Battle Of The Forums

Very nice of you to say, Colin, though it would appear fellow forumite 'useful' is somewhat of a Doubting Thomas in this regard. C'est la guerre.

PS. There's a Welsh tenner (aka a shiny lump of coal) in the post for you. :D
Right guys its now of never for a fight back. This weekend coming hosts the final two days of the competition.

On Saturday its pairings again. The team of two players will allocated six races - 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Player A would make the selection in race 1
Player B in race 2
Player A in race 3 and so on.

The combined profit/loss of player A and B's selections to a 1 pt level stake would be their score. If they beat the score of the opposing team they get a point for their team.

On Sunday its reverts back to the single players choosing what ever race meeting and race they want.

Last week we had some no shows (for legitimate reasons for a couple of people as far as I know) so putting this up early so that people can let me know as soon as is possible if they are going to have a problem making the deadline.

So the pairings for Saturday are:

Gearoid sunybay

Betsmate trackside528

Chrisbeekracing Desperate Dan

Headstrong Irish Stamp

Melendez Shadow Leader

Bobbyjo Tout Seul

Then on Sunday in the single pairings...

2.Tout Seul
3.Bar the Bull
4.Uncle Goober
8.Desperate Dan
9.Irish Stamp
10.chrisbeekracing capall
12. Shadow Leader

Details of the races for Saturday will be provided later in the week.
Someone remind me in plenty of time - I'm going down to Berks for the w/e and as it's been a while [longest in five years I should think!] - I may be a bit distracted :rolleyes:
Originally posted by EC1@Feb 2 2008, 10:06 PM
are there any explanations why those that didn't take part...didn't take part...or was it couldn't be arsed??
I took part, but the choice of races last sunday was terrible. It doesn`t help that team selection obviously involves names in a hat picked at random Steve McLaren styley.
It doesn`t help that team selection obviously involves names in a hat picked at random Steve McLaren styley.

I would have thought it is even more unhelpful not to bother to actually read the rules to something that someone signed up to...but that and reasons why others never turned up is neither here nor there. Onwards and hopefully upwards.
Originally posted by Galileo@Feb 2 2008, 10:17 PM
I would have thought it is even more unhelpful not to bother to actually read the rules to something that someone signed up to
When i signed up for this the rules for day two were:

Day 2 - Leopardstown 27th Jan: AIG Champion Hurdle Day

Day 2 - Best ball - The 12 players each then play with one of their own team against a pair from the other team. Each member selects a horse meaning each forum has 2 selections per race. The best finisher from the two horses selected by each team counts. Effectively 6 'pairs' matches. Again SP decides the outcome.

Nothing about Kelso and Kempton there or that the races would be chosen for you.
I really cannot see why people cannot take part once they COMITTED to doing so...if you ain't got time or inclination then why bother posting.."I'm in" it really so hard to pick some horses out and post them? appears it's harder to do that than post some supposedly witty remark days afterwards...if a person has time and inclination to do that then surely there is time to post selections

Cormack and Galileo go to the trouble of organising the competition then folk just sh.t on it by not being arsed to

so it's just an internet competiton..why worry?...but folk have spent time organising it
I have to say that was a shock to me too as typically I don't look at race meetings further North than Leicester [well a few in Yorks if they are big ones!] as I know nothing about most of the horses, trainers or tracks!

Much easier to pick a meeting, pick a team, top score wins! - why make it so feckin complicated??

However having said I'd take part however belatedly, I'd be mortified to let the side down :what:

The past is the past, I got PM from other members explaining their situation and in fairness they are long standing members that would not be ones likely let us down unless something was up. So lets forget about that.


Yes the competition is not perfect but I am not going to take a lecture from someone who posted up his selections nearly an hour late and admitted to "just reading the rules". Yes there were changes to the races and tweaking of the rules but all those changes were put up on the Friday before lunch time. So that left everyone including the vast majority of TH members and all the TRF plenty of time to make their selections.

I don't want this to drop to a slagging match. Is the competition perfect and can it be worked on? Yes. But equally anyone taking part (it is of course optional) has to take a bit of responsibility too. So leave it at that.
Originally posted by Galileo@Feb 2 2008, 10:35 PM


Yes the competition is not perfect but I am not going to take a lecture from someone who posted up his selections nearly an hour late and admitted to "just reading the rules".
I read the original rules and didn`t know they had changed and that the meetings were picked for us. I`m working fifty hours a week at the moment so haven`t time to read every last bit of the forum.
Guys - I think most of the confusion arose betwen myself and Galileo having slightly different interpretations of the rules. I thought when we spoke, for example, about Leopardstown 'day' we were talking gernerally about racing that 'day', not specifically Leopardstown only.

There were another couple of other issues around the rules and scoring which we've now clarified. Perhaps the set-up was too complicated but we tried to make it a bit more interesting and put a bit of a novel spin on it.

Anyway - hopefully all is clear for day 3 but if not please post your queries so that Galileo or I can deal with it.

And remember - IT'S JUST A BIT OF FUN!
Really can't understand all the carping. It was the same for everyone. If someone like me who barely knows one end of a horse from the other can manage to deal with looking at Kempton and Kelso on the same day, surely anyone can. I rather like the fact that there are obscure races to look at as well as top ones - makes it more of a test and means that all of us will be looking at at least one race where we have no idea of the form.

I think its an excellent competition.
I won't be able to post any later than Friday evening - possibly Saturday morning at a push. Should be able to text changes in case of NRs and stuff though (depending on how sober I am...!!)
I was an unexcused absentee last time due to unforeseeable personal circumstances. I have apologised to our captain privately and I would fully understand if I was elbowed unceremoniously. Of course any hope of a comeback by TH would then become academic and fewer of you would get to back the bumper winner on Sunday.

Happily, despite his youth, Galileo is as wise as his namesake.