
If you have a summer horse, your going to have to run it now or not at all until next year. You can hardly expect it to dry out into October/November.

We have had an exceedingly wet Summer this Summer, same as last Summer and it will continue to get wetter. Long term we can all start breeding horses like the Germans for the heavy ground but in the mean time Dundalk is there and should be used. Most trainers won't break the the hearts of their summer ground horses on heavy ground at Galway or anywhere else.
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This was just one example, there have been numerous meetings where full fields have not been present leading to no balloting.

Yes there is a balloting problem, particularly for certain types of horses, but if your trainer knows the system horses do get in. It is these guys that complain about not getting into a race, yet they do not bloody go to look at the actual rules.
Lads, as someone who has a horse that needs soft ground, we had to go to Galway at the end of October last year to find any ground with give in it!! October and early November were very dry and the ground was good if I recall. We did not want to run him in Galway but had to ge tthe ground. There is nothing saying it won't be the same this year although September has been very wet and we are only a few days into it!! The way our weather is I wouldn't like to guess what the next two or three months will be like.
Lads, as someone who has a horse that needs soft ground, we had to go to Galway at the end of October last year to find any ground with give in it!! October and early November were very dry and the ground was good if I recall. We did not want to run him in Galway but had to ge tthe ground. There is nothing saying it won't be the same this year although September has been very wet and we are only a few days into it!! The way our weather is I wouldn't like to guess what the next two or three months will be like.

Tracks should start watering more....:D
One dreary June afternoon last year we were looking at the poor horses in the field and colm turned to me and said "you know its going to be firm when we want to run them". Apparently we get the same amount of rain each year within a small range and his view was that it would be dry late in the eyar. I reckon he is prob thinking the same now. When so much rain can fall and it just falls through Leopardstown!! Yielding ground after all that rain. Any long dry spell would be a disaster now. Can't you tell I'm off on hols so dont care what the weather is for the next three weeks!!
I shall deliberately not bite at that one!!!!

Interesting to see the contrast in the flat and NH tracks today at Folkestone on walking the course - not anywhere on the NH track would the official going (of soft, heavy in places) for the flat track even remotely apply. I'd have called it good to soft. The change in the going very much stood out on the flat track.

The delights of watering...
This was just one example, there have been numerous meetings where full fields have not been present leading to no balloting.

Yes there is a balloting problem, particularly for certain types of horses, but if your trainer knows the system horses do get in. It is these guys that complain about not getting into a race, yet they do not bloody go to look at the actual rules

You make it sound very simple.You will find that where there have not been full fields there are extenuating circumstances.Trainers don't decide to pass up opportunities for a run for no reason. Dundalk is a fair track for everyone and should be used more.
You make it sound very simple.You will find that where there have not been full fields there are extenuating circumstances.Trainers don't decide to pass up opportunities for a run for no reason. Dundalk is a fair track for everyone and should be used more.

Trainers decide to pass up opportunities for many reasons.

The rain has been pouring down for the last few weeks, trainers keep entering up their owners horses...not declaring to run, costing the owners money...yet soft/heavy ground has not been predictable??

Dundalk is not going to help the jumpers, most of the cancelled tracks have been jumping events.

I make it sound simple? Trust me there is not more that sounds simple than just saying "put on more races" when it is far the simpliest thing.
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The last meeting in Dundalk was inundated with entries,and 6 of the races had full fields and many others balloted, surely this demand must be met .
The whole flat card for Listowel is gone.

New fixture at Dundalk, details not announced yet.
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On the Ball.....:)

HRI has acted swiftly to replace the flat races lost at Listowel next week by putting on three additional meetings at Dundalk's all-weather track.
The replacement fixtures at Dundalk are on Monday 15th September, Friday (e) 19th September and Saturday 20th September.
Entries for Dundalk's Monday meeting will close by 12 noon on Thursday (tomorrow) with declarations to run to be made by 10 am on Sunday 14th September. The time of the first race will be 6.20 pm .