All Read Please


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
ok, I hate doing this type of post, but there you go, sometimes things need saying.

Recently I've noticed quite often when a new member posts a few people will respond with something along the lines of 'hi [insert banned members name here]'. I want this type of post to stop. Simply because sometimes the wrong person is targetted, and TBH any new member reading that will be put off posting anything. If you have concerns about it pm me or one of the moderators.

Personal attacks on other members must stop. This includes the snidey comments I read every now and again aimed at other members, posts picking up on spelling mistakes and stuff like that (apart from the obvious ones).

From now on, anyone getting banned will be banned for good. I do have tools available to stop banned members re-registering, I just haven't used them in the past properly, but I will from now on. Having said that if anyone gets banned it will be a joint decision by the moderators and me, rather than just me (unless theres a reason that can't really be argued with).

Unlike a few years back, I don't have as much free time now, and I honestly don't have enough time to keep coming on and settling stupid squabbles which shouldn't have been started in the first place. If you want an argument with someone, then take it to PM or email please, so that everyone else doesn't have to read it.

I know some of you might think i'm being petty with this type of post, but it's either calm down or I'll close the board. For anyone who doesn't know, the board was set up when Channel 4 closed their forum with about 24 hours notice (about 5 years ago - can anyone remember exactly?). I set it up, initially on a free message board, so that people had somewhere to go when CH4 closed. It has now arrived to where it is now, which I think everyone will agree is much much better. Although it costs me around £100 a year to run, and my time of course, I have never asked for a penny towards the upkeep, and don't have annoying adverts all over the place, pop ups or anything like that to help with the cost. I'm not complaining, nor do I mind paying for it, but I don't think asking people to act as adults rather than 5 year olds is that much to ask in return. If you don't like the few rules we have in place, then go elsewhere.

Anyway thats my moaning post for the year over with :)

Sorry that you have to post such a note, Col, sadly, not for the first time. There are some personal antipathies on here which have long outrun their amusement value, and I'd be glad if those people would call it a day with the snipings. As we've all said before, just don't respond, just ignore them, or if you feel you're being attacked, let one of the Mods know.

If this Board does get closed because of a few people persistently spoiling it, I'm going to be b----y mad as hell. The forum's brought me a lot of pleasure, a chance to spout off a lot of rubbish and save non-horsey friends from a slow death from boredom, some really good meet-ups, and a few true blue pals. I actually owe Col my co-ownership of two lovely horses with Songsheet, and there are many on here who'd never have got together to partner up with ONE ALONE and other horses.

I think we owe Col a great deal, if not monetarily, then at least our respect for what is HIS board, not ours.
I couldn't agree more, Colin.

I for one and very grateful that you run this board and have done for 5 years or so. I have met some very good friends on here and it would be a shame were it to be spoiled by some, and yes I am as guilty as others, for which I apologise.
There's no doubting that all of us on here have 'lost it' once or twice with others (me included) but most of us have learned to simply ignore or refuse to respond to those on here that irritate.

And I believe that is the key message - if there's someone on here you actively dislike, just exert some self-discipline and ignore them! It's really, really simple! Similarly, if you've been at the butt-end receiving several responses from different forum members complaining about your comments/attitude/style of posting, instead of stubbornly refusing to listen, why not stop and have a really good think about why so many different people are offended by you? And then have a go at slightly modifying your tone? It really would make for a more harmonious forum !

I can't thank Col enough for his time and effort in running this forum - as Jon says above, friendships have been formed and a lot of fun been had over the years. But the sad case is that recently we've lost several long-standing members and many post less and it would be good to return the forum to the place it was previously, where folk could post freely and without bricks being dumped on them from a great height.
Í agree with everything that has been said on this thread.

Col is doing a great job.
Agree with everything already posted.

One way I've found helpful in avoiding leaping in with remarks that might not be appropriate is to use the Preview Post button for most postings. It's a little like taking a deep breath and gives the chance to reconsider the wording.
I have not been on this forum for long, but find it to be the best ive come across. 95% of users appear to be friendly, helpful & intelligent. whereas with other forums ive come across 95% are the complete opposite. i also think it is very well run & the layout is user friendly. Long may it continue...
thanks for the comments everyone, one thing I did forget to mention was (like jft2005 says above) if anyone thinks the rules are harsh on here may I suggest you join some other forums where even saying shit will get you a life ban, where going against the moderators views will get you a life ban, or join one where there are no rules and laugh as every thread turns into a major argument!

I don't like having loads of rules as I would like to think most people are mature enough on here not to need them, but obviously, as in every aspect of life, there are times when you do need some ground rules!
Strange isn't it, that my name isn't involved in any recent sqaubbles on here :blink: I am not sure if it is me that has chilled out or the others! B)

I suppose, like many others, there are far more important things in life than falling out with people on racing forums. I love the fact I can ask questions on here, or just get things off my chest and people respond in such a positive and helpful way.

When I lost Mum last year, this place and Ron's were an absolute Godsend. Krizon for one was an absolute star, as were so many others. Being able to look in on this forum gave me a real sense of normality (honest) when everything else seemed to be falling apart.

OK, so there will always be a few people having a few squabbles occassionally that's life I'm afraid but remember, if you abuse it, you risk the chance of losing it and I for one would really miss it..... never thought I would think that, but it's true! :)

I haven't yet got my racing head back on yet, but within the next 2-3 weeks, I hope to be back to normal and back off watching racing, and enjoying life and possibly meeting up with some of my TH racing buddies too. Something I am really looking forward to.

Keep up the good work Col! B)
OK, I don't make up the rules but I think if someone abuses me openly on a forum I should be allowed to come back at them just as openly.
DO - so you're saying that the Moderators are redundant, aren't you? If you felt someone had been rude to you, you could've PM'd me or another Mod to have had the offending post removed, and the offender cautioned. But you chose not to, I assume - or if you did, the Mod did nothing about it, which would be odd.

If we aren't going to be PM'd about offensive posts, then there's no point in any Moderating. We might as well jack it in and let things go on until Col closes down the site. On the other hand, neither do Mods want to receive endless, childish bleats every time there's just a simple disagreement or argument. There are plenty of those at any given time. Most forumites are of an age where they should have learned a bit of anger management by now. However, I'm willing to allow for the fact that most are males, and that testosterone plays its part in driving the urge to defend one's territory (i.e. one's opinion) to the point of overriding commonsense.
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Feb 3 2006, 12:48 PM
OK, I don't make up the rules but I think if someone abuses me openly on a forum I should be allowed to come back at them just as openly.
for starters this thread isn't aimed at you
secondly, who did you report the abuse to and i'll have a word with them about why nothing happened?
don't know about anyone else, but I read that originally as DO defending his right to reply if attacked. Not that he had been.
Well,Brian,if you have me as fav,i would advise all the board to take you on. :)

Of course,no insider dealing allowed. :D
because i have made my own tissue and have made myself Fav. :D

Some friends are waiting in the wings to lay me,mostly female. (wishful thinking) :)

So get betting.
I didn't inform a mod of the offending remark as I appreciate they have lives of their own and have better things to do than 'haud the jaikits' when a stupid squabble arises. I also reckoned by humiliating the offender as openly as he tried to humiliate me it would generate a bit of interesting reading. Maybe I've taken Col's reminders about what the forum's rules are all about a wee bit personally. If they weren't aimed at me, then I'm not reading enough of other people's postings :what: