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At Last! An Interesting Competition

Bloomsbury (BMY)2000 points
Scottish Power (SPW)2000 points
Tesco (TSCO)2000 points
Vedanta Resources (VED)2000 points
Interserve (IRV)2000 points

I've tried anyway - it was harder than I thought to make my selections but its something that I think could be quite interesting if I had more time on my hands.

Thanks An!
Haven't had the time to think about this really...so just rushed through it!

Chrysalis [CHS] 3000 points
Keller Group [KLR] 3000 points
Leadcom Integrated Solutions [LEAD] 2000 points
JP Morgan [JPM] 1000 points
Bank Muscat [BKM] 1000 points
Liberty Media Corporation LCAPA 10000
Express Scripts, Inc. ESRX 10000
Millicom International Cellular S.A. MICC 20000
Cisco Systems, Inc. CSCO 30000
Bollocks. Housmate still away. Here goes a total guess

BP - 2000
BT - 2000
Misys - 4000
Microsoft - 2000
Hi there. I'm setting up a spreadsheet to manage this comp, and need a few clarifications.

KRIZON - DG -BobbyJo

Player Name Symbol Market Allocation
Krizon Bharti Airtel ?? ?? 2000 Not Recognise
Krizon Hyundai Steel ?? ?? 2000 Korean Market
Diamond Geezer Man Group PLC MNGPF.PK ?? 4000 Can't see it quoted on the allowable exchanges
Diamond Geezer British Energy Group ?? ?? 2500 Can't find a ticker sysmbol. Please clarify.
BobbyJo JP Morgan JPM ?? 1000 Clarification Needed. Which Ticker
BobbyJo Bank Muscat BKM ?? 1000 Clarification Needed. Which Ticker
Replace Mann with Goals Soccer Centre (Ticker= Goal.L)

Replace British Energy with Cenkos (Ticker = 2764307.L)
Here is the list - can you either clarify the ones with a question, or confirm if I have an error on your intended choice.

Player Name Symbol Market Allocation Price 31/Oct Shares
An Capall Vical VICL Nasdaq 1000 6.36 157.2
An Capall Orcale ORCL Nasdaq 2000 18.53 107.9
An Capall Xilinx XLNX Nasdaq 3000 25.6 117.2
An Capall Microsoft MSFT Nasdaq 2000 28.68 69.7
An Capall Ericsson ERIC Nasdaq 2000 37.87 52.8
Bar The Bull Advanced Micro Devices AMD S&P 2000 21.27 94.0
Bar The Bull Rio Tinto RIO.L LSE 2000 28.92 69.2
Bar The Bull Kos Pharma KOSP S&P 2000 49.6 40.3
Bar The Bull Gamestop GME S&P 2000 51.16 39.1
Bar The Bull JP Morgan JPM NYSE 2000 Clarify Ticker #VALUE!
Betsmate BE Aero BEAV Nasdaq 2000 25.25 79.2
Betsmate Macrovision MVSN Nasdaq 2000 26.56 75.3
Betsmate Nvidia NVDA Nasdaq 2000 34.688 57.7
Betsmate Petroleum Development PETD Nasdaq 2000 46.27 43.2
Betsmate Google GOOG Nasdaq 2000 477.91 4.2
BobbyJo Leadcom Integrated Solutions LEAD.L LSE 2000 0.59 3389.8
BobbyJo Chrysalis CHS.L LSE 3000 1.36 2214.0
BobbyJo Keller Group KLR.L LSE 3000 7.56 397.1
BobbyJo Bank Muscat BKM ?? 1000 Clarify Ticker #VALUE!
BobbyJo JP Morgan JPM ?? 1000 Clarify Ticker #VALUE!

Brian H Encore Oil EO.L NYSE 2000 0.29 6896.6
Brian H Xansa XAN LSE 2000 0.79 2531.6
Brian H Carluccio's CARL.L LSE 2000 1.63 1229.8
Brian H Compahia Vale do Rio Doce RIO NYSE 2000 25.42 78.7
Brian H Petroleo Brasilia PBR LSE 2000 Clarify Ticker #VALUE!
Diamond Geezer Unilever ULVR.L LSE 1000 13.01 76.9
Diamond Geezer Wolseley WOS NYSE 2500 23.87 104.7
Diamond Geezer Cenkos 2764307.L LSE 2500 1.96 1275.5
Diamond Geezer Goals Soccer Centre Goal.L LSE 4000 2.77 1444.0
Gearoid Elan ELN NYSE 3000 14.48 207.2
Gearoid Cisco Systems CSCO Nasdaq 1000 24.07 41.5
Gearoid Millicom Internation Cellular MICC Nasdaq 2000 49.73 40.2
Gearoid Express Scripts ESRX Nasdaq 1000 63.82 15.7
Gearoid Liberty Media LCAPA Nasdaq 1000 88.99 11.2
Griffin Sainsbury SBRY.L LSE 2000 3.92 510.5
Griffin Prudential PRU.L LSE 2000 6.43 311.3
Griffin M&S MKS.L LSE 2000 6.57 304.6
Griffin United Utilities UU.L LSE 2000 7.14 280.3
Griffin Astra Zeneca AZN.L LSE 2000 30.98 64.6
Kathy Intercede IGP.L LSE 1000 0.50 2000.0
Kathy Powerfilm PFLM.L LSE 3000 1.70 1764.7
Kathy Mothercare MTC.L LSE 1000 3.48 287.8
Kathy Rueters RTR.L LSE 2500 4.47 559.0
Kathy BP BP.L LSE 2500 5.83 428.8
Krizon John Lewis LWJA.L LSE 2000 0.85 2352.9
Krizon Shire UK: SHP LSE 2000 9.57 209.1
Krizon Microsoft MSFT Nasdaq 2000 28.66 69.8
Krizon Bharti Airtel ?? ?? 2000 Replace #VALUE!
Krizon Hyundai Steel ?? ?? 2000 Replace #VALUE!

