Adrian Chiles

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Is this guy sleeping with the head of ITV?

There are a number of things in life I admit to not 'getting'. Quantum physics, computing science would be obvious ones.

Adrian Chiles?

Talentless and pointless.

I found the operation to remove my toenails when the anaesthetist hadn't put in enough 'stuff' funnier than I find this guy.
What about Phil Neville? I thought I was listening to a hypnotist. I think we found the reason for Man Utds poor season if he was involved in any team talks.

The worst pundit I've EVER heard!!
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Chiiles is alright. The gloomy pessimist bit grates sometimes. He is himself and has a sense of humour (which bypasses some i exoect....)

I like him
What about Phil Neville? I thought I was listening to a hypnotist. I think we found the reason for Man Utds poor season if he was involved in any team talks.

The worst pundit I've EVER heard!!

Agreed. Total disaster as a pundit

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Agreed. Total disaster as a pundit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I texted my mate as I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was excruciating.
Even when he got excited, it was the same tone just at a slightly higher level.
All time classic epic fail:lol:
Chiles: (along the lines of) 'trust the Scots to turn up when you're suffering... Mr Strachan and Mr Lennon...'

Someone clearly had a word in his ear immediately.
Listening to him in the background (as I go through the Royal Ascot Tuesday form), I imagine Chiles would be OK if you're English, he's in your circle of friends and are having a pub discussion about the games.

He needs to remember he's presenting a TV programme to a nationwide audience.
i used to like him on the beeb but he just seems to try to hard to be funny since he's been on the other channel

maybe his comedy just wore off happens
Listening to him in the background (as I go through the Royal Ascot Tuesday form), I imagine Chiles would be OK if you're English, he's in your circle of friends and are having a pub discussion about the games.

He needs to remember he's presenting a TV programme to a nationwide audience.

the thing is though its that casual style that got him going places at the beeb..he isn't supposed to be an ordinary presenter..and if that means someone like Andy Townsend..thank f@@k
I like him; it was good for someone with a Brummie accent to get a presenting job [ok I'm biased]. He was good doing the midday politics programme. Should have stayed with the BBC; not sure why so many people are tempted by the poisoned chalice that is a job with ITV; good money at the time but not a good move career wise. Always seem to bomb [look at Susanna whatsername].
I'm not aware of Townsend fronting any programmes. Half-time analysis from the pitch side maybe.

Nor was there any need for Chiles's remark about the Swiss fans' fancy dress at half time. It was extremely patronising. I look forward to hearing him make similar remarks about England fans during their next game.
I like him; it was good for someone with a Brummie accent to get a presenting job [ok I'm biased]. He was good doing the midday politics programme. Should have stayed with the BBC; not sure why so many people are tempted by the poisoned chalice that is a job with ITV; good money at the time but not a good move career wise. Always seem to bomb [look at Susanna whatsername].

I like hearing regional accents and I like the Brummie one. He doesn't overplay the accent (in the way that some cockneys do) to the extent that I couldn't have said it was obviously Brummie.

The ITV job doesn't seem to have been a poisoned chalice for him as far as football is concerned.

Has Susanna Reid bombed already? If so, I'm glad (although she will have done very nicely out of it regardless). She was the worst female presenter ever to appear on the Beeb. Lou Minchin is a vast improvement in terms of intellect, humour and interaction with co-hosts and guests.
He's NOT a brummie

Black Country Dudley lad. Dont ever get them confused. Best mate of mine is from same town (and very similar bloke) you do not call them brummies
This explains a lot for me.

I used to work for directory enquiries many years ago - Dudley, Stourbridge etc is entirely (and I mean entirely) filled with fuckwits that deserve to be euthanised immediately.

And Wigan.

They make people from Wolverhampton sound like decent human beings.


It's not Chiles' accent which grates - it's the towering fountain of shi*te he speaks, every time he opens his trap.
Must admit I'm not a big fan of Chiles, think his attempts to be funny are cringeworthy.
In other news Phil Neville is now doing the shipping forecast!
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