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Arse Cup

Be careful what you wish for... cliche-ridden as much British race-calling can be, I'd hate for us to end up as a mere roster, like the USA. Or like Desperate Dessie. By the way, has he engaged a young boy to give him a poke with a sharp stick as the horses near the finish? I used to lapse into a coma previously, but he now seems to wake up and become startingly loud 100 yards out. No, Dessie, it doesn't make it more exciting - just NOISY.
Do you and Dessie Scahill have some sort of history we don't know about, Kri?

Personally I find his finishes absolutely tremenjous...
Naughty boy! No, unluckily for Dessie, he's never had the pleasure of my raucously good-natured company... (lucky chap, some would argue)! I just like to have a whine about him whenever I get the chance - he has perked up a wee bit the past year, though. Perhaps he read the forums and read that he was in danger of sounding bored out of his skull, and inflicting the same fate upon his listeners. I just can't stand the way he reads from the front to the back, missing the changes of lead, Fs, URs, UFOs and alien invasions along the way!
The gurning, giggling Taarnyaar/Big Mac circus around them - what's the group noun for a collection of arses? An impaction?
:lol: Naughty boy!

Can't bring myself to watch any more, after CV going. Feel very, very down about him, so a little giggle's rather welcome. Off for a consolatory cuppa and then some shopping. What a way to 'enjoy' the Festival!
I'm with you, Krizon. I recorded today's Festival but, now I know about Citizen Vic, can't bring myself to watch.
Hallo, Dilys, dearest! Long time no hear from you - hope you're doing well. I'd love to see you at Leafy again.

I don't know why, but I feel hit hard by Vic's horrible death today. Far too often, one tut-tuts, shakes a head, but mutters about them going quickly, what they're born to do (well, race, rather than die doing it, one hopes), and then look ahead. But I was so shocked this time, truly struck dumb. The life's gone out of me for enjoying Cheltenham any more, and I've had a good burst of tears for the fellow. I was going to be at a big lunch at Hove Dogs for the Gold Cup on a big screen there, but I've cancelled. Just don't want to think "who's next?" when we know so many of these lovely horses who've been gracing our screens.
To be honest I am not sure he is well - possibly not the drink this time? He looks in bad shape health wise and like others said his voice sounds weird.
It's a very short price that there was a fall off the wagon a long time ago. As in probably not that long after it was climbed on to.
Jesus Tommo!

Anyone just see that piece in the pub where Tommo had 2 pints of cider, sampled one, then handed one to the young lady? He only handed the one he just drank out of! Sheesh.