OK - Here is the table and updates. There are a couple of clarifications needed. Shadow - please confirm the ticker and closing price for Party Gaming on 31st Oct, as I can't find them. BobbyJo - pls confirm tickers and closing price on 31st Oct for Keller and Muscat. Krizon - I allocated your portfolio equally across three stocks. Don't argue. (And it Saturday all day today.)
Final notice - I am shite at Macros/Pivots etc and have had to use a few to manage the data from Yahoo Finance. Secondly there was conversion factor to normalise $ and £ into a point format. (£1 = $1 in this game). There may be errors. If you could all check your portfolios and advise if I have erred. Chances of finding an error are currently 1/16 on VC Bet. I will add all accrued dividends at the close of the game.
Leaderboard as at COB November 17th.
Player Points
Bar The Bull 1015.0
Gearoid 688.7
An Capall 475.7
Griffin 434.8
Kathy 387.6
Krizon 305.5
Betsmate 299.6
Diamond 282.3
PDJ 223.7
Triptych 130.2
Brian 7.6
BobbyJo -431.2
Shadow TBA
The details clutter when I cut and paste. Read them as follows based on my first selection. Player = An Capall, Stock = Vical, Ticker = VICL, Price COB 31-Oct = 6.39, Shares bought = 156, Price 17-Nov = 6.45, Loss/Gain = +.06, Total = Loss/Gain*Shares. Points is the total normalised loss or gain.
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
An Capall Vical VICL 6.39 156 6.45 0.06 9.4
An Capall Orcale ORCL 18.47 108 19.46 0.99 107.2
An Capall Xilinx XLNX 25.51 118 27.48 1.97 231.7
An Capall Microsoft MSFT 28.71 70 29.4 0.69 48.1
An Capall Ericsson ERIC 37.82 53 39.32 1.50 79.3
Points 475.7
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Bar The Bull Rio Tinto RIO.L 2892.00 69 2669 -223.00 -154.2
Bar The Bull Advanced Micro Devices AMD 21.27 94 21.45 0.18 16.9
Bar The Bull Gamestop GME 51.06 39 51.74 0.68 26.6
Bar The Bull JP Morgan JPM 47.44 42 47.66 0.22 9.3
Bar The Bull Kos Pharma KOSP 49.75 40 77.52 27.77 1116.4
Points 1015.0
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Betsmate BE Aero BEAV 25.28 79 27 1.72 136.2
Betsmate Macrovision MVSN 26.61 75 28.95 2.34 176.2
Betsmate Nvidia NVDA 34.87 58 36.32 1.45 83.6
Betsmate Petroleum Development PETD 46.15 43 41.75 -4.4 -190.2
Betsmate Google GOOG 476.39 4 498.79 22.4 93.7
Points 299.6
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
BobbyJo Leadcom Integrated Solutions LEAD.L 59 3390 53 -6 -203.4
BobbyJo Chrysalis CHS.L 135.5 2214 125 -10.5 -232.5
BobbyJo Keller Group KLR.L 841 357 841 0 0.0
BobbyJo Bank Muscat BKMA.L 2850 35 2850 0 0.0
BobbyJo JP Morgan JPM 47.44 21 47.66 0.22 4.6
Points -431.2
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Brian H Xansa XAN 2.45 81633 2.5 0.05 40.8
Brian H Carluccio's CARL.L 162.63 1230 164.85 2.22 27.3
Brian H Petroleo Brasilia PBR 88.76 2253 89.3 0.54 12.2
Brian H Encore Oil EO.L 29 6897 27.25 -1.75 -120.7
Brian H Compahia Vale do Rio Doce RIO 25.44 79 26.05 0.61 48.0
Points 7.6
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Total
Diamond Geezer Unilever ULVR.L 1,301.00 77 1401 76.9
Diamond Geezer Cenkos 2764307.L 196 1276 202 76.5
Diamond Geezer Goals Soccer Centre Goal.L 277 1444 286 130.0
Diamond Geezer Wolseley WOS 23.82 105 22.82 -1.0
Points 282.3
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Gearoid Cisco Systems CSCO 24.13 124 26.93 2.8 348.1
Gearoid Millicom Internation Cellular MICC 49.88 40 54.49 4.61 184.8
Gearoid Express Scripts ESRX 63.72 16 67.66 3.94 61.8
Gearoid Liberty Media LCAPA 89.06 11 89.97 0.91 10.2
Gearoid Elan ELN 14.34 209 14.74 0.4 83.7
Points 688.7
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain
Griffin Sainsbury SBRY.L 391.75 511 410.5 95.7
Griffin Prudential PRU.L 642.5 311 675.5 102.7
Griffin M&S MKS.L 656.5 305 695 117.3
Griffin United Utilities UU.L 713.5 280 770.5 159.8
Griffin Astra Zeneca AZN.L 3,098.00 65 3035 -40.7
Points 434.8
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Kathy Intercede IGP.L 50 2000 67.75 17.75 355.0
Kathy Powerfilm PFLM.L 170 1765 175 5 3.0
Kathy Mothercare MTC.L 347.5 288 370 22.5 12.9
Kathy Rueters RTR.L 447.25 559 470.75 23.5 21.1
Kathy BP BP.L 583 429 582 -1 -4.3
Points 387.6
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
PDJ Misys MSY.L 203.75 1963 211.5 7.75 152.1
PDJ British Telecom BT-A.L 278.25 719 282 3.75 27.0
PDJ BP BP.L 583 343 582 -1 -3.4
PDJ Microsoft MSFT 28.71 70 29.4 0.69 48.1
Points 223.7
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Triptych Bloomsbury BMY.L 307 651 314.25 7.25 47.2
Triptych Interserve IRV.L 380 526 386.5 6.5 34.2
Triptych Tesco TSCO.L 391 512 400.25 9.25 47.3
Triptych Scottish Power SPW.L 653.5 306 755 101.5 310.6
Triptych Vedanta Resources VED.L 1,462.00 137 1236 -226 -309.2
Points 130.2
Player Stock Ticker 31-Oct Shares 17-Nov Loss/Gain Total
Krizon Imperial Tobacco Ity 71.34 47 70.45 -0.89 -41.6
Krizon Adobe Adbe 38.25 87 41.45 3.2 278.8
Krizon Microsoft MSFT 28.81 116 29.4 0.59 68.3
Points 305.5