At Last! An Interesting Competition

an capall

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Talkinghorses Fantasy Stock Market Investment Competition.

As someone who regularly enjoys competitions run by others, I wonder if anybody fancies entering this one. I will offer up a prize of a free €25 bet on a race of the winners choice at Cheltenham 2007.


Competition runs from November 1st until March 1st 2007.
Each competitor has 10,000 points to invest.
Each point is worth a dollar, a euro or a pound sterling.
Equities can be bought on the Dow, FTSE, Nasdaq or ISEQ only.
You can invest some, all or none of the 10,000.
Maximum number of stocks that can be bought = 5
There is one trading window only – January 6th – 13th. You can by and sell any stock and reinvest all, part or none in other stocks once the total in your portfolio is less than or equal to five.
Anyone asking awkward questions will be banned.
The winner will be whoever has the most points at close of trading in NY on March 1st. 1 Point = $1, €1 or £1.

Mods – can you leave this here for sign up until the competition starts?

Scores will be updated periodically.

Early Betting;

Bar the Bull 3/1
Brian H 7/2
Prince Regent 4/1
Suny Bay 4/1
Bobbyjo 5/1
Krizon 6/1
Kathy 6/1
Tout Suel 6/1
An Capall 7/1

8/1 Bar.
That unsolicited, coded e-mail info on stocks 'n' shares might come in handy after all. I have absolutely NO idea what to do, but I'll have a go at it, if only to provide the humour content.
I'll have a go. :what:

The trading window week is the same as the transfer window week for the TTF competition. A week of decision making - or in deciding to give up!
Sounds interesting to me - and I have just the stock in mind. I'm toying with the idea of buying some shares as it is...
Could be a laugh. I have no clue what I am doing but my housemate is an investment banker!
An, you're not Victor Chandler in disguise, are you? Your book for for those mentioned alone works out at 159%.

I might throw my hat into the ring but I'd need to know how to find out what firms are listed on the indices you mention.
OK – read carefully – here is what you can do.

Our Daddy website for info is
This is an easy to use site – so bookmark it.

Now say Dessie wants to invest his 10,000 points in four companies today, 2500 each.

British Airways (FTSE or LSE London Stock Exchange) BAY L 462.2
Microsoft (Nasdaq) MSFT 28.36
Allied Irish Banks (Iseq) AIB IR 21.15
Baxter Healthcare (Dow) BAX 46.22

Click on the site above to get the symbol. Just type the name of your company and it will give you the company symbol – click on that and it will give you the price – see red and blue above.


To start it off I’ll declare my hand. I have decided to favour technology(& 1 punt on a bio stock) stocks on the Nasdaq exchange in NY. I have decided to allocate my 10,0000 points as follows

Oracle Corp 2000 points. Price 18.70 = 107 Shares
Xilinx Corp 3000 points Price 25.44 = 118 Shares
Microsoft 2000 points Price 28.37 = 70 Shares
Ericsson 2000 points Price 38.04 = 53 Shares
Vical 1000 points Price 5.91 = 169 Shares.

* Competition Price will be struck at close of business on October 31.

Krizon - give me the name of up to five companies you think will increase in value in 5 months. Thats all - c'mon challenge yourself - you can do it old girl!
Puff, pant, wheeeeeeze, creak, creak... anyone got any spare Bute? :(

Okay, AC, I'll attempt the impossible. You've dangled a large carrot in front of me. I think.
I'm deeply impressed with your thinking, AC. Get the greatest minds in UK racing to turn their attention to the stock market and cherry pick their ideas, all for €25. Brilliant! :D
If you give it a go Krizon, so will I!

It's nice to see An participating so actively on the forum (as he can be a miserable sod at times) :) , so I suspect he's going to win this competition without even drawing breath.

I best go and do a bit of homework. I would use the names of some of the shares I have already, but they seem to be going up and down like a tart's drawers at the moment. <_<

For anyone thinking of buying a few non virtual shares, it is great to set up a portfolio on your computer. You can sign in everyday and either smile or wince depending on how they are doing. I have (nervously) sold a few shares recently via The Halifax sharedealing website. I quite enjoy seeing how they are doing although I should try and stop doing it every day. :blink:
Dessie - do you really think that if I needed stock market advice I would turn to this den of scoundrels. You are all shite at what you are supposed to be good at (betting on horses) so how could I expect help from here?
best go and do a bit of homework. I would use the names of some of the shares I have already, but they seem to be going up and down like a tart's drawers at the moment.

Are they in the Floozie 100 :D
"Anyone asking awkward questions will be banned."

Always read the smallprint. :P

Will have a go as long as you're doing the gruntwork AC
KOSP (Kos Pharmaceuticals) on the S&P Index 2000 points
GME (Gamestop Corp) on the S&P Index 2000 points
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) on the S&P Index 2000 points
JPM (JP Morgan Chase) on the Dow Jones Index 2000 points
RIO (Rio Tinto) on the FTSE Index 2000 points

Thanks, an capall.