PDJ Misys MSY.L LSE 4000 2.04 1963.2
PDJ British Telecom BT-A.L LSE 2000 2.78 718.8
PDJ BP BP.L LSE 2000 5.83 343.1
PDJ Microsoft MSFT Nasdaq 2000 28.66 69.8
Triptych Bloomsbury BMY.L LSE 2000 3.12 641.0
Triptych Interserve IRV.L LSE 2000 3.80 526.3
Triptych Tesco TSCO.L LSE 2000 3.94 508.3
Triptych Scottish Power SPW.L LSE 2000 6.54 306.0
Triptych Vedanta Resources VED.L LSE 2000 7.15 279.9
Bharti Airtel shows up as (BSE: BHARTI) in Business Week online this month, An, ranked 19 in 2005 in the Asian market, with sales of ($ millions) 2,519.8. It's gotta be out there somewhere!

I really want to try and keep BA in the mix, please. I'll change Hyundai Steel, even though it's just about to build two huge steel forges for Hyundai Automotive Industries and will turn over a further fortune. I'll change, reluctantly, for the much more unoriginal ADOBE SYSTEMS (Nasdaq: ADBE).

2,000 points on each company, please.

If I ABSOLUTELY cannot have Bharti, then I'll find something else off boring Nasdaq.
The JP Morgan ticker is JPM

JP Morgan Shareprice

I think Brian H wanted PBR on the NYSE, I cannot find them on the LSE. Here is their ticker:

Petreleo Brasiliero

Bobby's other stock is BKMA.L on the LSE, here is the link. I am not sure that it actively trades in London (no history available). It trades on the Muscat MSM30 index, but that is not allowed:

BK Muscat

Can't help you with Krizon's picks, they aren't on any allowable exchanges.
I think Brian H wanted PBR on the NYSE

If I can't have Petroleo Brasilio then I'll substitue Whitbread (WTB) on the LSE, but I'd prefer PBR.

Are the prices to be today's opening price or closing price?

And Cenkos is on AIM so is not allowable? (Andy Stewart made £46m when it floated yesterday)
Okay, if I can't have Bharti or Hyundai Steel (two major players in the international market), then please switch to IMPERIAL TOBACCO (koff, koff) - I don't know what its ticker number is. I don't even know what a ticker number is, so I can't help. I'm sure it'll be an allowed market, like ADOBE SYSTEMS (Nasdag ADBE, as I said above). Right, that's it.
Originally posted by BrianH@Nov 1 2006, 10:20 AM
And Cenkos is on AIM so is not allowable? (Andy Stewart made £46m when it floated yesterday)
What the hell's AIM when it's home, thought it was an Instant Messenger :P

For the third time then if Cenkos not allowed I'll go with Friends Provident.

Wouldn't this have been a lot easier just sticking to the FTSE ? :confused:
It would have been DG - but I do all my investing on Nasdaq and I thought the Irish Feckers would be argumentative if I discounted the ISEQ. What I didn't plan for was Krizon and her persistance on Indian telecoms and Korean steel.

Prices are at cob on Tuesday. I'll restate starting shares when I get a minute.

Latest Betting

BtB 1/8

12 Bar.
:lol: :lol: Does the phrase 'contrary old bird' spring readily to mind, dear AC? Are you just slightly losing the will to live, let alone persist with this folly of recalcitrant investors? Sorry - I think I picked out two hot shots there, and I hate to have to let 'em go just because they can't be found on Nasdaq or Footsy's radar. However, I'm sure Adobe will prove highly acrobatic in lepping ahead, and Imperious Backy will also roll up the profits. (I trust you at least enjoyed the puns?) xxx
AC's board hasn't changed yet with the corrections, Shadz, so get in there, gal! It'll make it fun to have as many on board as poss.