dull moment. :)
If Taffy is with BH on Saturday, I will send him your regards!
Well, at least we now know Bay Hawk doesn't get 2 miles on the allweather. :D

Brendan was at Wolverhampton with us this evening, and we had a great evening despite the results. It was made even more special due to him buying us dinner.

Krizon, Sam got his champagne from Fontwell and was evidently chuffed to bits. He has a few months to wait until he can actually drink it though. Lots of positive things going on in Sam's world right now. B) Oh, and Taffy sends you his regards too.
I wondered if Bay didn't like being at the back with the muck in his face for the whole race, Kathy? I know the lad swung him wide off the back turn, but by then he seemed to be a bit fed up! Anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Glad that all went well for the evening - the Zongalero is a really nice restaurant.