Age of Reason

SC took my advice and it went very well.

Do what you feel is best Euro - she's probably not worth the hassle tbh.

Our works Christmassy do tonight -could be interesting :)
I can't wait for tomorrow to see the results from both parties!

Euro: im tryping to typ wit h a brok en hnd. nt god idea to thro wpunch at a bloke who dukcs and you hit a wall

Irish Stamp: Don't know how this happened, but I'm sending this from a nice little cottage in Latvia. Those were some wicked shots!
Hope it all went ok euro - leave her to it - if she's going to let you think you are in with a shout and drop you like a hot brick for someone younger, then the guys are right, she's not worth it-you deserve better.

Heck, I'm the worst person for dispensing advice - but I do think you should treat people how you would want them to treat you - some you care about and some you don't - that's just the way things go. Leave her to find out that young lads are just that - I'm told that there's nothing quite like having a real man wrap his arms round you....

You'll be grand, decent guys always end up the winners - just sometimes takes a little while for them to find someone who deserves them xx

P.s. granger is right - its amazing what effect not being able to have something has on a girl.... ;)
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Hope it all went ok euro - leave her to it - if she's going to let you think you are in with a shout and drop you like a hot brick for someone younger, then the guys are right, she's not worth it-you deserve better.

It went fine. She was all over him like a rash but I know it's just infatuation. The guy is nice enough but he's a typical northern townie lad - no depth to him. I feel really sorry for her because she has no confidence in herself, and women like that always go for the wrong guy. But ultimately the last thing she needs is to fall in love again so soon after a nine year relationship that began when she was 18 - she needs to live a little. I'll always be there for her though. /sap
Perhaps that's the sort of relationship she wants right now, Euro - one with no depth to it. And don't be too sure about women with no confidence in themselves going for wrong 'uns - I felt pretty darn sure about myself but still managed to find ungenuine dogs dressed up as Group class. Our intuition is sometimes overrated! (And I'm sure you don't think of yourself as a wrong 'un, either.)

If she's only 26 now, after what sounds like just one pairing, then she may not want to feel committed again so soon. She probably needs to just have fun without strings and get over the loss of a long-term partnership.
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I've got a pain in my bollocks with my current 117 day bender that I'm on and have worked out that only a busty twenty something year old can straighten me out. At 29 I'm on my last legs with the Charlie Sheen lifestyle. I've taken to online dating and after two hours I've already bagged a phone number. This is like shooting fish in a barrell. Why was I in Coppers trying to bang the lowest hanging fruit when this method was available to me?!
I've got a pain in my bollocks with my current 117 day bender that I'm on and have worked out that only a busty twenty something year old can straighten me out. At 29 I'm on my last legs with the Charlie Sheen lifestyle. I've taken to online dating and after two hours I've already bagged a phone number. This is like shooting fish in a barrell. Why was I in Coppers trying to bang the lowest hanging fruit when this method was available to me?!

I have it on good authority that this is the only way to go....4/6 first date sex by all account...;)
I've got a pain in my bollocks with my current 117 day bender that I'm on and have worked out that only a busty twenty something year old can straighten me out. At 29 I'm on my last legs with the Charlie Sheen lifestyle. I've taken to online dating and after two hours I've already bagged a phone number. This is like shooting fish in a barrell. Why was I in Coppers trying to bang the lowest hanging fruit when this method was available to me?!

I had a similiar experience a few weeks ago.

The lass phone number that I got, well she was more chubby than busty.

She arranged to come to my local pub, a good plan I thought.

I got to the local, there was a bus stop nearby.

I saw two women in the bus stop and one hiding so I couldn't see her face.

I thought. "surely she'd have called me or come over if it was her".

Anyway, after working out she wasn't in the pub I text her asking was that her in the bus stop. She said 'yes', and said to come over.

I text her back asking why she was hiding like a schoolgirl and proceeded to walk over.

"Hi" I said, "are you coming over for one". "Na" she replied, "I'm waiting for the number 11 to take me and my mate down to the town to McDonalds to get something to eat, just wanted to say hello."

So there I was, dressed in my denim shirt, having brushed my teeth for the first time in ten days, being told by this obese fecker a Mac D's was better than having a pint with me.

The moral of the story, I don't think there is one tbh...
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What online terminology really means

Bubbly - overweight

Up for a laugh - slut

Deep meaningful relationship - bunny boiler

crazy - no fun whatsoever, no friends